Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Wow, Thats one Smoken pic you got there Kat!
Thanks, now we need some spriklers or something because its really hot in here :lol:

Could you guys picute Jon/Ryan with long hair? I cant really, whenever I try-I just laugh and laugh :lol:
ewww.. he's not the type to have long hair lol i really like his season 3 and 5 hair season 4 is good to but 3 is my fave he looks younger and sweeter but i also like his tough side season 4 i can't decide he's just soooooooooooooo hot!!!!!
Hey thanks Yoshi for letting us know :) I went and voted.

Im going to get Paint Shop Pro in a few days, once I do, Ill use a pic of Jon and put semi-long hair on him. It will be a nice(hopefully) treat for you gals :)
ok thanx you guys will not believe what i did today! i was driving home with my mom from the store and i was gonna say "We should get a hummer like the one's in CSI Miami" instead i accidentally said "We should get a Horatio" i can't believe I did that lol it was so embarrasing
gotta go CSI MIAMI IS ON!!!
Hey Guys. I just watched some more SU2. Jon was as always such a cutie :) I wonder how many takes they do when Jon has a scene because he says some pretty difficult scientific...stuff :lol: Believe it or not, I saw some Ryan in him; There was one scene where he was being serious and not such a dork :lol:
I was literally cracking up at one point where the "Boss Man" was like Jon, do some more research.
Jon: But how!! We have nothing to go on!
Boss gives look
Jon: I will sure find a way!! :lol:
Boss(To Nick): Sometimes I think that Jonathan needs a swift kick in the rear
Nick: Among other places
:lol: :lol: Jons so adorkable :D
ILuvJonathanTogo, I think you've found a way to cure summer drought! Watch Jon in SU2, and call me in the morning, ;)
Good idea!!!! and he's so Adrokable on SU2. I just hope that when the new season premiers that Ryan is a CSI again. i miss calling him Sexy CSI. :(
Yes i do like Rory better but that doesn't mean i can't like Jon too. and i told you that i liked them all for different reasons. Speed is a sarcastic rebel bad boy who is damn sexy and rides an awesome motorcycle. Jon is a nice guy who is sexy and funny and he has that boy next door look. Adam is funny and he's sexy too, who doesn't like a cuban in a tight wetsuit?. David is just one of those guys who just amazes you and i think he is sexy also. so does that clean up the confusion?

so does that answer your question?
oh, and by the way? i don't want to like rory. you told me in the myspace message that i should like rory? well, sorry to say this, but i don't really.

by the way? i think togo is DANG sexy. mmmmm boy.
don't take it personally. i only did that cause i like messing with my good friends. i say things like that knowing they'll dissagree and i just be like "lol i know you don't like him i just like messin with you :)"
Okay guys, Lets not be starting anything in here :)

We each can have our own favs, but in this thread we are just discussing Ryan/Jon.

Here's a little topic for you guys, I've been wondering this lately. Where do you guys think Jon shops? Do you think he goes to designer stores or is he the modest Wal-Mart shopper?
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