Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Merry Christmas!

I think one of the reasons that I like Ryan's character so much is that his emotions do show through in everything that he does. When he was talking to the boy who shot his brother in No man's Land, he was so moved! I'm sure that what happened with the boy resonated with something that had happened to him. It was just never explained. A gift to the fanfic writer, though. :D

Lovely pics! Thank you, everyone! And, you're welcome, Kat! I hope you had a good birthday. :D
Merry Christmas to those celebrating! Hope everyone had a great day! :)

AliGtr said:
I think one of the reasons that I like Ryan's character so much is that his emotions do show through in everything that he does.

That's a really good point. Despite all the drama that has surrounded his character, he is a really genuine person and is passionate about everything he does. I guess that's why I like him so much, too...well, besides the obvious. ;)

I wish we knew more about him and his family, too. I know that we have talked about the end of Shootout and how Ryan appeared to have such a connection, almost hinting that something similar has happened in his life, so hopefully we'll get to see more of that and get some answers sometime soon. That was on my season 6 wishlist (along with everyone else's wish to see him with no shirt, but that's another story... ;)), so maybe that will come true soon. Lord knows we haven't gotten as much Ryan screen time this season, so maybe they'll make up for it that way.

But I dunno, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for posting those, Sara!
In the first one, he's soo handsome but looks really short.
The second is funny...and a little scary :lol:
And the third one brings back so many funny SU2 moment memories. Have they start playing the re-runs of SU2 yet?
You're welcome.

:lol: Tis true!

Also looking at the second one closer I noticed that his suit has a fuzzy texture to it and Justin's doesn't. Anyone else want to rub the suit? :devil: :D
wolfesgamergirl said:
Also looking at the second one closer I noticed that his suit has a fuzzy texture to it and Justin's doesn't. Anyone else want to rub the suit? :devil: :D

*raises hand*
I'm in!
But yeah, I noticed that, too. Looks like it might be corduroy or velvet or something...either way, it looks good on him. Very touchable... ;)
His suit doesnt have to be fuzzy for me to want to rub him :lol:

I kind of miss SU2, could you imagine them making new episodes with Jon now? Do you think he would still be so goofy? :lol: Its funny to think about.
The suit is a nice touch, in more ways than one. ;)

I've never seen SU2, so sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.
The 3rd pic you posted is a screencap from Special Unit 2. Its a show on Scifi but its just re-runs now (havent seen them running in a while though). Jon plays a sort of like detective assistant/lab geek and he is so adorkable. It was like 3 or 4 years ago so he looked a little younger and so cute! He had this like silly cute voice and was so dorky. You have to watch it somehow :lol:
Sounds interesting but not so much that I would run out to see it. Thanks very much for the description though. :)

Perhaps I will YouTube his parts and see from there.
I haven't seen SU2 either, so I'll have to see if there's a way to watch it. Youtube has pretty much everything, so that's definitely worth a try, wolfesgamergirl.
Thanks for posting the link. Those of you who havent seen it have to watch it! I remember recording in like every Tuesday (I think.. :D) and then watching and laughing so much. If you ever get a chance to watch a full episode watch "The Piper" (Or whatever its called). He is so adorable because its about like an evil childrens show and Jon was actually dancing in one scene :lol:

Back to Ryan though...Since we have seen his syle change between seasons, do you think its going to change anymore or are they just sticking to the suits mostly? I hope they dont, I want them to give them some of Adam/Eric's shirts sometime.

I saw a picture on Jon's myspace of him wearing this like tight long sleeve shirt. Dang, that guy is buffed so let him wear those shirts on tv, Please! What do you guys think?
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