Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Just dropping in to wish my favorite little Dutch Girl a Happy Sweet 16 Birthday....

Ryan hopes it's a great Birthday........

I just read that Adam Rodriguez (sp) is filming a new movie up in Canada during his hiatus, I wonder if Togo will be donig anything....anything at all. It seems like he isn't into doing interviews or side shows. I've been reading interviews with everyone else but him...He must just be loving his vacation time.
Dutchie said:
Happilyhappy said:
You know, that photo of Ryan holding the diaper bag is even cuter than Ryan holding a baby. Any guy can hold a baby, but it takes real man to hold a diaper bag. :)

Oh my, that had me laughing for a good minute or two :lol:

Hey guys, thought I'd pop in and say it's my birthday...and the birthday girl has to give out cake, now doesn't she? Problem is, I don't have a virtual cake...so I decided, what the heck, I'll just give them a season 3 Ryan to share!

Be nice and SHARE! ;)

*Pic edited to a link by Mod as it was over 480 pixels in width*

That was a yummy picture. Thank you! And happy birthday!
Love the pics! Such a variety of them too! I have to agree with you HappilyHappy - it takes a real man to hold a diaper bag. A diaper bag and a gun... *drools* :p

Happy birthday Dutchie! Yay! 16 at last! :D I come bearing a gift which I know will appeal to you. I know what you like!
For Dutchie

On a slightly less joyful note, I'm busy. Busy and reducing the things I have to do. One of the things that unfortunately has to go is the Mondaypic. For the moment, anyway. Maybe the summer holidays will give me more time. So I'm sorry, but I will also be taking a break from the thread for a while. I'll still lurk and maybe pop in from time to time. So bye, Thumpy, and bye everyone else for now. *waves*
Thanks so much for all your kind words everyone. :)

Happy Birthday, Dutchie! :D

Happilyhappy...your avatar cracks me up! ;)
Happy Birthday Nikki :D (yeah, in case you didn't notice, I am spreading my bday messages to you here and there)

Ok, so I said before that I had seen "Death Pool 100", but I hadn't seen the end scene at that time. I did now, and I loved the end scene in the beach. I loved when they were all walking together, with the sunshine behind, but that has not so much to do with Ryan. Anyway, the scene where he is alone burning the notes is just so beautiful. I just think it has something special. Then all the commentaries made around what he did, poor him, he must have felt bad, but he actually deserved to listen a bit of the truth, right? Calleigh had been though before in the episode with him, too, but it was so different. She was a bit too tough, but it was all for his good, I would say. She was just wanting to protect him and the lab, and she was just helping him out, so it's OK ;) Calleigh is his mentor, afterall, isn't she?
Happy Birthday Nikki! :)

Calleigh is his mentor, afterall, isn't she?
yes, she is.
He should have listen to her, but he didn't.
Maybe he wanted to stop gambling, but he couldn't.
Don't know, maybe he felt so lost and alone after Eric got shot and so he started gambling again. :(

So I'm sorry, but I will also be taking a break from the thread for a while. I'll still lurk and maybe pop in from time to time.

aw, poor Ali! :( Hope to see you again soon.
summer holidays are near. :)
Happy birthday Nikki! 16? Wow, hope it's a great one.

Thanks for the pics everyone, makes me want to make some icons. In fact, I think I'll do that... ;)

So many people leaving us... Ali and Thumpy...please do come say hi from time to time, and may real life treat you well. *huggles*
Hey everyone!! *waves*

Wow! Haven't been here in a while but remember me? :D

Just thought I'd come back and visit to greet my favorite Dutch: Happy Sweet 16th Birthday, Nikki!!!

See? I can make a guest appearance too. Even Ryan's bringing sexy back for you! *points at banner* :lol: I know, I know... I'm working on your birthday fic. You'll get it this week hopefully, and it has your favorite pairing in it. ;) I hope you're having an awesome day so far! *huggles*
I seem to be cracking everyone up lately. :lol:

Thanks Jenn. That photo was too funny for words, I just couldn't help myself.

Nikki! Glad to make you laugh. But hey, you know its true. ;)

Twiz, Jon is probably just enjoying his hiatus. Perhaps we will see him do something next year? *crosses fingers*

Wow, this thread was busy today. :p
Wow it has been busy in here today! Wow!
I have been busy learning (well trying to learn) photoshop. I figured I would take advangtage of the down time!
Ali & Thumpy - we will miss you in here!
Thank you everyone. See, this is what I like about birthdays, the last two I had were filled with pics and well wishes all over the board. I've been on the board for over a year :eek: And I'm sixteen now. Hm...

*huggles Shadowfax* Aw, so many people popping in for me. Thanks so much! I'll be waiting ;) And all the Ryan pics, could you imagine a better gift? Maybe the real Ryan huh? But since that ain't gonna happen anytime soon...

Ali, Jen, I will surely miss you both! Don't forget to pop in now and then or I'll...I'll...uhm...yeah just pop in :p
I am going to try and reorganize all my photobucket pics....so some of the links I have posted here might wind up broken. I apologize for that and hope you saved any pics I have posted already that you wanted.
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