Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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that would be interesting...and they do show speedle's name on the locker in under the influence when Ryan first walks in to get his locker, maybe ur right, we'll just have towait till september to see... sniffles...

one more month and I'm going to die, I swear...
I think they showed Speed's locker to show how Ryan skips over his perfectly good locker to use the beat down, slightly ajar, never perfectly closed locker. I think they showed it just to show that Ryan is there not to replace Speed, but to simply do what he wants to do, what he was born to do; solve crime using his chemistry degree and his keen observations.

I don't think he has any relations to any of the others, but I could see how that would be an interesting storyline. It's just too much of a story line, and we've progressed to far into a different direction.
Thats interesting too. I really don't think that he is related to anyone on the team. I think when he says "its in his blood", he just means he's a natural...but when I think about it more, If its "In his blood" then a family member had to be a cop or CSI. Gosh I confuse myself so much!! I wish they would shed some light on this so we or atleast I could stop hurting my head :lol:
Tonight was a rerun of 'Shootout' on my TV and of course I watched it. I could watch the Ryan scenes in this episode over and over again.

I think when I'm frustrated with Ryan during season 5 (and I'm sure I will) than I should watch Shootout again to remeber the good old times.

I think when he says "its in his blood", he just means he's a natural
That's also my interpretation. ;)
Aww Shoutout was on? Lucky you. Thats like the sweetest episode (well parts of it).
Thats what I should have done when I was fustrated with Ryan in S5. I just hope that he doesnt have anymore fustrating moments in S6. He has caused us enough and I think Ryan has gotten a big storyline, maybe its someone elses turn, like Calleigh's :lol:.
Of course I would like to see a lot of Ryan but it seems like his only storylines are bad ones, like where he is in trouble.
Happy B-day heather, party it up it's your big day..

When H said that it was in his blood I really thought he meant that he had a relative that was in some kind law enforcement, most likely a csi. When they brought up he had an Uncle Ron my first thought was that he was who H was referring to. It sounded like his uncle had something wrong with him, like maybe alhiemer or maybe he was shot in the head and hurt in the line of duty. JMO..I'm really hoping that one day they will explain his relationship with his uncle because they seemed close. I'll be very upset if we never get to meet Uncle Ron and learn more about him.

Inge I agree with you, just rewatch Ryan with a baby and you'll forget all about the dumb stuff he does in that season, which is a lot...
Happy Birthday Heather!
Have a great one
Just thought Id drop that off :)

Oh... And this too

Im so excited to see what his style is for S6. I was daydreaming yesterday about his style. I pictured him with like long hair, like to his shoulders!! Woah...scary thought... He could probably pull it off though :lol:
Hope your B-day was awesome!!!

anyways...just watched "High Octane" rerun on CBS. it was so awesome! Jon is just 2 sexy 4 words!!!
Thanks Twiz, I'll take two kisses, To Go. Thanks to everyone for the warm birthday wishes, and fantastic photos of Ryan. My birthday has just officically started 47 minutes ago. So, I have a long day of partying, er, celebrating To Go.

Ryan with a baby? Ryan with a baby could almost cure all of his mistakes. Almost.

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to meeee. Happy birthday to me. (psst. I'm a little hyper.)
You have a right to be hyper, Its your birthday! :)

Now, On to Jon...Anyone watch SU2 lately?
I thought I saw all the episodes but I guess not because I recorded from last week, two episodes I never saw! Jon was such a dork in these but so darn cute :)

There was one scene where Jon really wanted to go on their stake-out and the boss wasnt letting him. It was like
Jon: Can I come...please?
Boss: No Jonathan
Nick, Kate and the Boss(I just like to call him Boss because I can never remember his name :lol:) were talking
Jon cuts in
Jon: I'll be like the invisible man!
Boss: Jonathan, do I have to hurt you?

:lol: It was so hilarious :)
Oh, was that the episode with the piper? If it was, I loved that episode. I kept cracking up at Jon's antics in that one. Another great one was where he was in the 'precinct' late at night pretty much alone, and he plays with one of the guns. :lol: My other favourite is the one were he nonchalantly gets his crush to kiss him. Ah, good episodes, good times.
It wasnt the piper one but I do like that one! Especially when Jon does a little dance in his chair when the song comes on :lol:

Yeah, the one where he fires the gun in the office place was so funny. He was like "Sorry...Sorry" :lol:

But the one I was talking about was the Jack The Ripper one. The one with he ogre...anyways it was pretty funny :D
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