Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Hey guys, look what I found :D

Oh Yeeees Please :)
Thank you so much for the photos everyone! Totally worth seeing ;)

Now I wish I could watch SU2, because Jonathan seems to be so different from Ryan, and I would love to see a lighter side of him, or simply something different *imagines Jon playing the bad guy* :rolleyes:

I already missed this little boxes...
"Meanwhile, Ryan goes to speak to Alexx. She apologizes for not returning his phone call. When Alexx asks him why he came, Ryan tells her that he is looking for a job as an ME's Investigator." Taken from the CSIfiles article. I believe it's the first new we hear of Ryan in the spoilers of this season. I had no idea that Alex had refused a phone call from him, but I am glad that they're going to talk and possibily get their great relationship back :rolleyes: I am then imgining something like Ryan working there for a day and then quit because that's not 'in his blood':lol: Or maybe Alex never accepts him and tells him to go to talk with Horatio or something, or just finding a way of putting him back in the crime lab. I don't know, but I 'think' I hope that he goes back to the team, and doesn't stay in the ME. The good thing is that things with Alex seem to be in the right direction now
Sarah - since you are not using it anymore I will! LOL

ilovejontogo4evr - you got it to work!

I have not seen all of SU2 yet......so most of those scenes don't look familiar....I wonder if I should get a tub of popcorn and have a SU2 marathon tonight instead of playing with photoshop??
It's really good Kat, it's just that I've been looking for a Psych icons for awhile and I finally found some :)

I have not seen all of SU2 yet......so most of those scenes don't look familiar....I wonder if I should get a tub of popcorn and have a SU2 marathon tonight instead of playing with photoshop??
Thats a tough choice, but I vote for SU2. You can always do both. Just play with photoshop during the day, watch SU2 at night :) I admit though sometimes I get scared after I watch SU2 and I go to bed. :lol:

Great pic Angeline, I don't think I've seen that one before, thanks for posting :)

Im off to get the banners ready for the contest, about 4 more hours until I can post them :D
Oh I didn't think you didn't like it! I just figured I would use it instead! :lol:

Hard to use photoshop during the day when I am at work. :eek:

Cool - will have to get on later to look at those banners.
yeah the pics not very big but i zoomed in to make sure it was him and it is so yeah .. and how will you have a SU2 marathon where tv or do you have the seasons or something
They were showing like 3 epsiodes at a time late at night so I taped them all and the ones I have not seen yet are on my DVR.
hey guys. i won't be here for a week because i'm going to summer camp. but it'll be woth it seeing as three of my counselors are uncanny look-a-likes to Speed, Ryan and Eric. and get this! the one who looks like Eric, well his name is Eric too! and all three of them are huge fans of the show!!! how awesome is that!?!?
Katbug, Have fun watching all those episodes, I hope we have lots to laugh about tomorrow :)

Need, Have a great time at camp, I know you will because you'll be surronded by gorgeous guys :)

Guys, Im seriously really anxious right now. There's this one radio contest and I'm entered for the grand prize and if I win, Im supposed to get a phone call sometime in the next hour or so. :lol: So that was incredibly Off Topic.

Im think of getting a picture on my phone of Jon and making the wallpaper for it. So everytime I flip open my phone, there he is :)
imagines Jon playing the bad guy

that would be very interesting. ;)
I hope that someday I'm able to watch a movie with him at the cinema. but maybe he fits better in romantic comedies. I mean, look at this cute face, no one would believe him that he's the bad guy. :lol:

I have such a bad, bad feeling. It's good and interesting that he isn't rehired so quickly, but it's totally nerve-wracking. I hope he will be back during the November Sweeps as a CSI. I can't imagine Ryan as a ME investigator. We all know how often he was disgusted from an autopsy. I want him to be back as a CSI and not something else. *pouts*

:( :rolleyes:
I agree, he's too dang cute and loveable to be the bad guy :D

Me too! If he isnt back as a CSI, I will be so very sad :( He needs to be a CSI, its what he was born to do, not throw up everyday because he's trying to be close to the team and the only way he can is to help the ME. Horatio needs to help him out, atleast one more time. Get him back on the team. If TPTB don't put him back on the team, they just made on big fan cry :(
Ugh this fustrates me!
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