Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Twiztid4Togo said:
OK I finally watched a good greg csi ep last night. It was the one where the fortune teller gets killed and Greg mentions his grandma oalof..( I kno I spelled that wrong) but anyways he was so funny and goofy in that ep. He's definately the type of person Ryan needs in his life. Ryan has a funny strange sense of humor too but he holds it back JMO. I think Greg could loosen Ryan up and they would have fun together. Greg would get Ryan out of his safety shell and get him to experience life in a different way.

You spelled "know" wrong too.... And "definitely".... :p I'm sorry but I'm one of those folks who has to spell every thing right with the correct punctuation unless it's in a text message. :D I had straight A's in English last year because of it.... but now I'm failing.

The part I bolded.... we don't want too much of a difference in Ryan, do we? Because if Greg changes him COMPLETELY then we won't have the poor little old Ryan who would keep a nitrous oxide canister in the same place as a suspect. :lol: :D (After the Fall.... I was searching for the epi where what's-his-face holds the gun to Calleigh's head and Delko was testing all of the guns in the lab next to her ear and I clicked on this one and I read it and laughed so hard I thought I'd die.)

Do you really want Greg to change Ryan that much? (Make him messy instead of clean?) *shudders* Actually.... I think he's everything Greg's missing.... (I'm borrowing this from the Ice Age 2 commercial- "He completes Greg.")
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Shadowfax is on vacation visiting her family right? Well come back soon! I miss you and your awesome fics. :D And Irma I know you're here.. Somewhere. Come back to Gutterville I miss you too! :D

Aww I love that Greg eppy too. I think Greg and Ryan could bring out the best in eachother cause they'd balance eachother out. Greg is funny and Ryan is more serious. They would be good for eachother.

I don't want Greg to change Ryan.. But I agree with Twiz. He could losen Ryan up. He'd still be the same OCD Ryan. ;) Trust me, I don't think Greg could make Ryan messy. No one could do that. :p

Guys, where are our gutter minds? :eek:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Everybody's talking about that episode but unfortunately I've actually never seen it. I'd love to see it though.Which season? :)

Yeah I definitely agree with what y'all said. Ryan could use having someone like Greg around, since Ryan has a tendency of being all too serious. It's such a shame, he has a great sense of humor (or so it seems), so Greg would totally get him I believe :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Can they be cuter together? :devil:
I always dream about a cross over of LV and MIAMI.
Maybe they will fall in love at the first sight. :D
A question:Is Greg older than Ryan?(I mean in real life)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

szmandatogoholic said:
Silhouette said:
Well I borrow Ryan's body from Jake Gyllenhaal... who IMO is the sexiest, hottest man alive (besides Jon and Eric of course :p). So I don't think it strays very far... Jon, Jake, connected right? :lol:

Speaking of JG, I got 'Donnie Darko' for Christmas from my sister, and it was the director's cut. (Yayyyy!!! :D ) And I agree about the "hottest, sexiest man alive, besides Jon and Eric". He's got the most GORGEOUS eyes.... and the *starts drooling uncontrollably* *snaps out of it* Anyways, Jake and Ryan are connected: Ryan was commented on how much he looks like Jake in an epi of CSI: Miami, while Delko was said to look like A-Rod.... (Which could also stand for Adam Rodriguez, which was my first thought.) And when Jon has scruff, he REALLY looks like Jake.... so much I could get them confused!

Let's see.... I can imagine a Christmas with Greg. It'll look just like Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. :lol: :lol: So much like it I won't comment on it.
I can't agree with you more.
I love Jake Gyllenhaal to death.he is the sexist man I've ever seen. :D
My friends sometimes tell me that Jon is so much like JG.I am really happy about this.
They are both gorgeous and hot. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

CHIAWOLFE, yes, Eric Szmanda is older than Jon Togo in real life. (By two years.) ES was born on July 24, 1975, while JT was born on August 25, 1977. (Greg Sanders' birthday is on May 5, 1977. Ryan's birthday is unknown.) Most of the time people make up a birthday for the characters, but I think Wikipedia has a list of the characters from the original show's birthdays. (I can't remember....)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Thanks Katie you kno I wuv you for agreeing with me....

Well Gutterville is moving a little, still at the bottom of the page but better then page 2.

sry about that Life Style, are you talking about the greg one? I only got to see it because it was a repeat. I don't watch csi Lv much..eeek dodges rocks being thrown at me..I'm a Grey's Anatome fan..Dodges bigger rocks now. But it was a great ep for greg.

I don't want Ryan to change completely just loosen up a little and have some fun. I think greg would be able to show him some fun like he's never known.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yeah I was talking about the Greg ep. I've wanted to see it for a while but I've always missed it. I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's in the future :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

life_style said:
Interesting question :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, szmandatogoholic! :)


Thanks, life_style. :p

Add that to my school and family birthday wishes, and I have around 7 or 8, I believe.

And I saw two guys dancing at lunch today, which kinda made me want to come here, but since I was filling out a Matchmaker form, I couldn't think about anything right then. (The peeps that look at it match you up with who they think you'd be most compatible with.... I only did it for the heck of it. :lol:)
And I really feel like cruisin' the Internet, now....

I have a question: What do you think Greg and Ryan would get each other for their birthdays? (I'm sorry, all of the talk about my birthday made me interested.)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Well this is an unusual ship (no offense, Im not saying its a bad idea)

this Ryan guy is pretty hot, which one is he from? (sorry for the newbie-ish-ness, but Im a LV fan I havent seen the others...)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

gregslabmouse said:
Well this is an unusual ship (no offense, Im not saying its a bad idea)

this Ryan guy is pretty hot, which one is he from? (sorry for the newbie-ish-ness, but Im a LV fan I havent seen the others...)

Ryan Wolfe is from CSI MIAMI.He used to be a patrol until S3,he became a CSI.
so he is a newbie like you. :lol:
In S3,Ryan is much like Greg,but now Ryan changes his haircut so it is not very hard to tell them apart.
BUT !! Tow of them are still HOT!! :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

lol thanks. I may have to start watching Miami now, I had no idea there were such hot guys on there ;)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

What they would buy each other? I think Greg would by Ryan something funny, and Ryan would probably cook Greg a dinner or something :)
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