Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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wait a minute. I remeber in One Of Our Own, that Ryan said Jessop was starting as he was leaving. but that's not possible because i was watching Money For Nothing today, and Jessop was talking to H and Speed. so how can Jessop have just started as Ryan was leaving? you guys ever think about that? hmmm?
I mentioned this in the Blooper thread about a month ago. I too, thought it was weird how they didn't keep their time line in order.

I even mentioned to one of my friends that for the story to make sense, especially with him so visibly upset, that Ryan should have been partners with Jessop at one point, maybe even during Ryan's training.
yeah or Jessop could have been on one of the search teams or something. because he did seem to show up in s2 whenever they were searching for people. so maybe he was on a search team then went to patrol. yeah, that makes sense. don't you think?
Thanks guys! It's great to be here. I'm rather new to the show, though. Heh. :D

I think search is usually just SWAT, isn't it? Or SWAT plus any available patrol?

Man, I would have been able to have an answer to that 2 years ago, which means this is going to bug me. :(
SWAT is "Special Weapons and Tactics." Which means that they handle the highly dangerous situations. I'm not too sure that they actually search.

Backstabbers is on tonight, and I haven't seen it yet. Does Ryan have any good quality time?
Then I'm not really sure, but I'm still not sold on the idea of a "search team." This is going to bug me. I'm going to have to find an answer now.

And I think I shall end this with a picture.
So stern.
I forget what 'Backstabbers' is about :lol: so sorry I cant help you out there.
Welcome WithoutASound!

Katbug did you make your avatar? Its fantastic, you are getting very good :)

Im so nervous right now, I just had a thought, what if, after all that hard work Ryan but into his past cases that Stelter made him do, he doesnt get his job back? That would be so horrible but I dont know how TPTB could do that to us. I would cry-no joke :lol:

Im pretty sure he gets his job back though, I mean the episode ended in like a good note(besides Eric gigantic jealously!!!!-sorry OT), with Natalia helping him and everything. Im just hoping for the best :)

Does anyone know if the actors are still on hiatus or not?
I don't know about good Ryan scenes in Backstabbers, not having seen it, but I do remember he looks drop-dead-gorgeous in what he's wearing, so there must be some good scenes for that to have stuck in my mind. :p

He's got to get his job back, surely. Unless they have some on the sidelines role in mind for him. That wouldn't be enough, IMO. It wouldn't surprise me if he's just back in place next season with no explanation. Like Natalia was suddenly a CSI in S5. TPTB seem to expect us to just accept these things. Not that I'd complain at Ryan just getting his job back. It would just be nice to have a proper explanation and storyline around it. It would have been good to have seen Alexx's reaction to it all too. She's too close to Ryan not to have reacted. :rolleyes:

I know it's not Monday, but I had to take my cat to the vet's suddenly yesterday. He's fine - he's just been scrapping. :rolleyes: Got a bad leg now. Silly boy! So I have a nice Mondaypic. It is one that I posted before, a few months ago, but I still have internet issues with my laptop so I'm on a different PC. This pic is worth more than one look anyway, IMO. :p

From After the Fall. WARNING - smile may cause viewer to melt! Make sure you're sitting down to view.

AliGtr's Monday(Tuesday)pic


Credit - Miami Style.
he had quite a bit of sceen time in Backstabbers. most of the scenes are with Calleigh *Squee* and he does look drop dead gorgeous in it. but he does have a really screwed things up moment but he fixes it :D
I've been neglecting my duties as a Miami fan to actually venture into the Miami forum. Sorry, guys, I've been swamped with RL and SBC and FF. Question: Ryan storyline for s6? I mean we've had Delko time, now Calleigh time, and everytime is H time, so what about Ryan (besides this damn gambling thing)?

I'd love to see Ryan doing something right for once. Not that he's not wonderful but he's been ragged on way too much. What if Ryan saved someone? It's always Horatio saving the day. What if Ryan got a call and saved someone's life? Or even better, we could kill two birds with one stone, Horatio is injured and Ryan saves him! I'd love to see Ryan be a hero, or to see some of his last (Heather, care to share your theory now?)

I just feel that Jon has been doing such an amazing job with Ryan's emotions, the sad ones too, and it's time he gets to play someone happy. He's an amazing actor who makes Ryan a credible, believable character and a hero-Ryan, a happy Ryan would be amazing. Even something else- imagine Ryan kneeleing at an injured Horatio's side? We get double awesomeness! That would make the season- the whole show- for me.

Thanks for the Mondaypic Ali...isn't he just delicious? My Mon-Tuesday :lol: neded that, thank you. Can't believe we'll have to wait a whole summer for more Ryan, I'm breaking out the TiVo and recording some s3 episodes, when he was just like a shaggy puppy dog.
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
I forget what 'Backstabbers' is about :lol: so sorry I cant help you out there.
Welcome WithoutASound!

Katbug did you make your avatar? Its fantastic, you are getting very good :)

Im so nervous right now, I just had a thought, what if, after all that hard work Ryan but into his past cases that Stelter made him do, he doesnt get his job back? That would be so horrible but I dont know how TPTB could do that to us. I would cry-no joke :lol:

Im pretty sure he gets his job back though, I mean the episode ended in like a good note(besides Eric gigantic jealously!!!!-sorry OT), with Natalia helping him and everything. Im just hoping for the best :)

Does anyone know if the actors are still on hiatus or not?

ILuvJonathanTogo - I did make it! Thanks so much. I am going to send you a pm with a few others.

As for backstabbers - I am not sure I have seen it. It is on my DVR waiting for me to get home tonight....

#1 #2
Ryan needs to be the hero for once, instead of the screw up CSI who always makes mistakes. that is one of my hopes for S6.
Love all those pics, thanks guys, and as for my thoughs on season six, i think Ryan will do so mych better, and not screw anything up, he knows better.
Hey - almost forgot. SU2 is on tonight on the Scifi channel. I think it is from 7-10 3 epsiodes total and I think JT will be in these.

Just 'cause I am in the Togo picture mood today - here is one more pic.
pic this way...
Question: Ryan storyline for s6?

First, he should get his job back. :lol:
as mentioned he could save the day and Stetler sees that he's a good cop and so he's forced to give him his job back (after Horatio tells him to do it :lol:).

I think we might see a different Ryan from the last Seasons. No more mistakes, more responsible.

I hope the next comment doesn't provoke a shipping discussion. ;)
A love interest would be also interesting. It doesn't have to be something serious, a little bit flirting would be fine.
Only to find out he has a privat life too. The others have/had relationships too. why not Ryan?
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