Rock/Alternative music

ill do that - but that doesnt answer my question - why is Avril accused of bein a poser?!!?!?!??!?!!??!!?!??!!?!?!?!??!
(ouch) :lol:
I think you answered this question for yourself, she dresses punk, but really her music is more pop then anything.

Plus, if you can't identify Old School bands in your genre, i.e. Punk, then I think it's a best bet that you should be calling yourself a PUNK, therefore, you are a poser (preppie).
It's like saying you're a rock band, but you don't know who bands like Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, KISS, or the Grateful Dead are.

:devil: If she is such a 'poser' then why are you discussing her in the ROCK thread??? *wipes spit off mouth* Sorry. Just a little annoyed.
But she doesnt say shes punk! Just cuz she dresses like that that makes her punk? I dont thnk your clothes say everything about you - definetely not enough to judge your music type! i think punks dress way cool but i wouldnt classify everyone who dressed like that as punk...its morally incorrect (lol dont ask -)
im out now gotta go eat :d
Really its not the clothes that make you a punk, because materials and clothing and such is totally such the opposite of what punks are.

I think it really has to do with the history of the genre. Like I said in my followup post.

I wonder if she knows any of the old school 70s 80s punk bands. If she does then really she has missed the boat on what type of lyrics and songs to write. :devil:
Unfortunately, I have heard all of her singles. You can't get away from them up here. :rolleyes: We refer to her as a poser because of the way she acts. Not many people I know over 15 like her. You bring her name up, they look at you :confused:. Not saying there are not pockets of older fans, just not many. When the majority of people buying someone's cds (like Avril) are 10-13. Poser gets slapped on them. Being a Guide leader, I know a lot of kids between 5 and 18. I have not once, seen an Avril cd on them. Sum 41, Simple Plan, GOB. All the time. Not once have I seen Avril in their cd wallets. I find she is not competely genuine, either. There are many posers out there. Of all walks of life/music/etc. When you try to hide the fact, that at one point you liked country, and when you make a musical change, you try and deny it. That just wreaks.

I am not afraid to say that in my music collection I have Abba, Mozart, Cannibal Corpse, Stompin' Tom Connors, the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang sdtrk., Eminem, and The Tragically Hip. Simon and Garfunkle, Mitsou, (some Canadians will know who she is.) Irish Rovers. All of it is in my collection. At one time in my life3 I liked Michael Jackson's music. I liked Tone Loc. Got over both quite quickly.

If Avril wants to say she is punk. Fine. Whatever. But don't EVER deny your musical past. Sarah McLachlan started out in a new wave band in high school. She doesn't deny it. Avril, would rather the knowledge of her past music taste, get swept under a carpet. O.K. that's all I will say about that topic. We can agree to disagree.

Wow. That took 20 minutes. I like the convo in between.
Well said TTHipFreak, That's what I'm saying, you have to at least be proud of the past so that not only fans but you as yourself can be respected.

I'm going to throw this out here, wonder if she knows any of these Old School Punk bands:

The Ramones, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, Fugazi, David Bowie, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Social Distortion, Red Hot Chili Peppers (80s version), Pennywise, NOFX, and Less than Jake.
Thanks for going to bat for me, while I was spewing about Avril. Or as the d.j.'s say at my station... Advil. I doubt she would know many of them. I doubt she has even heard of Teenage Head. RHCP, were amazing back in the day weren't they? Not saying they are not anymore, just not the same. Fishbone?
So Catherine_Willows, do you like any of the mentioned old school punk bands that I mentioned?

Old School Punk bands:

The Ramones, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, Fugazi, David Bowie, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Social Distortion, Red Hot Chili Peppers (80s version), Pennywise, NOFX, and Less than Jake.

And to be fair, our conversation was still ontopic, maybe not in the rock genre, but for an alternative side of things it still was there.

But I agree more ROCK n' F'n ROLL and less POP.
RHCP, were amazing back in the day weren't they? Not saying they are not anymore, just not the same. Fishbone?

Yeah RHCP kick much ass back in the day, and that's why I put (80s version) in parentheses, so that my argument of old school punk genre would still be intaked.

I know I missed some killer old school punk bands, but I was just looking at my Punk section and listed all that I had.
My Vinyl Collections consists of only PEARL JAM vinyls, 1 Idlewild vinyl, and 1 X vinyl.

but my CD collection is very big and broad.