Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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ThumpyG42 said:
SU2=Special Unit 2

It's a tv series from a couple of years back that Jonathan had a role in. The Sci-Fi Channel has been rerunning it lately. :)
Thank you so much! Good summer watching since everything is in reruns now.

As to which hair style, so hard to choose! They all have their upsides. I think maybe season 3 shaggy with the sweater vests. Nerdy Ryan. :cool:
You're welcome, HoratioStalker. :) Glad to help.

As for favorite hairstyle...I don't think I have one anymore, I like them all. ;)
It's a toss-up between spiky and long and shaggy. The spiky look he had at the end of season five was very attractive, but I've always liked guys who have that kind of rock star or nerdy boy look with their hair a little longer and shaggy. Of course, Jon would look great even if he shaved his head!
I like all his hair styles, with one exception: his hairstyle at the end of season 3. It was too long. :D

a few days ago we talked about left/right handed and that sometimes Ryan's close ups are from a right-handed person.
I re-watched 'one of our own' again and the close-ups in this episode are from a left-handed person. The envelope was opened from a left-handed person and the initials RW were written from a left-handed person.
I used to be all for the long hair in s3. He looked geeky, young and innocent. He was like a puppy dog with the pit bulls. I loved it. But now, I'm in love with the spikey hair. I hated s4, too flat and made his body look bigger. I definately like it best now. :D
a few days ago we talked about left/right handed and that sometimes Ryan's close ups are from a right-handed person.
I re-watched 'one of our own' again and the close-ups in this episode are from a left-handed person. The envelope was opened from a left-handed person and the intials RW were written from a left-handed person.

I don't remember that part. I remember writing that if you see someone cutting with a right hand, then it's not Jon. But yeah, Ryan's close ups usually are of him writing left handed. ;)

Also, I like the short spikey... you know, Early season 5 when it was starting to grow long. Yeah. Short AND spikey. :devil:
Hmm, I can't choose the hairstyle that I prefer on him. It's just that he has had quite a few, and I liked them for different reasons. I think the long one fitted him in season 3, when he was younger, and that as he grew up, he changed it in accordance. So, I don't have a favorite. And, by the way, I am still getting used to season 5 one, which leads to my next point...

Season 5 of CSI:Miami started this week here, so I just watched "Rio". :) It was nice to see everyone again. Ryan had some cute scenes with Calleigh, but there was one thing in this episode in him that I didn't like. At all. He was too harsh with Natalia. I mean, I can understand that he didn't trust her, because she was the mole, and that it was hard for him, but come on Ryan. IMO, he acted a bit too childish, and maybe even bossy, like if he was the best there. I know Natalia was a trainee, but I am sure he wouldn't have liked that people always explained things to him like he did. Plus, there was the horrible scene (not the scnene but what he did), where he told her that about her ex-husband. I was thinking to myself precisly what she told him, that was low :rolleyes: And he yelled at her :( But maybe I am the one being too easy on Natalia, afterall I am not sure if I could forgive her easily. Anyway, I was disappointed with our Ryan :rolleyes:
Hmm. Ryan doesn't forgive people easily, especially if he previously trusted them. When he has sympathy with someone and then they turn out to have been involved in the crime, he's really hurt. He liked Natalia before she turned out to be the mole, so he must have felt really let down. Not that I'm excusing the way he acted, but I can uncerstand it, given his character.

Something occurred to me about his hair - while Ryan has his hair spiked up (what I've heard described as the "startled hedgehog" look), Jon's is still flat. That interview where he was talking to Eva La Rue's daughter was flimed while they were filming the second half of S5, so if the spiky hair was Jon's thing, he'd have had it spiked up then. The spiky hair is definitely growing on me. :p

I thought I should post a Mondaypic while my internet is working. From Nailed. I've been working on a set of icons from that episode, so those pics have a hold on me at the moment. He was so good in that episode, and this pic just makes me want to hug him and tell him everything's going to be okay. Sweetie!

WARNING - Injured Ryan. Still gorgeous. :p

AliGtr's Mondaypic


I'm afraid I can't remember where I got this pic from. Sorry. :eek:
It took Ryan sometime to forgive Natalia. At the beginnign of the season remember when she led the kid to think that the stepdad was the killer and then he said that not every husband is a b***ard or something like that and then i think that he loosened up later on in the season and he accepted her more

Great pics by the way!
Hey looks like he went to see Knocked Up. I'm dying to see it for one it looks funny and two Katherine Heigl (sp) she's from Greys Anatomy is like one of my fav actresses now, I just love her and at first I thought that was her in the pic with him and I was like OMG..but I dont think it is...does anyone know who the chic is with him and Justin? Great find BTW Athlov..

Just found out the chic is Kaitlin doubleday with justin, in case anyone cared. another pic from premier and another
Thanks for the pics athlov, Twiz and Ali! :)

I would love to see Ryan with stubbles. :D

I'm glad that Ryan is now nice and friendly to Natalia. She had also a lot to cope with her sister and her ex-husband and Ryan decided to give her a second chance.
Not only are they friendly and on good terms, he trusts her. When he was in trouble, when he was lost and confused and needed to talk to someone, he went to her. They're becoming very close (un-shippy of course ;)), as the last coupld of episodes proved. When she sat down with him at the end to help him through the paperwork and was just really there for him when he was down...it was very sweet. Props to Boa Vista (and I don't even like her :p)

Stubbly? Stubble on Ryan is so hot...on Jon, whatever. That's one of the reasons I love Rory, well, Speed, because of the stubble...and now Jon's taken it on. :devil: (Not that he could top Speed's stubble :p) Thanks for those pictures Twiz, athlov and the Mondaypic Ali. :) And Happy Memorial Day Weekend (or end of it) to all you fellow Americans out there.
Hehe! Ok, I know you all will find this amusing: I was watching Jeopardy just now, and there was a category called "Togo A-go-go" and it amused me greatly. :D It was about the country Togo, but still... hee!
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