Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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what do you guys think Ryan's style is going to be for S6?

I would like to see more t-shirts too and I liked the jeans/shirt combination.
We had only one T-shirt episode in season 5. :eek:
The suits are fine, but I like the casual look more. ;)
maybe he'll have longer hair, like what's in style now.
I miss his t-shirts...sniff. Maybe his caracter(sp?) is getting more self-conchence (sp? again) i.e. the suits
Ryan is a very ambitious person. There is nothing wrong with that. If you were trying to get somewhere in that profession, you would probably were a suit. He might also be trying to emulate Horatio, who he sees as very professionally successful. Even his enemies respect Horatio unless they have more social standing like a judge or wealthy person.
oo lovely pics!!! thank u for sharing them......anyways guys im goin away for almost a whole week and won;t b able to come on, or even watch any episodes...i am going to Logan West Virginia(from Canada) , and leave at around 6:30am.which means no Ryan Wolfe :(.oh well ill be doing something that is important...anyways you all take care and make sure you get some some Ryan goodness for my filling lol..another thing anyone from Logan??
Take Care!!
Oh, are we talking about Ryan's look on season 6? I don't really care much about his hair, I think he doesn't look bad with any of them, but not really long when spiky is better, IMO. About clothes, he looks good in a suit, but I like when Ryan doesn't seem so concerned and so strict, so I do appreciate a more casual look...But he can still wear suits, which I think he will at least in the first episodes considering that he must earn everyone's respect and trust again, I guess :rolleyes: Anyway, as long as he doesn't appear with anything like Eric in "High Octane" :eek:, I think I can live with it ;)

Speaking of "High Octane", I saw that episode this week for the first time. I am disappointed with Ryan, I never thought he would be one to let some reporter follow his steps everywhere. It must be so annoying, I can't think of a reason why Ryan needed that...Oh well :rolleyes:
On another side, and though for some reason I can't remember this part of the episode really well, I have the feeling that Ryan should have been nicer with Natalia when they were talking/working in the lab.She had to explain herself with the mole story again and stuff...But I don't really think he meant to be unpleasant in that situation :rolleyes:
The scene with the hydraulics(sp?) was kind of funny, but poor Natalia :lol: I mean, and stupid thing was he first analized, then apologized. I feel like he did it just because he had to :rolleyes: I don't know, but I think in general he could and should have been nicer to Natalia in this episode. I guess he is still a little hurt by what she did but...

Have fun in vacations Wolfe_Angel ;)
Hey there,

I was just told by someone, who was actually told by someone else, that Jon Togo's myspace page isn't really his, and that it's really run by a friend of his. :( Oh well.

I guess that I will never receive a personally signed picture from him huh? I mean I sent a letter to the csi:miami venue and to his fan mail address; nothing yet. I really, really, really give up.

The strange thing is though? The message I got was signed jt. I am really confused here.
About the myspace...

I'm not sure, and I'm saying that becuase I don't know the dude and I'm not making any promises, but trust me, it's his. This is because his friend "mike" is his dad I'm pretty sure. Look at "mike"'s pics... also, on IMDB, and a bunch of other places, it says that his parents names are michael and shelia.

check it out, I'm not sure... :)
Sweet_Fantasy said:
once of my theories as that maybe he's calleighs brother. I know this sounds weird, but he didn't even introduce himself to calleigh in his first case, and they were already acting like brother and sister, for instance, when he said that he "Sacraficed his lunch" when he threw the roast beef at the gator, they seemed like they knew each other forever, and were just reuniting.

The obvious flirting that went on during S4 would not have happened had they been that closely related ;) At least I have never looked at my brothers that way... :D
Stephanie please dont post just one little thing. The Mods might give you a warning :)

I guess they cant be bro and sis. At first I considered it but then Annwn pointed out that there has been some flirting so, well they could be brother and sister but that would be really strange, not to mention wrong ;)
haha, I know, I was just thinkin, I thought that maybe that was it because I couldn't really think of anything else. I also thought that he might be like, another one of yelina's sons... Just a thought...
yeah i don't think he and Calleigh are related. way too much flirting. which is fine for me! love the flirting! (sorry CaRWash ranting over) maybe he could be Yelina's son. he does look an awful lot like Ray. but then again isin't Ryan from Mass? he went to college there and he does have a Bostonian accent (in Dead Air it's really noticable when he picked up his cell and said "This is Wolfe, here."
so i don't think he's Yelina's son. you know what would be cool though? is if he was Speed's brother. oh wait that wouldn't work. Speed's only brother is 13 years younger than he is. maybe he could be his cousin or something. that would make an interesting plot. what do you all think?
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