Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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>.< I agree with all of you. When he was leaving Alexx's work station, he looked like we was gonna cry! T^T I almost cried myself! WAHHHHHHH!
My speculation for Monday's ep on what job Ryan will be working is...hopefully back in the lab!

Otherwise he could be moonlighting at the gun range and working as a bartender.
Shadow, Ali, Inge...holy crap the old gangs all in here..*squeels*

The look Ryan had on his face when he was leaving made me almost cry too and I tried to give him a hug but my tv is too big. Odd job of the week if he's not back in the lab as a csi, hhmmm let me think. Maybe this week the prosecutor will hire him to work for them and get him back on the right side of the team at least. Or he could be a caddy for a golf course or a golf ball fetcher or washer...who knows.
Ooo, working at a club even. Then he could wear a tight, sleeveless, black shirt that shows off those wonderful muscles. :D

Or he could be a bouncer! :eek:

Oh, and tight black pants to go with the shirt. ;)

Happy belated birthday Shadowfax!
Thanks, Inge!! I've missed you too! And I'm still computer-less, so I haven't been online much either. :(

Ali, I got your e-mail and the 'presents'! The cake was yummy and no calories since it's virtual, hehe... Thanks so much for remembering my b-day! Sorry I haven't responded. I will soon, I promise! ;)

Twiz said:
Shadow, Ali, Inge...holy crap the old gangs all in here..*squeels*
Hey, now... Who are you calling old? :p J/K!! *squeals along with you* It's great to see everyone back, even if only for a moment. :D

Eeee! Athlov, thanks for the Ryan pic! He's sooo cute in there with that lopsided grin... reminds me of a certain Cuban's smile. *cough* *wink* *cough* ;) But I won't get into that here 'cause it's the wrong thread. I can't tell you how many times I paused that scene and replayed it over and over in slow motion. What can I say? I'm in love with the hottie. :devil: Shhh! Don't tell my hubby! :devil: And thanks for the horse picture. I guess you know where my name comes from. ;)

Anyway, about Ryan... I'm glad to see that his colleagues miss him too as much as he misses the team. I look forward to the episode that brings Ryan back to the lab as a CSI again. I just hope they won't wait until the finale to do it. There wasn't much Ryan time last episode, and the look on his face just makes you want to hug him. You can really tell he misses his job and the team.
:eek: Tight black pants & a tight black shirt - oh my! :p

Ryan as a bouncer....that would make for an interesting side job. Then they could find his fingerprints on stuff and Delko can blame him again. Did we talk about this already? I am a bit behind.
I read a fanfic where Ryan was a model for a gun catalogue. That could be his new odd job. There would be lots of orders from that catalogue! :eek:

There was another fic that I read (called The Odd Job) where he was working for a phone service. One of those that you call to chat to a nice young man, you know. :devil: Not that I ever have, but the idea of calling to find Ryan on the other end of the line... :p

Ryan as a bouncer. :) I like that idea. That would be a club I'd like to get thrown out of!
Hey guys haven't been on forever. My computer likes to be stupid. Love all the pics I've seen. Thanks to everbody who's posted those. I love em. I would love to see tight black pants and a tight black shirt. Oh my. that would be the best eip ever.
yup i couldn't agree more.have you guys noticed how ryan wolfe likes to wink-like a lot,examples are in backstabbers(twice),cyber-lebrity(once to the girl he was protecting)n i just noticed it today that he winked with his left eye(the above were with his right eye i think)at the guy who worked at some lab n b4 that he said something like we'll get you n then he winked at him(i nearly squeled) :lol:.it was so cute.btw the episode was silencer and he winked about 30 to 45minits into the episode.oh yeah b4 i forget,i was also watching a episode of csi n in this episode Nick Strokes spoke spanish-like a lot to the suspect n he also shouted in spanish n at that point i thought to myself how sexy/hot would it be if ryan wolfe spoke spanish..evenmore if he shouted to the suspects in spanish to get his point across.brr..that would be too sexy.. :devil: :lol:
just my two cents worth..please tell me what you all think
although i had to write about ryan speaking in spanish much less shouting in spanish..sexy! :lol: :)
yes, he winks very often and I like it. ;)

I saw 'Darkroom' today and I liked this episode. Ryan had a nice amount of screen time in it.
The scenes between Natalia and him were nice. It showed that he cared about her. It was an improvememt to last weeks episode (High Octane) where he was very rude to her. In High Octane he was still frustrated about the mole story, but IMO 'Darkroom' changed his opinion towards her.
I also liked that he felt sorry for the girl with the Stockholm syndrom.
well we know for a fact that he knows spanish....in the S4 ep i think it was From The Grave he translated what the Mala Noche snipers were saying to each other. but he's never spoken it. the only chracters on the team who we have heard speak spanish are Eric, Calleigh, Horatio, and Yelina
Ugh, his part tonight was so small that I completely missed it. I heard the TV from the bedroom, and by the time I heard his voice and got out there, he was gone. :(

I'll have to re-watch the ep.

~31days until I'm due!~ :D
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