Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Twiztid4Togo said:
yeah I thought the way he got so upset about that kid killing his brother was showing something there. OMG maybe Ryan accidently shot and killed his brother when he was a kid...and maybe that's why he froze in that one EP..ya know we never got an explanation to that.Also why he takes such good care of his gun. COuld exlain a lot like why he's not close to his family..that would tear a family a part.

That's what I was thinking, only after i read about maybe a younger sibling killing somebody in the family, and all of a sudden it was like maybe Ryan killled somebody, and yeah that would maybe explaine him being so OCD about keeping his gun clean and him freezeing and all.
They never said he had a sister it's a niece, so it could be a child from either a brother or sister. I don't recall them ever saying he had an older sister...I just watched it again and he never said he had a sister.

On another note, Calleigh was able to find an Ipod for only $100.00 where the hell does she shop cause I need to shop there.

CSI Dani I so agree the writers should come here if they are stumped for a Ryan background or even maybe skim through some fac fics on the net, there are some doozies out there with great stories.

Katbug loving the icon. Man you don't keep an icon for very long.
Also, he could have paid Calleigh half the money before hand, and telling her he'll pay her back as soon as he can. However, if it is like Twiz said, then seriously, where ya shopping Calleigh? Let us know. :lol:

Ryan briefly mentions a niece in DP100, but he doesn't say anything about siblings, so that's why we get to theorize and mentalize about how many, and which gender, and etc.

Katbug! Your icons are eye candy!
I think it was in 'Legal', where Jack Waarner Bradford says something about being him, and Ryan's answer is that he wouldn't want to be him (meaning Jack), I sort of got the idea that the unsaid words were 'because I've already been you', implying that Ryan came from a family with money. For whatever reason he walked away from it all, this could explain why he's so careful with his money (he mentioned having student loans initially) and it's another reason why I found the gambling thing so hard to swallow. Maybe he bought the iPod to annoy his niece's family, he seems to be estranged from them as he never really mentions any of them or says he's been to visit. The rest of the team have family and a life outside fo work. Ryan is sort of like doll taken out for work and then put back in his box at the end of the day.
Where is Ryan's mom? I think it would be so awesome if she came into the lab and was like, "Ryan,Blahblahblahblahblahblah, and remember, your taking mommy out to dinner tonight now give me kissys" and everybody was standing there! that would be so funny!!! :lol: :lol:

Reading what you said Annwn , gives me an idea. What if Ryan didn't walk away from the money but his parents liked his siblings more and gave them all the money? Mwahahaha :lol:...ha...(coughs)...sorry...carry on :D
Wooh - somuch posting! So many great ideas!
Twiz - I keep making new ones and then I want to post them! Maybe I need to stop making so many!
Happilyhappy - thanks! HE is good eye candy! speaking of eyes......
OOOO nice katbug very nice...

Hey for those of you with myspaces did everyone see that Jonathan has asked everyone to QUIT pm'ing him on his FAN MYSPACE. He's been out of the country and I guess with so many peeps not having anything better to do then write him asking stupid q's his box is over flowing. I'm sure he's having the same problem on his other myspace with some of the peeps that just want to keep writing to him asking senseless stuff. I mean that one he made up for his real friends but some peeps don't get that and now he's probably not getting pm's from his friends cause it's running over with crap from fans. I feel really sorry for him, he must really be stressing over it to write that. I read some of the comments on his fan space and omg are there some whack jobs out there.

Heather I'm loving your icon too..gesh so much hott Ryan.

Now back to his background. I really don't think Ryan came from a wealthy family. I think he came from a family that struggled. It was clear in Legal that he had a huge problem with rich people, even the HOTT chic that was flirting with him annoyed him. He also made the comment money sticks with money, or something like that when she wouldn't give Jack (rich guy) up. There has been a few other times that he's showed a dislike for rich peeps too but I can't think of them right now. Maybe he was a poor kid that went to a rich school and was picked on all the time by the richies...just a thought..
One of the great things about not having an official backstory for Ryan is that the fans can make up their own. Would fanfic be so much fun if we had to go along with 'cannon'?
If I ever finish 'HiStory', I have another plot bunny running round in my head.
so this episode was just on....so this is a nice pic for today.
Is that the end of a tat I can see, or my imagination? S5 is due to start here soon (I hope, I heard a rumour it was to be next month). Why they keep us waiting so long, I've no idea, we aren't that far behind on NY...but then different channel.
OH man now your making me drool Katbug..thanks.

I first saw that piece of his tat on an ep in season 3 I think and I thought it was a mole. It wasn't long after that I found a pic of him showing he had a tat and I was like ooooo, then his friend sent my friend a pic of what the tat is and I was like ooooo a star, nice. The pic that Katbug posted is the best pic that I have seen showin the tat. I have a pic of him in a race and you can somewhat see it but not as good.

I so agree with you Annwn about us not knowing much about him is great for those of us that write fan fics. I know I've done a few and I've made up my own family background and the only person I've ever used as his family was Uncle Ron. I was somewhat bummed to hear about a neice to tell ya the truth cause that just killed every fic i've written on being somewhat real. I always have him as an only child...we know now isn't true..thanks a lot TPTB for killing my imagination. Maybe it would be better not to know anything about him then the mystery will continue and we can make it up ourselves.
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