Rock/Alternative music

Ok, since Finland is promised land of metal bands, I can introduce some.

Not so heavy
I think it's more rock-ish. Haven't listened to it for long, but sounds ok. I don't know, I just can somehow hear that they are Finnish. It's something about vocalist's pronouncing.

They are bit more heavier than To/Die/For. Or sound is, they have female vocalist. Me likes it.

Heavy enough:
Amorphis. I really like them. On their website has description "Boasting a sound more aligned with '70s progressive rock bands than modern day metal acts"

TarotYes, this is the metal I like. These guys actually sing. And sound is good. One member, Marco Hietala is better known from band Nightwish

Silentium veeeeeery slllooow sound. Singing is ok. Would probably help you to sleep :lol: I hope vocalist will some day learn to sound less Finnish :lol:

Finntroll. I'd say... Creepy. Not my style. They sing in Swedish but it's ok, you couldn't understand word anyways. On their website they have this description:
The other woke up and started playing the keyboards and came up with a folkish melody. Soon the other one woke up too. Liking the melody he asked the other guy to play the riff in traditional finnish "humppa" style (humppa is a variety of polka...). This sounded very mean and guitars and brutal vocals were added immediatly

Children of Bodom. Also heavier side. Still not my style. Guys are great with music but I wouldnt' consider that screaming as "singing". They are quite popular here, tho.

Barathrum Done music for long, not so bad screaming than Children of Bodom. Some songs are ok.

Diablo. They have samples on their website. I really liked the sound, even singing is not my fave style.

Incarnate Oh, I don't know why I even chose this here. Singing, or screaming. Sometimes I'm thinking are they throwing up or something?

These were the ones I wanted to introduce now.
Anybody know of the Kaiserchiefs? Anyone like them or listen to them by any chance? Just wondering if they were big in any other country apart from England, and also I only have one friend (English) who really likes them :D
I know I don`t count really, as im in England, but I looooooooove the Kaiserchiefs so much!!! Sorry just had to get that off my chest. :D I love Saturday night off there album (IMO I think they should release that song as a single). I would love to see them live, I`ve seen them on telly from concerts and there totally mad! :lol:
I didnt know that Lullacry came from Finland! :D Cool!

Kasier Chiefs is so style. LOL my mom was playing their album the other day and I could hear it through the walls, it wasn't good. :p But mom assured me it was the only bad one on the album. :rolleyes:

Does anyone like Rooster here? Mom's maknig me go to their concert with her. I don't think that they're that good.... :rolleyes:
Rooster...hmm, afraid I don't like them either :p they just sound like MacFly and....all those other guy groups that just, erm, sound all the same :lol:

But I'm careful about what I say about people's music tastes these days. One day, a teenage girl came into the public library where I work, and one of my colleagues (called Steph) served her when she wanted to check some books out. Anyway, Steph is a bubbly and chatty person, and to try and make conversation with the girl, she asked her:

So, are you upset about Busted splitting up?

The girl burst into tears :( Steph had to get her a tissue.

kazzy - I hope your mum enjoys Rooster :D
I looooove the Kaiser Chiefs, The Killers, Lost Prophets and Incubus, they all rock :D!! Spare a thought for me Wibble in under 3 weeks time I HAVE to go to a McFly concert with my sister and her friend :eek:, my parents have said Iv gotta look after her, I will be sooo bored, I dont like their songs!*no offence intended towards McFly fans* Its sooooo not fair :(!
Rooster...hmm, afraid I don't like them either :p they just sound like MacFly and Busted and....all those other guy groups that just, erm, sound all the same :lol:

One day, a teenage girl came into the public library where I work, and one of my colleagues (called Steph) served her when she wanted to check some books out. Anyway, Steph is a bubbly and chatty person, and to try and make conversation with the girl, she asked her:

So, are you upset about Busted splitting up?

The girl burst into tears :( Steph had to get her a tissue.

kazzy - I hope your mum enjoys Rooster :D
I hope she does but I know I won't enjoy it.

LOL, I find it so funny that when Busted split up, the girls cried. :rolleyes: It's pathetic! :p If Nightwish were to split up soon, I'd be sad but not hysterically crying. :p
All this talk of busted spliting up, reminds me of when Take That split up I was about 15 yrs and I sobbed for days :lol: I laugh now as it seems daft, but I was so upset at the time, I thought it was the end of the world! :eek: Anyway back to the rock music OMG Charlie the Lost Prophets are so cool, I have all the albums, I love them. :D
I love the Kaiser Chiefs! i've been listening to them lately.. i love the album.. i like Na Na Naa nana.. or however you spell it.
Oooh! I like that one song by AFI.. I forget what its called but i think it's something like Gold and Cold or something..
"Silver and Cold", you were quite close :) Yep, I love it too

*currently wading through a Brandon Flowers picture post*
The new Death Cab for Cutie album ROCKS!

i have Plans and lots of other songs- they are from where i live!! im going to their concert in november

Would you happen to live in say, Bellingham???

Hey, Catherine_Willows! i haven't seen you around here.. isn't Motion City Soundtrack a song on a Radiohead album, called Kid A? I listened to them though and they sounded pretty good.
Hello lilbug! I've been busy moving so I've been without Internet for the past two weeks. :p

As for the band name, I honestly have no idea. I've never listened to Radiohead, so I couldn't tell ya. :p

I will ask one of my friends about it later, just to see if it is.