:lol: Yes, anyone who's half as passionate as RT Anni must have a serious mental problem.

Bwaha. *huggles RT and RL Anni*
Thanks for the reviews.
Josh: *walks over* You called?
Natalia: The skin under our dead boy's fingernails match Jerry Hall. He's in the system for stat rape back in '98.
Josh: So he's in the registry.
Natalia: Yeah. *looks down at computer* Says he's a bouncer at a club downtown.
Josh: The same club where our vic was found?
Natalia: No, but the address is similar. Maybe on the same block. Who hires a sex offender to be a bouncer?
Josh: They probably don't have the most legit employment records.
Natalia: *nods*
Josh: Let's go say hello to Mister Hall.
Interrogation room
Tripp: *places picture on table*
Jerry: Check with my P.O, I've been checkin' in with him every day.
Tripp: This isn't about your Parole Officer, Mister Hall. Your DNA was found under the fingernails of a dead kid.
Jerry: What dead kid?
Josh: *sits* That one. *points to picture*
Tripp: He was found at a club downtown. It just so happens it's next door to the club where you're employed.
Jerry: *shrugs* I see a lot of people. I might have thrown the kid out. Minors aren't allowed.
Josh: Roll up your sleeves.
Jerry: *lifts brow* What for?
Josh: Because I said so.
Jerry: *rolls eyes*
Tripp: Unless you'd like us to tell your P.O where you're working.
Jerry: ...*sigh* Fine. *rolls up sleeves*
Josh: *nods* Nasty scratches.
Jerry: I have a cat.
Josh: You strangle any of those cats recently?
Jerry: *stands* I don't have to listen to this.
Tripp: Either you tell us what happened or we'll figure it out ourselves, it's only a matter of time.
Jerry: Yeah well when you do, call my lawyer. *leaves*
Cellphone rings
Josh: *grabs phone, leaves*
Josh: *walks over* Hey, you had something important?
Alexx: I took subcutaneous photos of the wounds around our dead boy's neck. *hands over photos*
Josh: *looks down* Hand marks. Enough to try and match to someone?
Alexx: You tell me.
Josh: I'll get 'em over to A/V and see what they can.
Alexx: *places hand on Josh's shoulder* Hey, have you spoken to Cait yet?
Josh: *shakes head*
Alexx: If you need any help with that, you know where to find me.
Josh: *smirks* I think I can take care of it Alexx, but thanks. *leaves*
Alexx: Okay.
House, 3pm
Josh: *walks in* Cait! *picks up toys* Cait! *sigh*
Josh: *knocks on door* Cait, are you home?
Cait: Uh, yeah! Hold on!
Josh: *places hands on hips*
Cait: *opens door* Yeah?
Josh: You deaf?
Cait: No, I was taking a nap.
Josh: Where's Ethan?
Cait: I put him to sleep. He's not feeling well. So when's dinner?
Noise is heard
Josh: *lifts head*
Cait: I was thinking we could have take out on Tuesdays.
Josh: *walks into room*
Cait: *turns around* Dad.
Josh: *walks over to closet*
Cait: HEY! You know, I thought I saw your spare house keys. *runs over* They were under the couch.
Josh: *opens closet*
Guy: *looks up*
Cait: *covers eyes*
Josh: *grabs guy*
Guy: Hey! HEY! Dude, watch it!
Josh: Get the hell out of my house.
Guy: Hey, she invited ME.
Josh: And I'm telling you to leave. Understand? Good.
Guy: Ugh. *runs out*
Josh: *turns around*
Cait: *rolls eyes* He's just a friend.
Josh: Sit.
Cait: Dad, he was j-
Josh: *frowns* SIT!
Cait: *sits*
Josh: I'm not going to tolerate any more of your bullshit and despite what you think, I have
no problem knocking your ass into next week.
Cait: *rolls eyes* Yeah right.
Josh: Shut up and listen.
Cait: *frowns*
Josh: You're irresponsible, stupid, arrogant and spoiled. So here's how it's going to go down. You're going to follow the rules of this household or consider yourself gone.
Cait: Where?
Josh: Wherever I send you. If you're going to choose this behaviour then you've already chosen the consequences.
Cait: *crosses arms* Great, a Dr.Phil wannabe. So what's my punishment right now?
Josh: Nothing.
Cait: *lifts brow*
Josh: Just remember what I said.
Cait: Pshh, is this how
your dad punished you?
Josh: No, so consider yourself lucky.
Cait: ...What did he do?
Josh: *grabs chair, sits* ...Cait, I understand the whole teenage rebellion thing. And no matter how cool or normal you think it is to do all of this, it's not going to get you very far at the moment.
Cait: So you want me to be some automaton?
Josh: No, I expect you to think for yourself but I also expect you to set limits for yourself and right now it doesn't seem like you're able to.
Cait: I'm not going to be some unemployed druggie living in a box.
Josh: Good, I hope not. So, so long as you're still living in this house and you're under 18, I expect you to honour the rules of this house or at least consider the consequences before you do something stupid.
Cait: Fine.
Josh: It's not fine.
Cait: *sigh* Alright, one more fuckup and I'm gone then.
Josh: *smirks* That's up to you. *stands, leaves*
Cait: *rolls eyes*
Gas station, Albania
Jenna: *picks up mug* Huh, they sell traveler's mugs here.
Lora: Those are so cheap.
Jenna: Oh, so I can get it!
Lora: ..Cheap as in crappy.
Jenna: But they're cheap, right?
Lora: *waves hand* Nevermind.
Delko: *walks out of bathroom* I hate these roadside washrooms. They're always so dirty.
Calleigh: Are you wiping your hands on an air freshener?
Delko: There's no soap in the bathroom.
Speed: Eric, don't touch anything. You'll have to pay for it.
Delko: Not if no one sees...
Ryan: Oooh little flag patches! ...Huh, where are the American ones?
Colton: I hate to break it to you Ry, but we're not the most popular country especially in places like this.
Lora: Always buy a Canadian patch.
Ryan: But I'm not Canadian.
Lora: Okay, well next time you go to the Middle East, consider which one will get you blown away.
Ryan: *looks down at patches*
Delko: *grabs patch* Oooh Switzerland! Okay as long as I wear this, you can all call me Hans.
Speed: *lifts brow* Isn't that German?
Delko: What are you, the country police?
Jess: Hm, Hans Delko. Has a nice ring to it.
Delko: I've always wanted to change my name to Hans.
Colton: Happy trails, Hans.
Everyone: *looks at Colton*
Colton: ...Die Hard.
Cashier: Hey! You guys going to buy something or what?
Calleigh: *smiles* Oh, well, our boss is actually filling up the tank and it should take another half hour or so.
Cashier: Good. Go wait outside.
Calleigh: *smile fades* ...Well that was polite. *leaves*
Katie: *sits on bench*
Delko: *sits on bench*
Katie: Look at all that traffic.
Delko: What traffic?
Katie: *rolls eyes* God, you're so dense.
Anni: OMG! COWS!
Speed: *looks over* What? Cows? Where?
Speed: You have the camera!
Anni: No I don't!
Speed: I gave it to you!
Anni: I lost it!
Speed: That was an expensive camera!
Delko: Relax, I have a camera phone. *gets out phone*
Missy: Me too. *gets out phone* Hehe, I still have the naked video of Eric on here.
Delko: Hey. You said you deleted it.
Missy: Relax, YouTube may have deleted it.
Delko: *frowns* You said you weren't going to put it on YouTube.
Missy: I say a lot of things, it doesn't mean anything.
Delko: Oh get your panties untwisted. *takes pictures*
Jenna: Send me some of those pics so I can put them in my scrap book.
Lora: When do we get to see this scrap book?
Jenna: When I've finished it. I just need some more hair and blood.
Everyone: *looks at Jenna*
Jenna: Hey who else could go for some ice cream?
Anni: I COULD!
Jenna: Excellent. *runs inside gas station*
Near pumps
Calleigh: *walks over* Hey Horatio, how's it workin' out?
Horatio: It's not full yet.
Calleigh: How long you think it'll take?
Horatio: *yawns* Who knows. It's sure going to cost a lot.
Calleigh: You want me to hold the pump for a while?
Horatio: ...I've never had someone ask me that before.
Calleigh: *lifts brow*
Horatio: Uh, no, no that's okay. I have it.
Calleigh: Okay.
Anni: *licking ice cream*
Jenna: *licking ice cream*
Colton: That sounds disgusting.
Jenna: But it tastes like heaven.
Delko: *eyes closed* Ha, if you leave your eyes closed and listen to their conversation, it almost sounds like soft-core porn.
Jess: *slaps Eric*
Delko: Ow.
Anni: BRAIN FREEZE! OH MY GOD OW! *holds head* Oh this was a bad choice.
Jenna: The key is to touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. It gets rid of brain freezes.
Anni: Really?
Jenna: Yep.
Anni: Hmm....
Jenna: Is it working?
Anni: NO. *holding head*
Jenna: Oh, well it works for me.
Katie: Anni, are you okay?
Anni: Um, yeah, yeah I'm fine.
Katie: You sure?
Anni: Yes.
Katie: Maybe it's not the ice cream, m-
Anni: I'm fine, Katie.
Katie: I just want to help.
Anni: You can help by shutting the hell up.
Katie: *lifts brow*
Everyone: *looks at Anni*
Delko: Don't freak out, we're j-
Anni: *slaps Eric* Shut up, God, you're such an idiot. No wonder Jess won't be with you, it's like living with a child.
Delko: *lifts brows*
Colton: Anni, calm down.
Anni: And you! If you want to marry Bruce Willis, fine, but shut up about him! I swear if I hear one more Die Hard reference, I'm going to start removing heads from spines! *stands* And you know what? There are some people in the Hummerhome who don't snore and would appreciate it if if you could SHUT IT. I haven't slept in two days.
Lora: What crawled up your ass?
Anni: *grabs Lora by the hair* I'M SICK OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID ATTITUDE!
Lora: OW! OW!
Jenna: Let her go! *grabs Anni*
Anni: *swipes at Jenna*
Jenna: OW. Damn, her nails are long.
Ryan: *grabs Anni* Let Lora go.
Lora: Yeah! Let Lora go!
Anni: *pushes Ryan*
Ryan: AH! *falls through glass window*
Missy: *ducks*
Anni: *throws rocks*
Katie: Stop!
Heather: *runs into store, kneels* Ryan, are you okay?
Lilly: *runs into store*
Colton: Wow, I wish I had that much company when I was injured.
Anni: *throwing rocks at window* UUUUUUUGH!
Cashier: HEY! Hey what is she doing! I'm calling the police!
Heather: No! No, we'll pay for the damage.
Ryan: *sits up* Ow.
Lilly: *holds Ryan's head* You're bleeding, hold still.
Speed: *grabs Anni* Hey, hey, chill out.
Anni: *blinks* What?
Speed: What do you mean 'what'? You just threw Ryan through a plate glass window.
Anni: *looks at window*
Heather: *runs over* The cashier wants to call the cops.
Delko: Well tell him not to.
Heather: I did but he's pissed. What the hell's the matter with you?
Anni: *shakes head* Is this some sort of joke?
Heather: You tell me.
Katie: Do you not remember what you just did?
Anni: *looks down at hands* Um...I guess I blacked out.
Colton: You were spitting off how cruddy we were and ranting about Die Hard.
Anni: *places hand on forehead* Oh. I'm sorry.
Heather: You're
sorry? You almost killed Ryan.
Anni: Well what do you want me to say? I was pissed and I blacked out, okay?
Missy: That's not really an excuse.
Heather: You're damn right it's not.
Anni: So what do you want, my insurance information?
Heather: No, I don't want your insurance information.
Speed: Guys, calm down. Let's not..escalate the situation. Did someone call 9-1-1?
Heather: I did.
Delko: I'll talk to the cashier. *walks away*
Jess: All this because of ice cream. What have we become.
Lora: This isn't funny you know. My hair got pulled out.
Jess: At least I'm not being an ass.
Lora: What's that supposed to mean?
Jess: Exactly the way I said it.
Lora: Shut up, I'm not an ass.
Jess: I beg to differ.
Katie: Guys! Did you not understand the meaning of 'do not escalate'?
Jess: You didn't exactly help much. All you did was stand there and let your friend vandalize the hell out of a gas station. We could all be arrested.
Katie: Oh so this is my fault. Great, that's typical.
Anni: *pukes*
Speed: *kneels* Hey, you okay?
Anni: *sits on ground*
Horatio: *walks over* I leave for 5 minutes and all hell breaks loose.
Calleigh: You expected more from them?
Horatio: What happened?
Lora: Maybe we can get the security tapes from the gas station, it's much more entertaining to explain it that way.
Horatio: Is everyone alright?
Heather: Ryan's got a head wound and Anni's gone postal but aside from that and some pulled hairs, we're fine.
Horatio: *nods*
Katie: I'm going to take Anni to the Hummerhome, she's not feeling well. *grabs Anni*
Horatio: *sigh* A plate glass window. I wonder how much this is going to cost.
Anni: *sits on bed*
Katie: You have to tell them.
Anni: It's nothing, I just didn't feel very well.
Katie: Yeah right. No one just blacks out and goes crazy.
Anni: Apparently I do.
Katie: *sigh* Well I can't leave the team now.
Anni: Why not?
Katie: Because I'm not leaving you in this condition.
Anni: Katie, I'm fine. Okay? Look, it's a hundred degrees outside, I have PMS and apparently I'm tired of Die Hard.
Katie: When are you going to face that this is something you can't just excuse away?
Anni: Because I'm still breathing, walking, and talking. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just fine.
Katie: You're not. Your whole personality changed in seconds.
Anni: *rolls eyes*
Katie: This whole thing might not be a huge deal now but pretty soon you won't be able to hide it. And you have to tell Speed.
Anni: *shakes head*
Katie: Why?
Anni: Can I just get some rest now? Please?
Katie: *sigh* Alright. *leaves*
Gas station
Heather: Paramedics said it was superficial. They cleaned Ryan up.
Horatio: Good. How's the cashier doing?
Delko: He won't sue but he expects compensation.
Horatio: Write him a cheque.
Delko: Got it.
Horatio: *walks away*
Calleigh: Any idea why she freaked out?
Lora: Duh, she's nuts.
Colton: Seriously, is the Bruce thing annoying everyone?
Everyone: Yes.
Colton: ...Well you all suck.
Ryan: Man she's little but she's strong as hell.
Missy: What was it like going through a plate glass window?
Ryan: ...It was...like going through a plate glass window.
Missy: Oh.
Horatio: *walks into bedroom* Anni?
Anni: *sitting on bed*
Horatio: Can I come in?
Anni: *sniffs* You're already in. *wipes eyes*
Horatio: *sits on bed* I take it you're upset.
Anni: I pushed Ryan through a window.
Horatio: I'm sure he'll forgive you.
Anni: *shrugs*
Horatio: You okay?
Anni: *sigh* No.
Horatio: Would you like to talk about it?
Anni: I'm not sure I'd know what to say. I mean, everyone else seems mad enough.
Horatio: I'd say they're more concerned than angry.
Anni: This was just...blown out of proportion. No one was supposed to...*sigh* Just tell them I wasn't feeling well but I'm feeling better now.
Horatio: Okay. *stands*
Anni: Horatio.
Horatio: *turns around*
Anni: ...Where did your shades go? It's like Mars out there.
Horatio: I only wear them in the most inappropriate times like night or solar eclipses.
Anni: *laughs*
Horatio: *leaves*