Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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DID HORATIO SAY ROAD TRIP!?! OH YES! A ROAD TRIP! *is estatic* Horatio in Heaven we need another one!!

Congrats Lilly, i'm jealous of your char. :lol:

Thanks for the updates Geni, and for making Lori stay in Miami. (Is that a good thing?)
Aww poor Katie. *hugs Katie* But seriously, at Katie's expense, that was funny. Horatio was funny with the 'Old Spice' bit (OMG THEY ADVERTISED OLD SPICE IN SMALLVILLE! Sorry) And the whole time I was fighting to breathe. RTs are the best, everyone is so much FUN.

But Speed and Katie...he still likes her if not has feelings for her, and that's why he's trying to push her away. (was I close?) He doesn't want to mess up again. Aww Speed. Aww Katie. Aww Anni...when is this baby coming?

Anyway, update soon! :D
YAY! Road Trip!!! And Katie always makes me :lol: *cough*Katie is insane*cough* And Delko is smart. Wow...Did I just say that? :lol: Anyways, explanation: MILK DUDS ARE AWESOME!!!!!! :D :D :D

Update Soon. :D
awwww I'm one crazy all alone crazy But awwww he loved me a lot *sniff* And seriously dude if you had an itch on your belly I'd scratch it for you. And oh my goodness I hate Hannibal Lector and that sucking noise *shivers*

Awwww the bickering returns!Heee. Update soon!
How in the world...that entire spill about crazies not being crazy coming from two of the craziest of the road trip.... :lol: I thought I was going to die... And the random out burst from Horatio... so not see that coming, but so loved it! Since when did we get straight jackets? You know, if they had been in there like six threads ago a lot of stuff coulda been cut real short. :lol:.... MAN I MISS THE RT....okay, calm cool and collected....

The trip is going to be so funny, I can see. Too bad preggers me is out digging in bomb debris... I'll catch the next one!

Loved it... more, I say... :)
10 bucks the 'Queen of the Spider-People' line is gonna pop up again in the next update.

OH THANK GENI! A road trip!! YES!

Oh man, is Lilly on the trip too? I already have enough envy in me. :lol:

Wow Katie. And i thought I was crazy. *whistles* Thanks for the update and the start of a nother' road trip Geni! *huggles* :D :D
^ I think I'm shifting through debris with Anni. Don't worry Anni I'll keep you company *hands over ice cream* Aww Lora *hugs* You can join me at the airport, it'll be LOADS of fun.

Can't wait Geni!
Thanks Lily! ;)...I'll gladly take that ice cream! And I'm sure it will be loads of fun... I'm there ;lol:.. (okay, that sounded so concieted of me..but honestly, its because Im insane that it's going to be fun!!!)
Carly: Haha.

Katie: What?

Carly: I own his brother.
Well, I don't own him. I claim him ;) :lol:

Awww, poor Katie. All crazy and possessed by the spirit of Hannibal Lector.
Carly: STOP IT that movie scared me.
Heh, the funny thing is, when I was watching that movie with my friends, I fell asleep in the first 5 minutes :lol:

Awww, Poor Katie. Geez, Speed, you could be a little more compassionate. I mean, you guys were married so many times and had about a billion kids. Though I guess that could make it more awkward. So, really, I have no idea what I'm talking about and should be ignored at all times :lol:

please update soon!...don't make me poke you :p
:lol: Well Anni considering you and RT Katie joined at the same time, it's not stretch to say that you're both equally fun and nuts. :p

Carly, you are hilarious.

Thanks for the reviews. :D


Airport, 11am

Lilly: *snaps photos*

Ryan: Make sure you collect that. And oh make sure you take a picture of that. Oh and by the way, you might not want to step there.

Lilly: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: ...Or you know, it's your crime scene.

Anni: *waddles over* YOU! CSIs!

Lilly: *looks over*

Anni: Okay. *wipes forehead* It is a billion degrees in here and there's bomb pieces all over the place. Someone GET ME A LEMONADE!

Ryan: How about water?

Anni: *starts to cry* No, no no. NO. I wanted a lemonade. I had my heart set on lemonade. GET ME A LEMONADE!

Ryan: Yes ma'am. *runs*

Lilly: *walks over* I'm Lilly. You must be Anni.

Anni: *sigh* Hi.

Lilly: So shouldn't you be at home?

Anni: Look, I have to make a living okay? My stupid husband is stupid in a stupid Hummerhome with his stupid friends while I'm stupid here trying to me stupid ends meet in this stupid world. Can't you just collect the stupid bomb and get out of here?

Lilly: ...To the stupid crime lab?

Anni: 'Atta girl.

Lilly: You're welcome to...Take pictures if you want. Keep yourself busy.

Anni: Does it look like I want to be kept busy by cameras? NO. This DEMON CHILD won't get out of me so I don't think a camera is going to keep me busy. *stomps* SOMEONE GET ME A CHAIR!

Ryan: *runs over with lemonade* I got you a lemonade.

Anni: Oh thank you. *grabs cup* ...There's pieces of lip skin in here.

Ryan: What?

Anni: There's pulp.

Ryan: You call that lip skin?

Anni: I DON'T WANT PULP! *starts to cry* I just wanted ONE thing to go right today but OH NO not even that can happen. *throws lemonade on floor* PROCESS THAT, BIATCHES!

Ryan/Lilly: *staring at Anni*

Anni: *sits on chair* Whew, it sure is getting warm in here. What a doozy.

Ryan: You want anything else?

Anni: No dear that will be all. *hands motions* Away with you.

Ryan: ...Okay. *walks away*

Lilly: So when's your due date?

Anni: Ugh FOREVER ago. This kid is so stubborn I swear if he doesn't come out I'm going to take a spoon and beat his little face in until he slides his ass out.

Lilly: That's...Gross.

Anni: Yeah well you try carrying around a kid for nine months. I CAME IN HERE BAREFOOT BECAUSE I COULDN'T WEAR MY SHOES! I tried to shower today but I got STUCK!

Lilly: So why did you come into work?

Anni: I didn't want to lay around like a cow.

Lilly: Oh.

Anni: So what about you, what's your story?

Lilly: I applied here from LA and got the job.

Anni: You're a little young to be a CSI.

Lilly: I hear that a lot.


Lilly: Um...Mrs...

Anni: Speedle.

Lilly: Speedle...This building is air conditioned.

Anni: Not enough obviously. I swear I don't know how people have kids in Miami. It's impossible to bear the heat.

Lilly: Well most people don't sit in a crime scene.

Anni: You know what? I weighed 134 pounds before this kid came along. I'm 210 POUNDS! This kid had either be VERY huge or my scale had better be VERY dishonest.

Lilly: But there are good parts about this whole thing right? I mean you're very...Glowy.

Anni: Yeah because I'm sweating like a sailor.

Lilly: I think that's...Swearing.

Anni: Swearing, sweating, it's all the same to me. One word of advice. DON'T HAVE KIDS. I don't know how Katie did it.

Lilly: Who?


Ryan: *standing at counter* I gave it to you. You threw it in the crime scene. You cow.

Anni: HEY! *stands* I will have none of this lip young man. *waddles over* You take that back.

Ryan: No.

Anni: Take it back!

Ryan: No.

Anni: *smacks Ryan's arm*

Ryan: OW!



Anni: You'd better be. And if I have to come back here again and smack you silly, I will. You hear me?

Ryan: Yes ma'am.

Anni: Good. Process the scene. Help the poor girl, she's been doing all of the hard work alone.

Ryan: You ordered me to get you lemonade.

Anni: I ordered a cup, not the whole damn truck of lemons. Get into that crime scene and help her.

Ryan: Fine. *walks over to Lilly*

Anni: I'LL BE WATCHING! YOU KIDS PLAY NICE! *sits on bench* Whew.

Crime scene

Lilly: She sounds lovely.

Ryan: She smacked me.

Lilly: Maybe you deserved it.

Ryan: What? I didn't deserve anything.

Lilly: You were kind of a jerk to her. I mean, she's with child.

Ryan: So? That doesn't give her an excuse to hit me.

Lilly: Just let her be miserable for a while.

Ryan: You women and your 'understandings'. Why can't you just...Not understand each other?

Lilly: Nice.

Ryan: Thank you. Hey I once got a B in vocabulary.

Lilly: Oh. Congratulations. You finally pass that course this year?

Ryan: *frowns* Tenth grade.

Lilly: Oh.

Anni: *waddles over* I hear yappin' but I don't hear crime scene investigatin'.

Ryan: We're going.

Anni: I want to see some camera flares.

Ryan: *snaps photo in Anni's face*

Anni: *blinks* ...Okay I didn't say to BLIND me. *smacks Ryan*

Ryan: OW!

Anni: Keep your camera pointed down at all times.

Ryan: What if I have to photograph something high up?

Anni: Get a ladder, climb up, and point down.

Ryan: That's stupid.

Anni: Hey don't hate the player, hate the game.

Ryan: What game?


Ryan: SORRY! I didn't realize EVERYTHING I did was WRONG!


Ryan: SHUT UP!





Lilly: WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP! This is a crime scene not the debate team. Ryan, take your camera and go snap off some photos somewhere else. Anni, go home.

Ryan: Fine.

Anni: ...Fine. BUT I will be back so don't screw around. *waddles away*

Half hour later

Lilly: Bomb frags are in tact.

Ryan: Yeah that usually happens when there's an explosion.

Lilly: I read about that. Two phases. One is the blast which blows everything outward and then the second phase creates a vaccum in the middle, sucking it back in.

Ryan: So at least everything's still here.

Lilly: *nods*

Cellphone rings

Ryan: *opens phone* Wolfe....What? ....Where? ....Where are you? ...*sigh* Just stay there. *closes phone*

Lilly: Who was that?

Ryan: Anni. She says she's going into labor whatever that means.

Lilly: Like...Having a kid?

Ryan: OH! Well I couldn't understand through the screams.

Lilly: Don't quit your day job.

Lilly: I read about that. Two phases. One is the blast which blows everything outward and then the second phase creates a vaccum in the middle, sucking it back in.
:lol: I happen to read books, ok?! Hehe, Anni is awesome hormonal. I was crazy hormonal, but not that crazy. Poor Anni, and poor Ryan. Caught in the crossfire of a crazy pregnant woman. *shakes head* Well, next time he'll know to run far far away...

Oh noes! Anni is in labour, and Speedy is stuck in the Hummerhome with a crazy katie :lol: Go Ryan! You get that kid out!

anyways, please update soon!
Okay, it's official this time... I'm friggin nuts! That, whoo hooo..that was hilarious! The entire rant...and I mean the entire rant was so inspired...And the throwing of the lemonade... :lol:

Anni: I DON'T WANT PULP! *starts to cry* I just wanted ONE thing to go right today but OH NO not even that can happen. *throws lemonade on floor* PROCESS THAT, BIATCHES!

Ryan/Lilly: *staring at Anni*

Now,If everyone wasn't fast asleep, I would be getting carted off to the loony bin...

I fell off the chair- goodtimes, good times... :lol:

I just knew it, if I got into it with Ryan I would go into labor. And where is everyone else... On that stupid trip , with that stupid hummerhome with my stupid husband... ( you gotta love that... ):lol: Oh God, I'm going to be in so much pain in the morning for laughing so hard....

You've out done yourself, Geni! And yes, Katie and I are equal opportunity lunatics... :lol:

Awesome job, Geni!
Aww! Lilly has the last line! Cute/ :lol: :rolleyes: Congrats on that.

The things that made me laugh was when Anni 'waddled over'. :lol: :lol:
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