Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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I have to tell you that I totally agree with what Twiz said. I didn't get that joking vibe from Frank at all during that scene. Only because of their last encounter.

Oh and Need4Speed - I spit seltzer water through my nose from laughing when I saw your new avatar. That is some funny shiz.....
Since Ryan got fired then rehired I think Frank has just been scared it'll happen again. He was close to Ryan and to find out that he didn't even know what was going on threw him for a loop.

I just got done reading CSI Miami: Harm For The Holidays Misgivings book, and there is a ton of Ryan in it, so I HIGHLY recommend. But in there Frank and Ryan are bantering back and forth working on their case. I just wish that was how it was on the show. And yes I know the authors for the books are quite different from the writers for the show.
sorry, sorry, I only saw a bunch of clips. :(
Maybe I understand the context better when I'm watching the whole episode and in my own language. so, you will hear from me about the episode again (in one year).:p

I saw the episode with the luminol accident today. It was very, very painful to watch. :rolleyes:
Hi everyone! :D *waves*

I agree with inge about the luminol thing. I knew what was going to happen, and I found myself growling at the screen that he should listen to Valera and have the camera switched off. His face when he realised what he'd done was so... cross with himself, humiliated, heart-breaking - any of those!

I loved the "dust monkey" thing. I thought that Frank was poking fun at him because Frank had got a promotion and Ryan was back at the bottom of the heap again. It seemed good natured to me. He's my favourite dust monkey, anyway. :p :D

Is the Harm for the Holidays book the one with all the Santas in it? There's a lot of good Ryan & Frank banter in that. :D
Hey Ali - good to see you around here! I cringed at that luminol scene as well......grrrrr

I don't have any of the books - but I might to get some! I hear they are good.
Awe Inge, I'm sorry it will be so long before you get to see it.
Like everything on the show everyone sees something different and forms their own opinions, like ships. We all see what maybe we want to see with them...
The luminal thing pissed me off so badly. COME on he has a major in genetics he's should have known better and for TPTB to do that was stupid to me. BUT, I guess they were making a statement on how Ryan can get carried away w/ things while being on camera..IDK..I did scream at the tv during it...

*Waves to Ali* good to see you again... I agree I loved the Dust Monkey nickname...wow Ryan has gotten so many kewl nicknames already this season...wolverine and now Dust Monkey. I can think of a few nick names I'd call him but this is pg 13 up in here.. :devil:
I love the caps. I loved the dust monkey. Ryan has gotten some great nicknames this seasons. haha. I still like wolverine better. hahha.
yeah he has!! first there's "Wolverine" and now "Dust Monkey" .....i personally like Wolverine :devil: it gives him a bad boy edge....and you remember what Ryan said about women being attracted to bad boys? well he was right :devil:
Ok so it's Miami FLORIDA and he is wearing....

Button down shirt
with a sweater OVER it
with a blazer OVER THAT


And I am glad that he is back but still not many scenes tonite.

opened her big mouth yet again to a family member about the killer and there was bloodshed AGAIN on the front steps of the lab!!! GRRRRRRRRR
I am so with you on that Rack..Good Grief he would be sweating his balls off, if it were really Miami. I lived 1/2 hr from Miami and I could barely wear long sleeves down there. The ep was better then last week but not as great as I thought it would be. Not enough Ryan screentime but getting a little better.
Why do they keep putting Ryan in odd things? He and Delko both had blazers on but that lime green sweater vest..that has got to go!

And Natalia is serioulsy going to get her self fired...and I hope that come soone. Then Ryan can get more sceen time! :D
Ryan/Jon looked really really hot tonite loved his hair.He looked so cutie in that Lime Green shirt looked kind of like something old Ryan would wear.
You know I could almost handle the lime green sweater.....but not with a jacket.....please. He looked like a 80's experiment gone WRONG. Overall I thought the epsiode was ok.....but it just seemed to be lacking. It was nice to see Ryan interacting with both Cal & Eric.
The family was in pants and t-shirts...why is Ryan all covered up? We know he can wear a t-shirt well, why not let us experience that with the limited screen time we have been getting?

Did the jumping to black and back to the scene bother anyone else? I thought the tv was going to explode. But we did get a Ryan butt shot, can't wait for that and other caps! :)
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