Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh yeah I agree Sue. I forgot he was so protective. And like we were discussing, Greg didn't seem too worried about Nick when he got burried alive. I mean I'm sure he was, but he didn't show it. So that's another reason why I think Ryan is more protective.

I watched No Humans Involved and when Hodges asked him about his gun, he said "There's plenty of guns at crime scenes. Cops have them and some criminalists." So I guess he doesn't feel like he has to carry one. I wish he would though. He'd be safer if he did.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yeah I agree, I can totally see Ryan being over protective :) And Greg would probably think it's annoying, but still accept it, cause he loves Ryan, you know? :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Now..I've galloped through this thread and didn't read everything carefully but I just wanted to tell that I think I'm becoming a Ryan/Greg shipper. :D
I just can't choose one of them. I always take both... so why don't just put them together? :lol:

I've already read some Ryan/Greg stories and loved them so much...so...

Hello shippers!
I join! :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yurek! Hi. :D Welcome to Gutterville. I think you'll like it here. ;) Have a smoothie. *passes over smoothie*

That's why I joined, I really can't pick between them so here I get both of best worlds. :p :devil: I'm trying to post here but I keep looking at your banner and I get too distracted. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

sandersidle said:
That's why I joined, I really can't pick between them so here I get both of best worlds. :p :devil: I'm trying to post here but I keep looking at your banner and I get too distracted. :lol:

*takes a strawberry smoothie*

And I always thought I was the only one with that 'problem'. :D
I'm always getting distracted if I just think about one of them. It's kinda annoying....especially during driving. :lol:

Imaging this scene:
Police officer:"Miss, why didn't you stop at the stop sign?"
Me:"Huh? Oo Sorry, but I was talking to Ryan and Greg. There're with me. See?"
PO:"Erm...*totally puzzled* Ma'am...you're alone in your car. How can that be?"
Me:"Nono... I'm not alone...there're here. Don't you see them?"
PO:"Huh? Well... I think it's better you leave your car now and I'll call the psychist." :lol:

Would be something like this if they'll ever catch me. :D
Gladly I don't drive that much... I wouldn't have my license anymore then. :eek: :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Page two again...* puts head down in shame*

But hey good news is we have a new mind in here to fill with our Gutter talk. Welcome Yurek, here have a smoothie, better make that two since it gets so hott in here. I love your senerio, I can relate to that. It's probably why I don't go places to often because I always have Togo experiences that clog my mind. I'd be driving down the street and see a pizza sign with TO GO on it but I'll see TOGO and rear end someone.

OK I'm back with another q's now in light of a new pic that's been found of Togo with a mustache, and not a good one. On the show both guys are always clean shavened. SO how do you think they would feel if the other grew a beard or stache? I couldn't see Ryan ever having one or liking a man that had one. NOw Greg with his wild hair cuts I'm not sure how his taste would go. I think he would like to see Ryan with a little scruff of his face so when their faces are close he can feel it scratching his skin..........

How did greg react to Nicks stache he had? I thought I read he made fun of it but not sure. Also we probably talked about this in here, can't remember since my brain is filled with trash but it's an on going convo in the Togo thread, his hair. Short hair Ryan or long hair Ryan. Which do you think Greg would prefer? I'm putting my money on long haired Ryan. I think Ryan would prefer spiky hair Greg, just cause he was so adorkable looking with it.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yurek :lol: oh i love this, what a nice little story, you must make more of them please :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Twiztid4Togo said:
But hey good news is we have a new mind in here to fill with our Gutter talk. Welcome Yurek, here have a smoothie, better make that two since it gets so hott in here. I love your senerio, I can relate to that. It's probably why I don't go places to often because I always have Togo experiences that clog my mind. I'd be driving down the street and see a pizza sign with TO GO on it but I'll see TOGO and rear end someone.

Another fellow! *jumps up and down* :D

And concering the TO GO stuff. Here in germany you don't say "Coffee to go" but the german version but when my friend and I went to Starbucks I ordered a "Frappuccino togo".^^ I didn't say To Go but Togo (just like his name is spelled). I was so lost in thoughts. And the employée was like: "Um...to go?" I said:"No..togo." My friend already looked at me as if I just break from psychiatric clinic..and the other people who wanted to order something were also like "What the f..." :lol: It was so funny.... ^^ :D

Stoky: I'll try imaging more scenes like that. Perhaps something on train or bus or perhaps during a lesson at university. :lol: That would be fun. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: ahhh nice the story with your friend *hmm* this look from your friend i wish seeing :lol:

and this story between train and university lesson, wow, you´re an phantastic writer, i know this ;) Make more of them it´s really nice and funny :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hey we got another Gutterville resident...here's a smoothie and welcome to Gutterville..populations now seems to be um 5 waaaaaaaaaaaa. I think we lost Irma and Shadow again..OH no I hope Shadow isnt' going cold turkey again trying to get over her togoholism..someone go look for her..don't let her get over it...
ok now for Irma..*shakes head* where oh where could she be??? I'm in need of a hot scene to warm me up inside, it's like friggin below zero here.

So i've been thinking about the whole beard and mustache ideas and I think Greg would like Ryan with either but I could see Ryan complaining if Greg grew either.

Ryan goes away for a few days out of town for a case and when he comes back he's all excited and he grabs Greg hugging him then feels the roughness on his face. He pushes him back off him. He asks him if he knew he had some road kill on his face and Greg laughs and goes for a kiss but Ryan pulls back shaking his head no. It ruins their reunion and for the next few days Ryan won't touch Greg no matter how badly it kills him. Then finally Greg can't take it anymore and he shaves it off. Ryan wakes up in the morning finding his baby face laying next to him again and the road kill in the sink. THen the reunion begins.....smoothie please.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Omg :lol: Sue that's fricken funny. :lol: Welcome to the thread Stoky. I suggest you stock up on the smoothies cause it tends to get hot here. ;) Like oh my god now. Thanks Sue. :eek:

I can see Greg not really caring. He might not say anything or just pout and say he liked clean shaven Ryan better. I don't think it would really matter to him though. But since Ryan is OCD I think he would want Greg to be clean shaven too.

*calls out Irma's and Shadowfax's names* (...) *echos back* :rolleyes: Come back, we have smoothies. :p
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Welcome, Yurek! I'm glad more and more people are joining us Gutterville-ians, it's awesome! :)

I liked your anecdote about you're coffee incident, very funny! It's something I actually could imagine doing myself, unintentionally :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Thanks life_style for the welcome.

I don't have much anecdotes here, cause the most jokes you can only use/have in english and as I'm from germany... Too bad!:(

But sometimes it comes over me and I have some fun time. :D

The story with the mustache reunion is great. :lol: I don't really like the mustache either on Ryan nor on Greg but if one (or even both of them) would grew one I wouldn't mind for the first moment of reunion... I'd firstly lash into them and then I'd tell them to cut that thing off. :lol:


And now for your entertainment. :D

Greg & Ryan
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*takes pineapple & coconut smoothie* What, can't I be unique? Besides, my throat hurts.

Ehhh, the ONLY way I'd like a mustache on Greg or Ryan is if it was a trace hint. (i.e., it's scruff.) :D I like scruff....

For example... (be careful, Twiz, I dunno if your Internet can handle these) big JT and medium ES
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

szmandatogoholic said:
Ehhh, the ONLY way I'd like a mustache on Greg or Ryan is if it was a trace hint. (i.e., it's scruff.) :D I like scruff....

For example... (be careful, Twiz, I dunno if your Internet can handle these) big JT and medium ES

Well... be unique! :D

And..hmm... those 'hints'? ( :D ) looks cool... that's true. Really hot! :)
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