Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*hugs Silhouette back* Gerroff me, I gotta breathe!
It's Guttervillians, but we're nice. :p I dunno, I made that up off the top of my head.

I'd LOVE to see Greg/Ryan interrogated by the other- totally hot, staring the other down, until the heat of the moment finally takes over and.... THE X-FACTOR!! Sorry, my Theatre teacher uses that whenever we play a game and someone gets out, he calls them "the X-Factor." But where I left off, the heat of the moment takes over and they yell their answer to the question. :D

Gun!porn fetish is the same here, too!! I dunno why, I just loved it whenever Ryan had the gun a few weeks back and he had to clear a scene. (I think it was the 100th episode. It's on my iPod, I'll check it tonight.) Sadly, Greg never held a gun.... I think he hasn't even passed his qualification test for carrying a gun. (And yet MAC wrote him with carrying a gun in a book....)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Gun!porn fetish rules! :lol: Yeah I think it must be how the muscles flex... I bet Greg doesn't just like staring at it, but feeling it too :devil: can you see him running a hand down Ryan's shoulder and over his arm... :eek: *mind wanders*

Oops... *drags mind back* :lol: sorry. Umm where were we?

Shadowfax said:
But then again, I could imagine Greg leaning over and just watching, admiring the way Ryan's arms flexed when he's holding the gun or firing it. I bet Greg could use a lesson or two on how to aim and shoot... NOT that kind of aim and shoot, people! I meant the gun! THE GUN! (Geez! Get your minds out of the Gutter!) :devil: :lol: :rolleyes:
Greg gets a lesson from Ryan to aim and shoot... :eek: I'm seriously trying not to let my mind wander that way... :devil: :devil: *cough* *drags mind back* Right, the gun... as in weapon... I can see Ryan teaches Greg. Cuz like Lee said I think Greg hasn't allowed to carry one yet. I can see Greg trying to take a shot, and Ryan's like, "No, hold it like this..." and he wraps his (sexy) arms around Greg, put his hands over his, and whispers in his ears... "Just aim and shoot..."

Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Man how have I missed this thread for the last couple of days. Hangs head low for my absence. BUT I'm here to fill everyone's mind with a little of my own Gutter thoughts, buckle your seatbetls cause I'm about to talk about Gun Porn. OH yes I so love it too and wow last night we got to see Gun Porn on the new ep...RYan actually shot his gun, didn't hit no one but still it was so friggin intense and friggin sexxxxy. The look on his face..gives me chills. I'm working on capping it..but eh.

So about Ryan and Greg and Gun Porn. Katie told me that Greg choses not to carry a gun so I'm guessing he may not know how to use that thing and his aim might be off..gutterminds beware. OK so Ryan would take him to the firing range and have to teach him. You know stand behind him with their body real close and Ryan would put his arms around him showing him how to handle his gun. Their hands would both be on it gripping it tight then ryan would tell him to pull the trigger and it would fire. The force of the shot would push Greg back into Ryan more......that be hott.

Can I get a smoothie in here or what????
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oooh! I like that scenario you just painted, Silhouette and Twiz! :D Ryan teaching Greg how to aim and shoot... especially Greg falling back into Ryan! :devil: :devil:

Here you go... *hands Twiz a smoothie* I need one for me too. :lol:

Ah, yes... last night's ep was hot as hell, and Ryan finally managed to actually fire his weapon. He didn't hit the guy, but then again, it took Horatio several tries before he actually got close enough to where the guy's standing. I loved it too when he was yelling "Officer down!" on the radio.

Oooh! Oooh! I just got a cute scenario in my head:

Ryan and Greg go to the shooting range, where Ryan's teaching Greg how to handle the gun (insert Twiz's scenario here). Then Greg falls back into Ryan, and they find themselves on their back, Ryan on the floor, and Greg on top of him. Ryan's a bit winded from falling back and having Greg land on him, but Greg gets up to check on Ryan.
Greg: Ryan! Ryan! Are you okay?
Ryan: (gasping slightly) Officer down... :D
Greg: (grinning) Stay down, Officer. (playfully) Help is on the way. :D:devil:
Greg leans down to give Ryan mouth to mouth. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: *hands smoothies* I need one too

Twiz that is exactly what I was thinking in my last post... how I've imagined it... but you say it so much hotter :eek: Especially the 'the force of the shot would push Greg back into Ryan more' part... *thud*

Come to think about it... the last paragraph in my last post sounds kinda... sexual... :lol: I wasn't intending it I swear, but when I read it again... Well, read Twiz's post and tell me the double meaning doesn't make you giggle... "... stand behind him with their body real close and Ryan would put his arms around him showing him how to handle his gun. Their hands would both be on it gripping it tight..." *giggles*

I love how gutter minds work
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Irma I didn't even see that you had posted a scenerio about them and the GUN. I guess that shows gutter minds think alike. I just read somewhere about Gun Porn and that popped into my head. I've been watching the show Armed and Famous..they gave a few of hollywoods misfits and use to be badges as cops. BUt La Toya Jackson is on it and she couldn't shoot her gun, 12 shots and she missed the whole target. So the instructor had to teach her how to hold a gun and shoot. He didn't exactly do it the way I describe Ryan doing it with Greg, but it was something like that.

I agree pretty much your whole things sounds pretty hott and sexual...oh that's just my gutter minds thinking. Ok I just reread both of our posts and now I'm giggling..where's the smoothies? I need a couple.

Ryan yelling officer down was sooo hott and at the end him running...*Drools*
Now how about if that was greg and ryan together during that shootout, instead of ryan and H. I could see ryan getting in a couple shots at the perp then running over to greg and jumping on top of him to protect him. He would have his body over him while still shooting at the perp.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Ack! What happened?? Gutterville was on the second page again! *puts in a Herculean effort to bring it back to page 1* :D

Gutter minds do think alike, don't they? ;) I love your scenario, Twiz! And then maybe after Ryan's done shooting and assuming they got the guy, Greg would grab Ryan's lapel and pull him down for a mouth to mouth, eh? Eh? *waggles eyebrows* :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

second page again??? Damn where is everyone? Free smoothies for everyone that comes to visit...*tries to lure peeps in*

Glad you liked it Shadow. I like the thought of Ryan using his hott body to shield Greg from harms way. I agree on that ending too, a little mouth to mouth to show his appreciation...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Free smoothies!? I'm here. :lol: I've been reading the posts I swear, just too tired to actually post. :p

I almost fell of my chair when I read all the posts about Ryan teaching Greg to shoot a gun. :eek: They both fall down on eachother. Hahaha. :devil: So if Ryan is teaching Greg that, what would Greg teach Ryan... :devil: He might be more experienced with... other... things. ;)

Ohh yeah, that scene from Miami would have been SO much hotter if it was Ryan/Greg, not H. :rolleyes: I think Greg would be turned on by Ryan's manlyness (Is that a word?) with him shooting his gun and everything. :D

So where are my smoothies? :p
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Can I have a "Welcome back!" smoothie? I'll get it next time I log on, I've got Saturday School for a third tardy. (Grrr...)

Ummm... I WAS going to say something, but I forgot what it was!! (I'm home!! :lol: ) When I remember what I was gonna say, I'll edit...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Gutterville...page 2 again..damn. Well I'm here to asks some q's and maybe throw out a beginner to a hott scenerio. My minds been in the gutter lately so I've got lots of thoughts.

My q's is why doesn't Greg carry a gun? I know he chooses not to but why? Did it ever say? Is he afraid of them or he just doesn't believe in them? I hate guns..always have so I was wondering why he doesn't carry it. He's in law enforcement I always thought you had to carry one or at least know how to use it.
So then my next q's and not sure if this has been asked before so if so..sorry in advanced. Anyways do you think either of them would be over protective of the other on the job? I mean both have been injured on the job so they know the risks. I could see Ryan with his OCD being more protective of Greg, plus the fact he doesn't have a gun. I could see them arguing over it a lot. I think Ryan would be more the worrier though. We saw in the one ep where we thought Calleigh got shot and he seeemed to have panic a little with her. Now with Greg since he's had his close calls I think he might be a little protective too but I think Ryan would be a little overly protective to the point they would end up fighting over it. Especially if Ryan insist on Greg getting a gun and if Greg doesn't believe in them. So what do you guys think? COme on all my Gutterville neighbors where you at? I've got smoothies for you....
sry no hot scenerio from me today..too early.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Well, remember when Nick had to take his qualification test for carrying a gun? Maybe Greg hasn't passed his yet. But I could've sworn I've seen him with a holster just like Sara and everyone else's that has a gun and a taser. (Yes, I know what that little box-looking thing is, I've always known.) Or maybe he's just afraid of what his overprotective mother would think of him carrying a gun... after all, they do backfire sometimes.

Well, to answer your second question.... After Fannysmackin' (which showed Greg's hero side- he actually revealed that he had an overprotective mother and had to stay under her wing for 17 years!) I think that Greg would be the more "overprotective" one, considering how he's an only child and he grew up in a home where his mother took too much care of him. ( :lol: ... I love how I put that.) He took all of what his mother gave him and saved a man's life, and he would probably do the same for Ryan, giving him... uh... an overprotective mother's love and care. :D And not to mention he also works with more people than Ryan, and it gives him that edge that he'd better not slip up. But, Twiz, you do have a point- Ryan's OCD does kinda make him vulnerable to become overprotective at times. But I still think Greg would be the overprotective one- cuz of his mum. (After all, Ryan has made some really strong arguments...)
Just my opinion. :D Don't be offended.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I think Ryan would be the over protective one, too. Especially because in Nailed, he told Delko it was his fault because he didn't have his gun drawn. So if Greg doesn't even have a gun at all, I'm sure he would worry about him alot. For some reason I think Greg might be less worried about stuff like that because of his mom. He thought she was too over protective so he might not want to act the same way. Maybe Greg would agree to carry a gun after a while because Ryan would be driving him crazy always worrying, just like his mom. Then, that's when Ryan could teach him. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh great point about that mother thing Katie. Yeah some peeps that are treated a certain way growing up try not to be the same way. I also think because Greg is an only child maybe he doesn't really know how to be protective of someone else like that. He never had a sibling that he had to protect. I think it would really bother Ryan that Greg doesn't carry a gun...like Katie said, he blamed himself for getting Nailed because he didn't have his gun drawn. Ryan has showed his protectiveness in a few eps too. The one with Calleigh, and the reporter.. and even with Cooper. He told him to stay back because he didn't have a gun. I think Ryan has a protective side to him..Like with the baby (shootout) and with the girl that was pregnant in (Money Plane.) I think it could be his OCD or just the way he was raised. OH should I even mention the dead body girl from (Legal) He's way more caring.
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