Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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HoratioStalker said:
last Monday's ep right at the end in the scene in H's office. He said so much without saying a word about how much he had screwed up and let himself down as well as his team.

I agree. The emotions running through his mind were clearly written on his face.
I also like the small smile he made after H gave him the 'in your blood' speech.
(Reminds me of 'Legal' and the scene between him and Calleigh in the morgue with the dead young girl)
Horatio also reminds him he shouldn't work agains his co-workers, he should work with them.

The only thing missing is that someone should ask him about the gambling.

I hope to read tomorrow morning (my time) about a new Ryan who is nice and sweet and doesn't want to outrival his co-workers.
If I were Calleigh or Eric, I would give him all the odd jobs, for example dumpster diving. :lol:
(I'm mean, I know ;))
oh i hope we get lots of Ryan!!!! and i liked the part of him last monday with Alexx. i liked how he saved her :D and then when she came back and they had their little welcoming back talk :D it was so cute :D
athlov I love that "not with my Togo" that´s so cute :D
I like the good friendship Jonathan and Emily have, they will have a lot of fun, behind the scene.

Ryan was great in the last episode, and Alex calling him "hero" and his smile just totally cute.
More of hero Ryan! :lol:
inge said : I also like the small smile he made after H gave him the 'in your blood' speech.
(Reminds me of 'Legal' and the scene between him and Calleigh in the morgue with the dead young girl)

I agree w/ ya I loved the look on his face and I really hope that they let us in on the big secret of why it's in his blood. I read that they offered Ronnie Woods the part of playing Uncle Ron, so I'm "speculatiing" that maybe if we're lucky we will get a Uncle Ron story line and I have a feeling he had it in his blood too. JMO..
OMFG!!! That video was hilarious!!!!! "whenever Rex and I are in a scene together i look like Frodo" OMG!!!!! :lol: i love Jon's sense of humor!!!! LOL!!!!
Togo is awesome at using his emotions to speak volumes in scenes. He can go from happy to almost crying in the span of the wp. Makes me admire him even more!
I really have to go but I couldn't resist coming on here and giving my comments. Jon looked great tonight, Im so glad he is back. Notice how when Ryan was back fully, Jake wasnt seen at all? Makes me think about something :lol:

Anyone think that he outfit clashed though? The orange with the blue suit? :lol: I would be glad to hear your thoughts too! Bye :D
Jon looked sooo hot last nite i was so glad to see all the screen time he got and he looks good in orange and many other colors.i agree was ILuvJonathanTogo about the Jake thing. can't wait till next Monday to see more of Ryan/ Jon
I was glad they brought back the orange t-shirt!! :D

It was refreshing to not see Jake and get more Ryan. I love the line where Ryan asked Frank if he needed help with reading. Made me laugh as I have missed thier banter scenes.

Can't wait for more next week!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMFG!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! I loved how Frank called him "his favorite dust monkey" LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: that was great!!!!! and i loved what he was wearing!!!! and his hair!!!!! OMFG that man is so sexy!!!! *drools* and he had so much screen time!!!!! *squee*
I think TPTB are trying to make up for before. He was awesome! It was so funny all the joking around with Frank, him getting teased by Calleigh.....almost like he didnt miss anytime with them. Oh and the season 5 DVD came out. The Togo extras make the purchase worth it!
I was laughing so hard when he was talking lab tech and evidence stuff with the real people! And I can't wait to hear Jon on the commentary! :D
lol. The one episode I don't bother watching was good? I guess I won't watch next week either and it'll be awesome. :rolleyes: I want to watch another show, anyway.
I probably won't be getting the DVDs until Christmas, so I have to wait for the behind-the-scenes-Togo. :( I don't know, unless I can convince hubby to buy them early for me...

I want to screen capture the eps, and if I wait until after the baby is born, then I'll have very little time. If he would buy them for me now, then I'd have something to pass the time until baby is here. This last week has felt like two weeks - time is going so sllllllloooooooow.

I updated my webpage though. I decided to just go ahead and put the smaller version caps on there and then add the bigger DVD caps when I get the DVDs. I got season 5 done and I'll do what we have of season 6 next. That shouldn't take too long since he's barely been in this season. :rolleyes:

Season 5

If you find any errors please send me a PM. I'm sure there are things I still need to fix, but I'm just too tired right now to do anything about it. The whole thing's probably held together by duct tape anyway. :p
The caps are lovely! Thanks a bunch for all of them.

And just remember, duct tape and bailing wire can fix just about anything. ;)
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