Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMGosh...Gutterville is alive..it's alive YAY.
Glad to see you back Irma..so missed you with your little scenerios. I remember exactly why I miss you. OMG werewolve and vampires and yikes that was hott. Needs about 4 smoothies for that one. Greg with fangs...ryan naked..WHOA who turned up the heat in this house?

Once again I'll have to agree that katie rocks too. I loved the video she made for me..she's just such a sweetie..aawww. and Slow motion ryan..well..drools all over keyboard.

OMGosh...slow motion ryan and greg shirtless? Let me add wet to that and see what happens.

Ryan+Greg+ slow motion walking+ shirtless+ wet = me on the floor. Someone call 911.

OK I'm alright I'm alright ..really.

I think Greg is perfect for Ryan also because Ryan acts like he wants to loosen up but something is holding him back, maybe his ocd. I think Greg can break what ever it is holding him back so he can let loose and have some fun.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*runs in panting* I'm here! I'm here! I finally made it to Gutterville!!! :D

Hey, guys! Did you miss me? Still remember me, actually? *big, cheesy grin*

I've been gone too long, I know. The end of last year and the beginning of '07 was extremely busy, I didn't have time to get on the boards. I've missed you guys so much, and I missed me some Ryan/Greg hotness. *huggles everyone to the ground* :lol: Where's my smoothie? I need one to recharge my Gutter mind. I almost lost the directions to get here, but thankfully, I think it's engraved forever in my head, so I don't think I'll ever get lost. :lol:

Okay first off, Twiz! You did some manips? They were awesome and hillarious as hell! Thanks for doing the one when I was depressed and also the Christmas one. I was ROTFL so hard! You should do it more often. :D

Sil! I'm here, and yes, I'm still alive! I love your manip of Ryan on Jake's body. *drools* Plus the vampire and werewolfe thing? I've recently become fascinated with them, and your idea sounds incredibly sexy! :devil: *shuts the door from evil plot bunnies* No! Must. Not. Entertain. Any. More. Bunnies. Aaaah! Darn you and your dirty mind! :lol:

Katie! Hey, girl! I know I need to update that crackfic. It's been on hiatus since I got busy, but it's halfway done. Hopefully, I could post the update soon. ;) I've missed you too.

Gah! I've missed you guys so much! What else has gone on while I was away?

Oh, and welcome to all the newbies, btw! *waves*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

gregslabmouse said:
oh look at that, now you've got me thinking dirty. Darn you people and your guy on guy forums :p j/k
Mwahahahahaha I try I try :devil: I'm gonna drag you down with the rest of us into the gutter :devil: :p

It still amazes me how the mods haven't kicked me out of here yet... :rolleyes:

Twiztid4Togo said:
Greg with fangs...ryan naked..WHOA who turned up the heat in this house?
*cough* *quickly re-adjusts the heater so no one would notice* It wasn't me, I swear! Maybe it's, err Global Warming? I blame it on the boys... why they have to be so damn hot??? :lol:

Hey Sue, don't drink all the smoothies! I want some too! :lol: I've been making smoothies almost everyday now, in real life, cuz the weather's been so EXTREMELY unbelievably hot here, that I actually think the world's going to end... :eek:

About Katie's vid again... Saw the part when Ryan shoving that guy onto the car's hood, and then pushing another guy. Never seen that one before, but I was like, man Ryan you get pissed off so fast... He likes shoving people. I've been trying to imagine those people as Greg :p Hmm QUESTION: if you can think of any surfaces or things Ryan could shove Greg into/against, what would it be? Evil question, I know... :devil:

Me thinks the refrigerator door in Greg's apartment :p :lol: :devil:

ETA: Is it... who I think it is? Shadowfax, is that you?? ... :eek: IT'S YOU!!!!! *jumps and hugs to the ground* Where the hell you've been??? I've missed you! I thought you've abandoned the ship :( How's it going with your Wardrobe story? Can't wait to read the next part. Hmm fancinated by vampires/werewolves thing too eh? *evil plans formed in mind :devil:* You know you wanna follow that bunny... *feeds the bunny :p* Really, if you have any plans on writing one, I'd really really LOVE to read it, you have no idea. I've been waiting forever for someone to write that (uncommon) genre. Hmm maybe I'll just challenge you to write one :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: *falls to the ground catching Sil* Where have I been? Whisked away by this annoying thing called 'life'... holidays with the folks, year-end work that had to be done, and new year's work that kept me so busy until now. I've missed you too, girlie!

And no... I could never abandon this ship. Ryan/Greg are too adorable to give up entirely. *cough* The wardrobe update is about halfway finished. *cough* I've had to put that on hold in lieu of some pressing work-related stuff. I'm just now slowly getting back into writing again. I'll let you know when I've got an update.

Hmmm... A vampire/werewolf thing would be complicated to write. You can feed the bunny if you like, but I'm not entirely sure what the plot of that story would be or where to take it for that matter. Any ideas? Or better yet, maybe you could write it yourself. ;) You already have the ideas, so why not, eh? *nudges* *sends bunny via UPS addressed to Silhouette* Is it there yet? :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

AHH! Shadowfax!!! YAYY! You're back! :D *huggles to the ground* Oh double yay! I can't wait for the update!! :) Also, now that you're back I can stare at your banner while I'm posting like I am right now. :devil: *drools* :lol:

Once again I'll have to agree that katie rocks too. I loved the video she made for me..she's just such a sweetie..aawww. and Slow motion ryan..well..drools all over keyboard.
Gee Whiz! *blushes* :p Thanks. You're the sweetie. *huggles* Love you.

What are you talking about Katie? I wanna be the wardrobe department, remember? ;) I'm gonna make him SHIRTLESS :p :lol: And you should be the editor hun... You've got talent. Your YouTube vid for Twiz rocks! Together, we'd make Ryan SHIRTLESS and IN SLOW MOTION!!! :devil: :lol:
Oh you know me too well. :lol: And thanks again! :D *huggles* OMG. Yeah shirtless AND slow motion. That is pefect. Ohhh but yeah Sue we need him wet too. :devil: And with Greggo.. Also shirtless, tanned, wet, and in slow motion. *ODs on hottness*

Yeah Ryan does seem to get mad alot. But it's not all bad cause it's very hot. :devil: Ohhhh Irma bad thoughts! :p I can see him pushing Greg up against the inside of his front door.. They couldn't wait will they got to the bredr- *gets hit by pg-13 marker* :rolleyes: You know what I mean. :p :devil:

I was listing to this song "I'd Do Anything" by Simple Plan and I think it fits Ryan/Greg :D:

Another day is going by
I'm thinking about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting
And I wrote this letter in my head
Cuz so many things were left unsaid
But now you're gone
And I can't think straight

Then there's the chorus but it's long :p.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

aw I'm missing out on all the huggles..*Comes in for hugs too* WOw I'm so glad to see all my favaorite Gutterville neighbors back in town.

We have all seen Ryan's bad temper I think maybe Greg could help him learn to control it, maybe with some yoga. I could Greg doing yoga or some kind of tension releaving activity. Maybe they could start working out together doing stretches and some bendy things that relaxes you .....Or Greg could drag Ryan to anger management classes and hold his hand.

OK kind of topic here but it's about Ryan's bad temper. Now they have showed him fly off the handle and the last time H told him he couldn't help him anymore. SO do you think H made him take anger management classes maybe or maybe the department did. In the last EP the cleaning dude got in Ryan's face and I thought Ryan was going to bust him but he stayed calm and let him go. THen when Delko and Nick got into it Ryan broke it up and Nick got smart with him but he just told him To Go..(hehe katie) SO Do you think Mr. Wolfe is learning to control himself, was last ep a sign of it? I wonder......
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Mwahahahahaha I try I try I'm gonna drag you down with the rest of us into the gutter

lol, well I dont mind being in the gutter at all. I mean hell, 2 really hot guys in the gutter verses no hot guys somewhere clean, well, Im setting up tent in the gutter :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I should be doing my finals' project but... here I am :rolleyes: Glad to see Gutterville alive again :D

Shadowfax said:
Hmmm... A vampire/werewolf thing would be complicated to write. You can feed the bunny if you like, but I'm not entirely sure what the plot of that story would be or where to take it for that matter. Any ideas? Or better yet, maybe you could write it yourself. ;) You already have the ideas, so why not, eh? *nudges* *sends bunny via UPS addressed to Silhouette* Is it there yet? :lol:
*opens door to find a bunny on the front porch with UPS tag on it* Huh? I didn't order any bunny... *bunny starts open its mouth revealing a pair of fangs* :eek: Uh-oh, it's the bunny from Shadowfax... EVIL BUNNY!!! *runs away*
Man I've tried, but as you said it, it's kinda complicated to write :rolleyes: Nevermind, writing isn't really my area. I'll just stick to maniping :rolleyes: :lol:

sandersidle said:
OMG. Yeah shirtless AND slow motion. That is pefect. Ohhh but yeah Sue we need him wet too. :devil: And with Greggo.. Also shirtless, tanned, wet, and in slow motion. *ODs on hottness*
:eek: Why you have to put that image into my head?? Omg that's so hott *joins Katie ODs on hottness and forgets all her projects* Great now I'm gonna fail the finals :rolleyes:
Sometimes I wish that my homework was to manip Ryan and Greg :lol: I'm SO gonna ask for more hw then until I OD on the hottness :lol:

I love Simple Plan, Katie. I think that song fits. There's the
"So now maybe after all these years
If you miss me have no fear
I'll be here
I'll be waiting"

I like to imagine them already knowing each other before CSI :D But if they just meet... say, in a CSI seminar, then this part fits:
"I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
(my mind goes into the gutter :devil:)
Will you remember me?
Cuz I know
I won't forget you"

And there's also a line from 'Addicted' that I think fits them:
"Since the day I met you
And after all we've been through
I'm still addict
I'm addicted to you
I think you know that it's true
I'd run a thousand miles to get you"
All the way to Vegas, baby... Awwww... :D though remember folks, Nevada isn't that far away :lol:

Hmm it's possible Twiz... Or maybe it's Greg :p Just because we never see it on screen doesn't mean they don't know each other... Maybe Greg has been giving him 'therapy'. Fun therapy :devil: *cough* I mean Greg is a really easy going person. I never see him mad. So he could balance Ryan, show him the positive side, and Ryan could learn from him to relax and being less cranky. Hmm I like how they could balance each other out :)

Hehe the inside of front door :devil: You're evil! I was thinking that too. Another possible things or surfaces Ryan could shove Greg into/against:
1. Greg's locker door
2. door into the LV Crime Lab's shower room
3. the sink in Miami Crime Lab's toilet :lol:
4. those transparent white board they use in Vegas to write formulas on
5. Ryan's dinner table (ahem. pushing the dinner plates aside :devil:)
6. the cupboard in the supply closet
7. Greg's car
8. Ryan's washing machine :lol: (hey he's OCD :rolleyes:)

Whoa I'm one crazy poster! :eek:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMGosh Irma I was so going to say the washing machine..while running...
Say Ryan decides to teach Greg how to do laundry the right way so his clothes smell April fresh too. They are standing by it sorting through the colors. Ryan comes across some of Gregs sexy boxers giving him some ideas. Then they start the washer and Ryan starts explaining about adding the fabric softner but then decides he wants to teach him about other things. The machine hits spin cycle and so does Ryan....

I'm so glad you like my manips Shadow. I spent a lot of hours on those things. I was cracking up making them. I think I'll leave the writing to you and the maniping to Irma though.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: Sue, you just know how to drag my mind into the gutter :lol: "The machine hits spin cycle and so does Ryan..." Oh that's hot... Remember the washing scenario we had a while back? About how they forget to close the machine or something so the bubble goes everywhere and floor is wet and slippery and they both end up falling on top of each other... *mind starts to wander* See that's the thing with R/G, even laundry could sound hot! :lol:

Hmm... you know maybe Greg seldom washes his clothes, so at some point of their relationship, suddenly when Ryan goes home and finds Greg actually washing the clothes... He gets so touched by that action that...
Ryan: Greg?
Greg: Oh hey Ryan...
Ryan: You...
Greg: I know I know, you always go about how I never seem to wash my clothes so... I mean, I love you, and if that's what makes you happy...
Ryan: Greg, I...
Greg: Oh, and I finally get around to wash that sexy boxers of mine... *proudly shows Ryan the washed boxers* I could wear it tonight if you want... :devil:
Ryan: :eek: uhm that's... that's... damn it Greg you just know how to turn me on... *grabs Greg and pushes him against the washing machine*
Greg: Ryan what are you doing?
Ryan: You forget to wash the one you're wearing *unbuckles Greg's jeans*
Greg: ...you just can't wait until tonight, can y-- *gasp*

:eek: ... I think I need some cold shower...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hihihihihihihiiii... *giggles like a schoolgirl* A wonderful scenario, Sil! I think I'll be needing a cold shower too after reading that. :devil:

*joins in with the hugs* Awww, Twiz, if you get inspired to manip again, please do so! I could use the giggles anytime! Oh, and your new banner's so cute! I've thought about doing something like that. He's so adorable when he makes faces, isn't he?

Katie!!! *hugs to the ground too* :lol: Ah, yes, feel free to stare at the banner anytime. I missed seeing it too.

OMG, ROTFL!!! "The machine hits spin cycle... and so does Ryan"??? :lol: :devil: :lol: Only Gutterville residents can make washing clothes sound sexy, especially when it involves adorably hunky guys like Ryan/Greg. I could imagine Ryan getting turned on seeing Greg do laundry. I know I myself find it incredibly sexy whenever hubby has a drill in his hand or when he's cooking or washing the dishes. :devil: Sorry, TMI? :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Whoa where's everyone? I'm trying to catch this thread from slipping off the page...

Twiz's banner? She's got a new banner? :eek: Why didn't I realized before??? Ooh love it, Twiz, so funny :lol: I love the many funny faces of Togo *sigh* :)

Just slightly TMI, Shadowfax :lol: I guess when you love someone, everything they do could be sexy, even if it's doing laundry! I think the drill part is like me and my gun!porn fetish :lol: I don't know, maybe it's how their arm muscles flex that turns you on? :lol: I never find lab coats sexy before CSI, but ever since Ryan and Greg, they sure make even lab coats look hot...
...and it's getting slightly off-topic... :rolleyes:

Back on the boys... [ETA, cuz I was bored and this just pops in my head:] hmm talking about gun!porn fetish, you think Greg would find Ryan with a gun sexy too? I could imagine Ryan in shooting range, or whatever you call that place where you practice shooting is... and Greg comes and waits for him, like slightly leaning on... whatever it is he could lean on... after Ryan's done, he's like, "What?" cuz Greg's smirking. And Greg just answers "Nothing, I just think you're holding a gun is incredibly sexy..." :D :lol: :devil:

Hmm discussion... What do you think Greg would love most about Ryan? And vice versa?

PS: Psstt Katie! Your inbox is full!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh, how I've missed this thread!! I've been stuck in the actual GUTTERVILLE named Soddy Daisy High School (the place I'm stuck in 7 hours a day) and yet.... I'M BACK!!! *wheeee* My iPod's getting updated now- adding a few songs here and there.

About Sil's post- :lol:, you're talking about Greg telling Ryan that him holding a gun is "incredibly sexy".... apparently Greg has a gun!porn fetish, too! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Where's my fellow Gutterville-ians? (or is it Gutter-ians? Gutter people? Yea whatever suits you :lol:) It's slipping off the page again! :( Well I can't be here for long (taking a *cough* "break" from homework :p).

:eek: Neelieeeeeee!!!!! Long time no see!!! *jumps and hugs to ground* Where have you been? Awww I know, it's called 'real life' :rolleyes: Haha yep I can see Greg having gun!porn fetish too :devil: Maybe they could play Time Crisis or any other shooting game together so Greg could stare at Ryan with a gun all night :p We talked about how they might love video games right? After they've done playing... well, they could play other things :devil: :lol:

Saw OOOO again today. Have to say, is it just me or Ryan interrograted = hottt. He's just got that attitude... I think it's sexy :devil: :lol: Makes me wish someday Greg would interrogate him (though of course he's not guilty). Could imagine them throwing each other hard stares across the table.... those eyes... :eek: *mind wanders*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Silhouette said:
I think the drill part is like me and my gun!porn fetish :lol: I don't know, maybe it's how their arm muscles flex that turns you on? :lol: I never find lab coats sexy before CSI, but ever since Ryan and Greg, they sure make even lab coats look hot...
It's exactly like the gun!porn fetish that turns me on!! :lol: :devil: I just love seeing his muscles flex and the look of concentration on his face whenever he's drilling a hole or something. :D

Of course, getting back on topic... Ryan is absolutely, incredibly, fanstastically SEXXXY when he's holding a gun. *giggles like a schoolgirl while oggling* :eek: :eek: Mmmm... those sexy, sexy arms! I wanna be wrapped up in them myself! :lol:

But then again, I could imagine Greg leaning over and just watching, admiring the way Ryan's arms flexed when he's holding the gun or firing it. I bet Greg could use a lesson or two on how to aim and shoot... NOT that kind of aim and shoot, people! I meant the gun! THE GUN! (Geez! Get your minds out of the Gutter!) :devil: :lol: :rolleyes:
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