Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Yes, he's hot.
Yes, he's all bothered and stressed.
Yes, he's working through his inner demons.
But that's no excuse for that strange off-shade of bright pink tie!
pinkpotatopie, that's fine really, it's a manner of taste, I don't care, but please remember what Thumpy said in the previous thread:

You are most certainly entitled to your opinion, but bear in mind the rule about constructive criticism:

It's fine to say a certain aspect of CSI is bad, as long as you don't insult the people who think otherwise, and as long as you actually back up what you say. Jumping in and shouting "Willows sucks!" is not an acceptable form of constructive criticism.

Please see the Board Rules for more information. Continuing to post in this manner will earn you an Official Warning in a hurry.

togo2hot, welcome to your first thread opening!
f_f_O: :lol:
Thanks,Dutchie.well i haven't seen season 6 of csi miami yet cuz i live in asia but from the forums n spoliers i am sure it will be a nice season.can't wait for it to show here.
p.s:ryan wolfe is so hot,sexy.cute,funny.....i could go on but it would take pages! :lol: :)
Here is another thread welcome pic. Don't know why - but I have had a thing the last few days to see the adorkable Ryan.
so cute!
yay!!!!!!!! new thread love the name. Ryan is sooo hot and sexy can't wait till monday one day of the week that i look forward to, if i don't get a dose of ryan i go nuts
Hey I finally crawled out from under the big rock I've been hiding under.

WOOT WOOT new thread...*Throws confetti and cheers* BUT man do these threads move fast.

Athlov, great pics girl. I don't know how you find the time to do them with reading through 10,000 names trying to pick one for the baby, it's not like you only have like 6 months to do that. hehe j/p

I was really surprised I liked the outfit he wore last week. The promo pics I saw just didn't do it for me but on the show he looked great as always.

Jasmine, YAY for your first thread opening. I'm sure you'll be around for many more, especially how fast they move.

Katbug, great pic. You know I totally forgot how cute he was in that baby ep until they showed that flashed back and whoa the jeans he had on was so nice....I had to pull that ep out again and rewatch it.

OH G N R I just noticed your pic too...oh my Gosh those eyes, so sweeeeeeeeeeet.
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Hooray! Congrats everybody! :)
This is so exciting, I will have some pics up soon but for now, here are the usuals...

Inge's Suggestions for viewing Jonathan Togo pics:
1. Always remember: breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

2. Don't eat or drink while you are watching the pics. Otherwise you're in danger.

3. Tell someone what you are doing and this person should check on you every five minutes or so. Note: This person should be able to call 911.

4. Be sure that in case of fading or fainting that you have a cozy place to land. Place some pillows on the floor, for example, or tie yourself to the chair.

Life_style's Guide to 'The Togo Fan's Proper Techniques For Viewing CSI: Miami:'
1. It is also important to add that someone should be present while you watch CSI Miami, but that it is illegal for them to talk during Togo's parts. Preferably a doctor of some kind, so that he or she could regularly check your breathing etc.

2. Bring a bucket or some tissues, because there will be major drooling going on when you watch an eppy or some pics. You don't want to ruin your clothes, or the floor or something.

i love this i always let out a little sigh and a little yell when i see and when i see a new pics woot-woot i go nuts. when i am watching csi:miami and someone talkes when ryan does i yell at them.
Gone for a while and new thread...Congratulations everybody *throws confettis* :)

Gret pictures everyone, it's just an amazing way to comemorate *stares*

Don't want to sound like a mod either, but I would like to ask everybody here one thing. I know this was kind of asked before, or at least mentioned, and I am not saying that people are not doing it, it's just a remind or a request so no one forgets this. Please do not post when you don't have really much to say at that moment. You can always wait till a new subject comes, or talk about something else, an old episode or something, and start a new topic. This way things don't get too chatty and we don't have that feeling that people are running to get to some point. Why to write something in three different posts in the same day when you could have said everything in just one? :rolleyes: Just though I could say this, because it's kind of hard for me to caught up everything sometimes, and when I have the time to read two or three pages at the same time, sometimes I just can't find a subject to post about, either because the subject was talked and finished or because there's no real subject. I know this may not be that easy, but lets all continue making an effort ;)

A little opening picture From "Curse of the Coffin"(?), credits to crimelab.nl

I wanted to talk about a new episode or something, but I am not getting any CSI:Miami episodes, which leaves me so sad...I'm missing Miami a lot lately, because just LV and NY are airing...I wonder when they will start season 5 :rolleyes:
Party time! New thread! Wootwoot!

*throws super-powered LA beachside party* I second you there, Dani. Let's have more meaningful posts in here.

Wonderful pics everyone, great way off to start off the new thread. Love the thread name, again, wonderul idea hot4jontogo. I think we all need this sort of group. And those guidelines are great, thanks everyone.

Anyone have any wishes or hopes for season six? It'll come faster than we think, and I'm looking forward to Ryan maybe having a storyline of his own, or a relationship...something to show us more of his personal, private side. (Not that way. However...) :devil: Any ideas?
whats more meaningful than yummmmmmmm im not usually in this thread but thanks for the pics for my walls ladies
Yay new thread! Congratz. :D :D

Party? I always love a good 'super powered LA beachside party' Just watch out for those drug traps that have been known to send camera guys to the hospital. Imagine if that had been Ryan! I couldn't bear it.

Oh, and thanks for the lovely pictures. They'll hold me over until the season finale, which I hope Ryan is in. I do think that he will be in it, but i'm not TPTB, so my word doesn't count for much.
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