Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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^ me too, I can't also wait for Season 6.
I tried to find Spoilers even though I know that spoilers for Season 6 will come in July or August soonest, I'm crazy, am I. :lol:

The cliffhanger if Ryan gets his job back or not makes me nervous. I'm sure he gets his job back, because Ryan Wolfe is a very popular character, but I'm so excited/anxious how he get it back.

In Austria the season finale of season 4 is airing on Monday and then I have to wait till September for Season 5.
That means reruns for me too. I think it will be episodes from season 3. aw, cute, long hair Ryan. :D

Thanks for the caps athlov. :)
i think jon looks like a momma's boy :D

not in a bad way but just the kind of guy who sits on the porch on sunday evenings with her... i wish i was jons mom :rolleyes:

speakin of which, is he married!?! (i might still have a chance) :) :p :eek: :cool: :D :) :lol: :devil:
csimiamiadict said:
i think jon looks like a momma's boy :D

not in a bad way but just the kind of guy who sits on the porch on sunday evenings with her... i wish i was jons mom :rolleyes:

speakin of which, is he married!?! (i might still have a chance) :) :p :eek: :cool: :D :) :lol: :devil:

Momma's boy??? Hmmm...I can't really tell...I kinda know that his dad, Michael, has that same sense of 'Jon humor'.
I haven't read or heard anything bout his mum besides her name. It's Sheila Togo, I think.

No he isn't married yet, but I've heard that both Diana Gettinger & him have been together a long time. Haha...reminds me of Twiz's April Fools Day prank this year. :lol: I was like so excited to tell all my friends, 'Hey guys! Jonathan just got married!!!' But then came that 'April Fools' pic...sigh...
I watched that interview! Loved it! He's such a laugh! And he thinks that he's the most boring guy in the world because he doesn't have exotic plans for the hiatus. Sweet!

The thing that I really liked, apart from how cute he was with Eva LR's daughter, was that he thinks he might go to London because the people are nice and they have cute accents! Yes! He thinks the English accent is cute! Well, that's one thing I've got going for me anyway. :lol:

ETA - I've just remembered the other thing I was going to say (got distracted by Togo hotness). I'm having internet issues at the moment, so I thought I'd take this opportunity while it's working to mention that the Mondaypic might be somewhat erratic until it's fixed. Sometimes it just cuts out. V frustrating when I'm reading posts & fics. Maybe it's suffering from too much hotttness too? :confused:
athlov, thank you for the pictures. I haven't seen the interview yet, but I am sure it's lovely his interaction with Eva's daughter.

Michelle, that's what I call a lucky boy ;) Aren't you thinking about becoming friends with the son of the person who works with your mother?! :p And well, maybe his friends too, one in particular?! :lol: yeah, I am completly crazy, but I wouldn't do it!

I just saw "Shock", and Ryan had some good scenes. I loved the one where he tells Alexx he was just kind of testing her, the way she was, so sad, it was something deep in their relationship. But he looked so bad as well, apologising. I'm sure he regreted that so much. Poor Ryan :( In the other hand, loved the way he said to that guy "BoysBands aren't really my thing". Or whatever he said, something along those lines :p
^ yes, Shock was a nice and funny Ryan episode.
and he wore a T-shirt. :eek:
IMO not even Adam has such nice arms as JT. :p

The Alexx/Ryan scene was sad. Alexx was so shocked. I'm glad that they had in the next episode a scene together (Rampage) and everything seemed normal between them.

How did Alexx react in 'Kill Switch'?
I know there was a scene between Calleigh and Alexx about Ryan. They talked about if Ryan was responsible for the dead man. How was her mimic, her voice?

It's ironic. In 'Deviant' Ryan was kind of angry with Alexx because she hung out the posters and now a similar scene happened in 'Kill Switch' only with changed positions.
Alexx hasn't had a scene with Ryan since um (insert episode name here). You know, the one where the guy gets scalped?

We didn't see her reaction to Ryan getting fired, or his stint with the TV station. Makes me sad. :(
you're thinking of Bloodline. and yeah i wanted to see how she reacted to his gambling problem. i hope there are more Ryan/ Alexx scenes, they just have an awesome Mother/son type realtionship that is just so sweet. :D
I'm sure we can expect a scolding "Mother Son" moment in the upcoming season...

I really hope so at least.
welcome WithoutASound

anyways sorry i haven't posted in a few days guys, iv been gong to this Christian Youth Conference everyday(its about 10 minutes away so we go home after each day) and well i must say it was totally awesome.

Also i watched the interview with Jonathan, what a guy! He's so funny!
Welcome to the thread, WithoutASound, come join the group of Jon stalkers, i mean obsessed fan girls, i mean....i'll just shut up now :lol: welcome to the OTD support group! HAHA!! :lol:
Welcome WithoutASound! :)

I saw 'One of Our Own' tonight and I liked it. I mean, I liked the storyline with the FBI investigation and the mole even though I knew it before, I liked basically all Ryan and Calleigh scenes. The other two of the team went totally nuts, but that's only my opinion. :p

Ryan took Jessops death to heart, he was very sad about it. :(
He kind of overeacted as he shoved Cooper against the wall. The scene was hot though.
The scene with the FBI lady at the end of the episode was funny too. He was a little bit arrogant, but it didn't bother me. ;)
Hi guys! Remember me?? LOL. Sorry I have not been around much. Been busy at work. I think Backstabbers is on tonight. I am not sure if I saw that one yet or not. Anyways - here is a pic to get you through the afternoon.
nice pic
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