Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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I would prefer a background on Ryan Wolfe, that's for sure. Ok that the actors can have a nice body and be all cute, but I still watch CSI because of the story, the plot, and the characters. So, that includes a backgrounf for Ryan :) Something that we have been asking for too long. I surely hope that TPTB gives that to us in season 6, but I have said this before, haven't I?

Other than that, I just saw "Death Eminent" and, err, I have to say that I am becoming disappointed by Ryan and everything that it's happening to him. I mean, first that gambling story. And now he doesn't control himself :rolleyes: Ok, I know that this time it can be explained by the wish of helping the family...but anyway, this anger thing doesn't seem right :( I mean, he is smart enough to know that to help them, that was one of the last things to do...And er, I loved to see him saying that he won't do that again knowing that he is going to be fired a while after :rolleyes: Anyway, Ryan is disappointing me with this. By one side, you know, it was actually good to see him caring for them, it was nice of him :), but then he could have done things in another way...TPTB is just making him look too bad :( On another side, he looked great in that orange shirt ;)
Shirtless Togo or Ryan's background??? I would have to say I would perfer to see Ryan's background more the him shirtless, and I really hate to say that, but, I really want to know about his past.
i would want him to explain his past while he's shirtless, that way we get both :D he could be like getting beat up or something and his shirt could get ripped off and there could be this whole touching moment about how he was abused as a child or something and he's explaining it to the team. i asummed that he had some sort of abuse in his past when he asked to be taken off that child abuse case.
See - someone who agrees with me we could get both at one time! Woohoo!
Twiz - what is up with those pics??? Not one of his finer camera moments!
that_girl1 said:
Yea those pics werent the best. To tell ya the truth he was dressing like a grandpa kinda. :rolleyes:
I was just about to say it looked like he raided his grandfather's closet! :lol:

Shirtless Ryan or background on Ryan? I'll take background - we really need to know what made him the way he is and where his addictions came from - to gambling and to orderliness among others, and why he doesn't seem to trust too easily. And then he could rip his shirt off and jump in a pool. :cool:
I go for background, too. I really hope the writers will wake up, especially now now that the show isn no longer #1.

It would make sense if Ryan really was abused as a child, but I find it difficult to tell u guys why...Maybe he'll have a flashback or two in the episode about the child abuse case, & we see Ryan (as a child) get beaten up by his father. SQUEE! My imagination's gone wild. :lol:

I heard that Ann Donahue said in an interview about the S5 finale, 'Horatio almost dies!' But there wasn't a scratch on Horatio at all, was there??? :mad: Hope the same won't happen to Ryan's storyline.
hi you all.i am a fan of ryan wolfe/jonathan togo and i can't help but say that ryan wolfe is one hot guy,sexy and smart.don't y'll agree?
anyways i will try to post more often.can't wait to get to know you guys cuz you seem like a fun group!lol.
Hey guys I jsut found out that Justin Long, one of Jon's friends (as we have seen in pics), went to Vassar College which is the same college that Jon went to. So that's probably why they are good friends.
that_girl1 said:
Yea those pics werent the best. To tell ya the truth he was dressing like a grandpa kinda. :rolleyes:

Yup - that describes it perfectly.....what was he thinking??? :eek:
What is that show called...extreme makeover...maybe we should call them and ask them to make over jon's wardrobe..hehehe.

Ryan has to have some kind of dark scary childhood, don't all the csi's? I've always thought he came from a not so well off family (lawnmower being mentioned) and that they were not very close and maybe mentally abusive to him. Maybe always saying he's going to be a failure and maybe that's what brought on the OCD and why he tries so hard to be perfect. I also think that maybe he spent a lot of time growing up with his Uncle Ron, who I'd be tickled pink if the TPTB would write a story line with him so we'd see him. Anyways, I think maybe he moved with his uncle to Miami after something bad happened between his parents and him self. Also the writers are a little confused on where Ryan went to college. On his bio on the CBS site it says he went to Boston College but in "Legal" we found out he took a night class in which Calleigh was a speaker, so that had to be in Miami. This supports my theory about his break away from his parents, who I believe lives in Boston. OK now this is JMO and wow sry it was soooooo long. Anyone else got any theories to share? OH something else that threw me now is the fact he has a niece, which means he has a sibling...I haven't come up with anything on that one.

Katbug nice icon, you are really getting good at making those things.

That girl 1, yes they did go to college together and I'm sure they were probably good friends back then. Funny note is that Justin didn't graduate from Vassar....
Thanks Twiz! I have been having fun! :D For some reason I think he has at least 1 sister....don't know why.....maybe because he seems closer to the girls then the guys at work.....might be able to relate them better because he grew up with girls. I also think he worked hard and put himself through school - w/o his parents help. Again - just theories. Maybe that is why he got hooked on gambling....liked the money that he never had before.....
I also want to see some background information about him.
shirtless would be nice though. :p

I like the idea of an older sister who helped him and was there for him.
put himself through school - w/o his parents help
a very good theory.
For me, he was sarcastic in 'Legal' with the 'lawmover' comment, but I think it was a hint that his parents don't have a lot of money and maybe they don't support him very much.
Such a storyline would be a good idea, but I don't like the idea that they physically abused him. too much cliche and Ryan deserves a new and unexployed storyline. ;)
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