Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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yeah they definitly probably won't just get rid of him cuz seriously some news about him getting kicked off the show or something would have probably leaked out by now so i'm thinking on the positive side about this
of course he will i mean they can't get rid of him that would be like inhumane or some other word for cruel lol i'm keeping up hope! I just watched a really good ep of csi miami season 1's "Body Count" you really see horatio's emotional side when he found the little girl and thought she was dead he looked like he was gonna cry :(
anyways back to jon/ryan i'm happy he accepted me as his friend on myspace YAY!!!
I'm sure ryan will still be on the show and sooner or later get his job back as csi. I'm sure if Togo was leaving the show we would know about it. Like I said before I just hope they don't have him doing some lame job or being whiney or kissing Stetler's ass to get his job back. I think he's proved himself time and time again that he is a good csi and deserves the job. Plus getting rid of the cutest thing on the show would be suicide for the show..I wouldn't watch it anymore...
Well in my opinion I thnk that maybe they'll start Ryan how Natalia started, as a lab tech. And then maybe he can build up his trust with IAB and all the other losers that control. And yea getting rid of him that would be a bad idea and the show would turn into the worst show in the world. But Ryan as a Medical Helper would be weird esecially since it seems as if he doesn't really like medical stuff. (i.e. 'Pirated' I beleive it is when Alexx cuts the victims head off)
OMG i just watched "No man's Land" for the first time and i bawled!! That was the most depressing ep i've seen so far when they showed ryan looking at the dead 11 yr old he looked like he was gonna cry making me cry and then when the older brother admitted to shooting the little boy that made me cry cuz of the whole ryan looking all sad again and the little boy scared about being in trouble then the part i really cried at was when eric was shot even though i know he was gonna be ok it still made be bawl!!! man that episode was so tense how can they just leave you hanging at the end?!!!
'No Man's Land' was an incredibly emotion filled episode. Ryan was very emotional. That was the episode that made us think if maybe that was what Ryan was hiding from his past. See, we know that something had to happen to Ryan in the past and the show isn't giving us much clues or anything at all to tell us what happened. So when we saw how he was reacting to the shooting of the little boy, we thought that maybe that was a clue so we wen't crazy over that :lol:. I can't wait for you to see 'Man Down' :)It's even better than 'No Man's Land'.

Yeah, I also think that if Ryan is going to be working again that they shouldn't give him some embarresing job. He is a fabulous cop and CSI and no other job will suit him better. It's what he needs to do. I'd rather them not give him a job until they decide to make him a CSI again. I would be incredibly sad if they took Ryan off the show or didn't get him back on the team for awhile. He is the show, to me atleast. Well... I probably would still watch the show even if he wasn't on it but It definatly wouldn't be one of my favorites anymore.

I think that was a relatively long post, Got to go now and sleep :lol:
Hey! I have really good news to tell you. The only reason as to why he hasn't gotten back to me yet is because he's been busy filming in Miami all last week. The thing is: I see that he has signed into his page,and still no response. :(

What do think? Will he ever get around to messaging me back? I sent him those two messages. I mean I haven't been messaging him three times a day or anything, it was a week apart that I sent those two messages. That's not bad right?
OMG is he still in miami where's he at? *not stalking* oh well it doesn't matter i live in florida but miami is pretty far from me my mom would never take me lol but is he still down here?
I use to live in Ft. Lauderdale near miami many many years ago....way before csim. BUt I loved Miami it was really a great place to visit and if I ever had the chance I'd love to go back to see it, even if togo and the cast wasn't there. Them being there would be a plus. I dont think they are still in miami, they were there last week filming, pretty sure they are back now.

NO man's land was an awesome ep full of sadness. Ryan almost had me in tears a few times then Delko..well yeah that was just too much to take.
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