Aw thanks so much for the reviews, y'all.
And thanks
racefh853629! Wow, you read the entire thing?
Vegas--crime lab
Horatio: *lifts wires*
Grissom: What are you doing?
Horatio: Putting the bomb together.
Grissom: ...There are no bombs in this case.
Horatio: That's what they
want you to believe.
Grissom: No one wants you to believe anything.
Horatio: And
that is what they want you to believe.
Break room
Nick: For the last time, no.
Calleigh: Please! Please I won't ask again.
Nick: *sigh* Alright but you have to promise not to tell anyone.
Calleigh: I promise.
Nick: *takes mustache out of pocket*
Calleigh: Oh wow it looks so real!
Nick: *winks* That's what I want them to think.
A/V Lab
Ryan: *walks in*
Greg: *typing*
Ryan: ...*backs up*
Greg: RYAN WOLFE. *stands, turns around*
Ryan: Wrong room. *runs*
Greg: *runs*
Ryan: *backing up* Look man, I didn't know you were going to swallow the monopoly house.
Greg: It wouldn't have happened if you had not thrown it.
Ryan: So aren't we both at fault here?
Greg: No. *pounds fist into hand* Time to die.
Ryan: No! Stop! Wait..uh..HA. I have a bodyguard. HEATHER!
Heather: *jumps down from stairs* You rang?
Ryan: Greg wants to kill me.
Heather: ...So?
Ryan: So protect me.
Heather: Hell no. What do I look like, your bodyguard?
Ryan: I thought you were my bodyguard.
Heather: What gave you an idea like that?
Ryan: You're always around me and yelling a lot.
Heather: ...How does that make me your bodyguard?
Ryan: I thought you were doing it to protect me.
Heather: *bursts out laughing*
Greg: *walks forward*
Ryan: *screams, runs away*
Heather: GO GET 'EM TIGER!
Men's washroom
Greg: *slams Ryan against wall*
Ryan: OW OW! Not the arms, not the arms.
Greg: *squishes Ryan's arm*
Ryan: OW! I said NOT the arms!
Greg: *punching Ryan* No one kills Greg Sanders with a little green house!
Ryan: I didn't mean to! AND YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY DEAD!
Greg: I could have been! *punching Ryan*
Greg: Your god can't hear you now!
Ryan: What? I was calling for Horatio. What do you call
your boss?
Greg: I call him Grissom. Sometimes Gris for short. Depends what mood he's in and how much I've screwed up or accomplished. *punches Ryan's face*
Ryan: AH! OW! COME ON!
Speed: *flushes urinal* Seriously, every time. *walks to sink*
Ryan: Oh, sorry man.
Greg: *knees Ryan in the stomach*
Ryan: OOF!
Greg: How would you like it if I shoved things down your throat?
Ryan: Is that supposed to mean something else?
Greg: *slaps Ryan's face* NO.
Ryan: *flaps hands* GET AWAY FROM ME!
Greg: DIE!
Speed: *walks over, grabs Greg/Ryan's ears*
Ryan: OW! OW!
Greg: OWIE! OW OW!
Speed: Both of you knock it off. This is the men's room not Heather and Lilly's dream fantasies.
Greg: Who's Lilly?
Speed: Stop struggling.
Ryan: Is that what you say to all your victims?
Speed: *lets go*
Ryan: *holds ear*
Greg: *holds ear*
Ryan: He started it.
Greg: I started it? YOU started it.
Ryan: You wanted to play monopoly.
Greg: You invited me back to your hotel room.
Speed: ...I'm leaving that one alone. *walks away*
Anni: Hey! I want to talk to you.
Speed: Sure.
Anni: *walking* Did you talk to Horatio yet?
Speed: No.
Anni: Well it's just...we really could use the money. You know, since we were evicted and everything.
Speed: H and I aren't exactly on great terms at the moment.
Anni: I know but you won't accept money from my parents and damnit I'm not going to die in an alley.
Speed: *stops walking* You're not going to die in an alley.
Anni: Okay, back of the car.
Speed: Actually, that car was towed back to the dealership. Payments slipped.
Anni: What?
Speed: We only had 500 bucks left in the account before we left.
Anni: How much do we have now?
Speed: The last I checked? Nothing.
Anni: Nothing?
Speed: Your healthcare isn't exactly free.
Anni: You need a job.
Speed: Horatio's not going to re-hire me. Not after what got me fired in the first place.
Anni: And you think anyone else is going to hire you? A fired cop doesn't exactly look good on a resumé.
Speed: No kidding.
Anni: *rubs forehead*
Speed: You okay?
Anni: Headache. Okay, I am going to talk to Horatio.
Speed: No you're not.
Anni: Why? Because you don't want to damage what little pride you have left?
Speed: No. I'll take care of it.
Anni: Well take care of it quickly. *walks away*
Speed: *frowns*
Break room
Calleigh: *smiling* So, you single?
Nick: *laughs* As a matter of fact, I am.
Calleigh: Great! Hey listen, we should get some dinner tonight.
Nick: That sounds like a great idea. I know a great place on The Strip.
Calleigh: *gasp* THE STRIP! Oh wow, I've never really seen The Strip. Well, I did but that's because Eric was being arrested on it. *shakes head* Anyway, I'd love to go back. *smiling*
Nick: Cool, I'll pick you up around 8.
Calleigh: I look forward to it!
Colton: *walks in*
Colton: I have a date with the coffee machine but you don't see me bragging. *walks over to coffee pot*
Calleigh: *jumps up and down* A REAL COWBOY!
Nick: *laughs* Well, in all honesty, I can't remember the last time I rode a horse or okay I'm a cowboy. *smiles*
Colton: *rolls eyes* Yick.
Calleigh: Oh ma gosh I'm so excited.
Colton: I'm excited for you.
Calleigh: Good. I thought you'd take it wrong.
Colton: You were actually thinking while you were bouncing over there?
Calleigh: Yes. I can multi task, it's the beauty of being a woman.
Colton: Well that's fine because I have a date already.
Calleigh: *wide-eyed* You do? Who?
Colton: Not really your business.
Calleigh: It's not a hooker, right?
Colton: Go back to being excited.
Calleigh: OKAY! *jumps up and down*
Speed: *dials phone*
Miami, tarmac
Lori: *looks down at phone*
Tony: We're ready to go.
Lori: I'll be inside in a minute.
Tony: Okay. *gets into plane*
Lori: *opens phone* What.
Vegas, outside
Speed: Wow. I was expecting something a little less bitchy.
Lori: I'm on a schedule. What can I do for you, father?
Speed: ...
Lori: Hello?
Speed: How's the drug business treating you?
Lori: You called me to ask how the drug business was? Is this some sort of lame sting?
Speed: Just curious.
Lori: Quite well, actually. Why?
Speed: How well.
Lori: Well enough that I own my own jet. Are you going to get to the point? My plane leaves in 3 minutes.
Speed: I need a favour.
Lori: Name it.
Speed: Anni and I are...having financial trouble. And she has some rather large medical bills coming in the mail.
Lori: Define trouble.
Speed: Well the bank statements are full of zeros but there aren't any numbers in front of them. Look, it's okay if you don't want-
Lori: How much do you need?
Speed: Uh...not much.
Lori: I'll wire some cash to your account.
Speed: Don't you need my account information to do that?
Lori: I'll take care of it.
Speed: *looks down at phone*
Miami Lab
Jess: *walks over* Whatcha workin' on?
Delko: Katie's case.
Jess: I thought she was off the hook.
Delko: She was. Now I'm not so sure.
Jess: What did you find?
Delko: I searched her home. She has a lot of weapons in her garage.
Jess: So?
Delko: The victim she supposedly stabbed to death? Was actually shot.
Jess: Okay, how did the ME mistaken gunshot wounds for stab wounds?
Delko: The ME was the one who said they were gunshot wounds.
Jess: So her story suddenly changes.
Delko: The question is why.
Jess: Maybe she forgot?
Delko: *hands over paper*
Jess: What's this?
Delko: Toxicology analysis of her hair. Large amounts of DMT.
Jess: *shakes head* DMT.
Delko: It's a hallucinatory drug.
Jess: Wow, this dates back a few months. Why would she be taking this?
Delko: That's just one question out of a hundred more I have.
Jess: And I thought I knew her.
Delko: I guess our perception of others can be misconstrued.
Jess: *looks at Eric* That supposed to mean something?
Delko: *shrugs*
Jess: This isn't because of the kid thing is it? Look, I said I'd think about it.
Delko: And have you?
Jess: Yeah. I think it's a bad idea.
Delko: You know, there would be two of us. So even if you think I'm too immature to handle a child, which I've already done countless times, you'd be there too.
Jess: Eric, I don't want to get into this again.
Delko: Get into what? The fact that the last time we had a child, you ran off with her and raised her alone and now
I'm to blame for my lack of parenting skills?
Jess: I just think you want a kid so you don't have to deal with the guilt of losing Alena and knowing that you weren't much of a father to her.
Delko: Gee, when she was being murdered, where the hell were you? Oh yeah, standing right there.
Jess: HEY. There was nothing I could have done.
Delko: *shrugs*
Jess: You can't force me to have a child.
Delko: I'm not forcing you to do anything.
Jess: It sure as hell seems like it.
Delko: *typing on computer*
Jess: Eric.
Delko: Nevermind, just forget about the whole thing.
Jess: So what, you're going to be mad at me all day now?
Delko: *staring at screen*
Jess: Fine. This is exactly what I was talking about. Immature. *walks away*
Josh: *walks over* What was
that about?
Delko: Nothing.
Josh: Seemed like a fight to me.
Delko: It's none of your business.
Josh: Whoa, I didn't mean to piss in your cornflakes.
Delko: What's wrong with women? Why is it always the man's fault?
Josh: Because it usually is.
Delko: No it's not. This time, it's her fault.
Josh: Well you guys could probably shift around fault all day but it won't fix the problem.
Delko: And what problem is that?
Josh: I don't know. Something serious enough or you wouldn't be...destroying the keyboard.
Delko: *lifts hands* Sorry.
Josh: No problem. *winks*
Delko: ...Okay that's starting to freak me out.
Josh: Whatever the problem is between you two, stand your ground since it seems so important to you. Don't give up and let her run you up a tree.
Delko: Like you did?
Josh: *smiles* There's a difference. That was incredibly fun.
Vegas, hotel room
Anni: *walks in* Hey.
Speed: *closes laptop*
Anni: ...What were you doing?
Speed: *looks at laptop* Checking our bank account.
Anni: Oh. Darn and I thought you were normal.
Speed: *frowns*
Anni: So did you talk to Horatio?
Speed: No.
Anni: What? Why not?
Speed: He was arguing with Grissom about explosives.
Anni: 'Cause that's a regular thing for him to be arguing about. *opens laptop* So what does our account say?
Speed: *grabs laptop* I took care of it.
Anni: Already?
Speed: Yeah.
Anni: So let me see. It's not like there's any money in it unless you're very quick about paycheques.
Speed: If there's nothing in it, why do you need to see?
Anni: Because you're hiding it from me.
Speed: That's because it's not important.
Anni: Then there should be no reason to hide. *grabs laptop, opens it* ...
Speed: *scratches head*
Anni: ...Tim.
Speed: Yeah.
Anni: It says we have 2.5 million dollars. We don't have 2.5 million dollars.
Speed: We do now.
Anni: What did you do, rob a BANK?
Speed: I actually um...I called Lori.
Anni: Did s
he rob a bank?
Speed: I'd have to ask.
Anni: I need to sit. *sits on bed*
Speed: Look, I just asked if she could help us out.
Anni: And this, th-this this is helping out? You wouldn't even ask my mother for 2 grand and you get 2.5 million from Lori?
Speed: We didn't exactly discuss a number. She just...forwarded all of this to our account.
Anni: Since when does she have that much money?
Speed: Uh...since she started running drugs from South America to Miami.
Anni: Are you freaking kidding me? That's like blood money.
Speed: We need to pay your healthcare costs and it's going to get more expensive from here. I don't want to see you end up in some shelter with expired food and medicine.
Anni: This is wrong.
Speed: I don't care.
Anni: You don't care that your daughter is selling drugs on the streets of Miami probably to a bunch of grade school kids and the profits from that have just gone into our bank account.
Speed: No. You're more important.
Anni: No I'm not!
Speed: You are to me.
Anni: *covers eyes* This is ridiculous.
Speed: I know.
Anni: ....So I guess we can get our apartment back.
Speed: *smirks*
Anni: What?
Speed: We are not going back to that crap hole.
Anni: Hey, I liked that apartment.