Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMGosh Life Style I was thinking about the same thing as you, seriously. I was thinking Greg would buy Ryan a funny t shirt or something that he knew he'd never wear, or only wear to please him and Ryan would make him a nice romantic candle lit dinner. I think they would both end the evening maybe giving a backrub to relax them then.......pg 13 kiddies.

Welcome Gregslabmouse and you should really starting watching it. Ryan is the only reason I watch it, for real.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I thought that they'd just give each other money.... I got over $100 from Christmas and my birthday combined.

Now, if Ryan's birthday is a little after Christmas, he'd definitely be like that. But if his birthday's before Christmas, he'd be opening Christmas presents for his birthday. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

WHOA......Gutterville has been abandoned again..nooooo. Where is everyone??? Hellooooooo..... I hear echoes. 2nd page again..* shakes head in shame* Well I'm here now and I don't have a new topic or scenerio so IDK.
So where is Irma??? I know she's back and I know she should have been in here. Katie?

OK I'm sitting here and a q's just popped into my head and i'm going to roll with it. It's winter time and it sucks..I hate cold so I'm thinking right now about summer time and vacation time for my family. NOw Ryan lives in Miami, so it's like vacation for him all the time.. and Greg lives in Vegas so same thing but say they get a 2 week vacation what do you guys think they would do on it? Maybe Ryan would spend a week cleaning the house that's been neglected while Greg doesn't. Where do you think they would go on vacation? Would they go off alone somewhere, maybe visit family. My thoughts....
First week they would separate and visit family then they would meet somewhere really cool, maybe Paris for a romantic getaway together. They would be missing each other soooo much that it would be even more exciting for them. Imagine them seeing each other at the airport in Paris for the first time in a week...aaaaawwwwwww. Ok lets have some thoughts on this, don't leave me hanging too.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hey! :)

I think they'd go skiing perhaps, or a real tourist vacation in a European city? Like Italy perhaps? :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

YAY..Gutterville is back on the map. Hey Life Style good to see you.

OOHHH Italy would be cool. Very romantic and great food I bet. They could take a romantic boat ride every night. I bet they have beautiful restaurants, oh walks along the water hand and hand...nice.

Now skiing would be cool. Afterwards they could cuddle by the fireplace drinking hot chocalate.
Could anyone see them back packing throughout Europe? I couldn't.Everytime I see a movie where someone is doing that they end up dead, or a werewolf and since ryan's name is WOlfe ... so I don't.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*sees a signage beside the road "Gutterville, 5 miles"* Wheeeee!!! I'm homeeeeeeee!!!!

Phew... been away so long... Omg how I miss my fellow Gutterians! :D *hugs everyone*
Ooh, there's someone new here. Welcome gregslabmouse!!! :D Have some smoothies! Careful, it's VERY hot in here, don't get dehydrated :p

First of all. Sue, what's that about werewolf? :eek: Well yeah I've been imagining what Ryan would be like if he was a werewolf... cuz his name is wolfe... Well it reminds me we were talking in Ryan/Jon thread whether he's hairy or not :lol: Err nevermind...

I had a bunny jumping in my mind once, I think after I watched that movie Underworld. What if Ryan is a werewolf and Greg is a vampire? (oh he SO would be a HOT one). Maybe first they'd try to kill each other... But then when Ryan all wounded and gets back to his human form... you know, Greg would see him... err, let's just say that when you change into a werewolf you rip all your clothes off (I'm trying to explain without getting too close to PG13 border :rolleyes:).

I mean how could Greg kill a werewolf that HOT, even if their clans are enemies? He wouldn't. So even if Ryan ends up lying there, Greg hovering dangerously close over him, slowly grabbing his hair, tilting his head to the side exposing Ryan's sexy bare shoulder and neck... Would Greg hesitate to kill him? Maybe he would tease first, kissing a trail down Ryan's neck... Ryan not knowing whether the next one would be Greg's lips, or his fangs... He knew this vampire wouldn't hesitate to kill him, but he never thought how it would turn him on so much being so hopeless in the hand of such sexy vampire... not to mention being under his intense eyes, so intense that Ryan felt like Greg could eat him alive. Which wasn't very far from the truth. But was it hunger for blood he saw... or was it... something else? Greg's warm breath still ghosted against his skin. Reminding him how dangerously close his fangs still were... And when Greg's thumb trailed along his jawline, it was hard for him to swallow when in his mind there were no fangs, but only his lips. And when he closed his eyes to Greg's touch, he imagined the concrete below him wasn't concrete anymore, but it was somewhere else...
And maybe he was so close but Greg couldn't do it. He didn't want Ryan's blood anymore. But simply just... want him. :devil:

Wow that's one crazy bunny :eek: I think I've written a short ficlet there :lol: I find vampires interesting. I'm just that weird :p Maybe I shouldn't have that coffee earlier :rolleyes:

Now back on topic... vacations... hmm maybe Ryan would surprise Greg, suddenly showing up at LV crime lab. Someone would be like, "Greg, there's someone here looking for you." He didn't know it was Ryan. He would be so surprised, awww :D Ryan: "Surprise! I've got 2 weeks vacation, thought I would..." And Greg would jump and hug him or something. And Ryan would be, "Greg let me go! Everyone's staring..." :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

yeah we wouldn't want them to end up dead, or as werewolf's :lol:

Yeah I think Italy would be pretty neat :) They have great architecture, and I bet that could make Ryan happy. And then they have pretty good beaches too, I think. Lots of variety, which would suit them since they are kinda different from each other :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: Yeah we wouldn't want them to end up dead. Sorry for putting that image in your head :lol:

Yeah they should go somewhere with nice beaches. R/G + water + the beach + no shirt on = good combo :lol:

Btw I just read a new R/G fic yesterday over at Nerds With Badges LJ, so for those who's on R/G craving (like me) that's something for you to enjoy (and wow, I saw the comments, Shadowfax actually posted there :eek: She's... still alive!!! :eek: :lol: I miss her and her stories :()
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*Runs to Gutterville* Hmm I've missed this place! :eek: :devil: *huggles everyone too*

OMG Irma you should be a writer for the show and then make a crossover. *thud* Seriously I dont see how you can come up with stuff like that! That's a good thing. :p I love the "I mean how could Greg kill a werewolf that HOT, even if their clans are enemies?" :lol: I think you should continue with that plot bunny. ;) :devil:
Now back on topic... vacations... hmm maybe Ryan would surprise Greg, suddenly showing up at LV crime lab. Someone would be like, "Greg, there's someone here looking for you." He didn't know it was Ryan. He would be so surprised, awww :D Ryan: "Surprise! I've got 2 weeks vacation, thought I would..." And Greg would jump and hug him or something. And Ryan would be, "Greg let me go! Everyone's staring..." :lol:

Awwww!! That's so cute! :D I'd love to see that. Oh and good.. Ryan's got 2 weeks vacation. Lots of time for fun. :devil:

*gasp* Shadowfax, come back here! I miss you and your gutter mind!! :( And I can't forget your stories! I want to see what happens with Ryan and the mouse! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

hey good news guys, I watched csi: Miami for the first time the other day and knew this Wolfe guy is perfect for Greg :) (and that he's a lot hotter on tv than in these pictures ;))
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

^^Awww gregslabmouse you finally see Ryan YAY!!! Yes he's even hotter on tv isn't he? :D He is PERFECT for Greg! I can't believe someone who's just seeing Ryan on the show the first time could see that too :D So cool... If only they'd give us a crossover...

sandersidle said:
OMG Irma you should be a writer for the show and then make a crossover.
What are you talking about Katie? I wanna be the wardrobe department, remember? ;) I'm gonna make him SHIRTLESS :p :lol: And you should be the editor hun... You've got talent. Your YouTube vid for Twiz rocks! Together, we'd make Ryan SHIRTLESS and IN SLOW MOTION!!! :lol: :devil:

Talking about your vid, wow I finally get the chance to see The Sexy Walk :eek: *major drooling* whoops! *cleans keyboard* Now imagine that footage is from Greg's POV... So Greg is sitting... somewhere... and when he turns his head he sees this really hot guy walking...
*nudges Greg* Umm, you're drooling sir... :lol:

Ah plot bunnies are evil! Nah, don't think the subject matter appeals to anyone but me :lol: Well, except maybe hollie cuz I know she finds vampires sexy too. We talked about FallOutBoy's 'Less Than Sixteen Candles' vid at some point... where is she anyway? She's gone missing along with Shadowfax :(

Yeah where's Shadowfax? What happens with the mouse?? And where's jesika too? I miss her Doppeldagger (sp?) fic :(
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

lol yeah. Ryan seems a little tense though, I think they should let Greg go over and loosen him up a bit (hehehe :D)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Haha exactly! See, opposites attracts. Ryan is too serious sometimes. And Greg is the perfect guy who would know how to... err, loosen him a bit, as you put it :p (By 'loosen a bit' I'm also refering to his... clothes :devil: :devil: :lol:)

I know under that seriousness, he's got a wild side buried deep down somewhere... if there's someone who could bring it out, it's Greg...

Now I remember that line from the movie Ice Age (which Neelie also mentioned a while ago)... See, the thing about Greg, Ryan, is that... "He completes you..." *flutters eyelashes* :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

lol. I wouldnt mind a little loosening of clothes between the two :) ...

oh look at that, now you've got me thinking dirty. Darn you people and your guy on guy forums :p j/k
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