I have news thats really great for me that pertains to this topic. I have lately found out that I am great at screaming (for those of you who don't like music with screaming, this may not be a talent to you, but you really have no idea how hard it is), and so I recorded a demo and let some of my friends hear it and stuff, and one of my friends let like 5 different bands listen to it, and one said that if they get together, they want me. So I might be joining a band, I'm so stoked, and I'm so glad that I took my friend's advice and recorded a demo.
I have the demo uploaded if anybody would like to listen for themselves. The quality isn't the best, but eh, whatever.
My friend is hearing back from the kid on Tuesday, I'm so anxious and excited and stuff. Even if that doesn't work out, my other friend and I have been thinking of getting a band together. *squee*