Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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Ryan is on planet Wolfe. :D

Okay that was slightly lame but I'm allowed to be like that at least twice a year. :p

:lol: Lora.

Thank you for the reviews!


Apartment, 6pm

Anni: *sits on couch*

Speed: You okay?

Anni: I'm fine.

Speed: *places baby in crib* You sure?

Anni: Stop worrying about me.

Door opens

Lori: *walks in* Hey I heard you came back.

Speed: I heard you came back too.

Lori: Well the airport exploded so I figured what the hell, oh hey is this the little baby?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Ew, kids. Keep him far away from me.

Speed: What are you doing here and how did you get in?

Lori: Mom gave me a key.

Speed: How did she have a key?

Lori: I have no idea. Something about a little bit of mikrosil and some luck.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Lori: Hey Anni you look tired.

Anni: I am tired.

Lori: Well that's what you get for sleeping with my dad I guess. 20 hours of pain and suffering.

Speed: Lori.

Lori: What?

Anni: It's okay.

Lori: *sits on couch* So what's his name?

Anni: We decided on Jake. I liked it the best so we went ahead and got all of his paperwork and stuff.

Lori: And they let you come home?

Anni: They said I was healthy enough.

Lori: Good.

Anni: So are you going to be staying for a while?

Lori: Actually Ryan's supposed to meet me here. We're going out for dinner but he had to finish up at the scene.

Anni: Oh. You two are going out?

Lori: *smiles* Yeah.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Lori: You have something to say?

Speed: Yes but that would involve hurting your feelings.

Lori: Try me.

Speed: I don't think so.

Ryan: *walks in* The door was open.

Lori: *smiling* Ready?

Ryan: Yeah but first is there a rest room I can use? I had like ten cups of water today.

Speed: Pee in the street.

Lori: *slaps Speed* You can use the restroom. Down the hall.

Ryan: Thanks. *walks away*

Lori: Be nice, father.

Speed: Sorry, daughter.

Anni: Oh it's so good to not have to pee every five minutes.

Lori: I bet.

Speed: So where are you going tonight?

Lori: A club.

Speed: That's not dinner.

Lori: It is if they serve food.

Speed: You're not going to be half naked, are you?

Lori: No I was thinking about going completely naked.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: I'm not an idiot.

Ryan: *walks over* Nice bathroom. Smells like lavender.

Anni: Oh! I DID THAT!

Ryan: You're not going to throw something at me now, right?

Anni: Of course not.

Ryan: Good.

Speed: Can I?

Lori: *smacks Speed*

Speed: Ow. *rubs arm*

Ryan: *wraps arm around Lori* So we'll be heading out now. Ta ta.

Speed: *grabs Ryan away from Lori* Hold on there. I want to speak with you first. Get outside.

Ryan: You're not going to throw me down an elevator shaft are you?

Speed: I'm still thinking about it, move.

Ryan: *walks away*

Lori: *frowns* Daddy.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Don't kill him.

Speed: *walks away*


Ryan: *crosses arms*

Speed: *looks around*

Ryan: You going to tell me to bring her home before 10 or something?

Speed: No, she's an adult.

Ryan: Oh.

Speed: I have no idea what she sees in you but if she likes you then...I hope you two have fun tonight.

Ryan: *smiles* It's killing you, isn't it?

Speed: Be safe.

Ryan: *nods* Sure. HEY LORI COME ON!

Lori: *runs out*

Ryan: See you later.

Lori/Ryan leave

Anni: *walks over* Timmy.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Let her go.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Anni: Come on, let's go inside.



Delko: We know. And you know what for a Queen, your people sure don't like you.

Katie: What do you mean?

Delko: Do you see any spiders?

Katie: They're cloaked.

Delko: What?

Katie: Invisible. And they're attacking your head.

Delko: *screams*

Jess: Eric, there are no invisible spiders.


Katie: Ha.

Jess: Katie, stop freaking him out.

Katie: *sigh* Fine. Can I get the straight jacket off now?

Jess: Sure. I'll unstrap you here.

Carly: OH MY GOD.

Jess: What?

Carly: My stomach just said "Caaaaaaaaaaaaarly".

Jess: *blinks*

Carly: Okay is it just me or did that not make sense?

Jess: It didn't make sense.

Carly: I could have sworn it said that.

Jess: It didn't.

Delko: One time I had a bug in the bathroom in a hotel and it was saying "Eeeeeric" and I SO thought it was talking to me but then I realized I didn't spell my name with that many Es.

Everyone: *stares at Eric*

Delko: Or you know....It could have been my imagination or something.

Horatio: Oh you know where we haven't gone in a while?

Carly: To the bathroom?

Horatio: What?

Carly: You never see anyone go to the bathroom. Well granted you wouldn't want to. And okay so you see people going TO the bathroom but not going TO the bathroom. Get my drift?

Jess: ...Too many cheez-its?

Carly: Just a bit.

Katie: OH OH! OH!

Carly: What?

Katie: My butt's itchy and I can't reach it.

Carly: Lovely.


Ryan: So, having fun?

Lori: Oh yeah.

Ryan: You've been staring at your drink for an hour.

Lori: Why do you like me?

Ryan: ...Do I have to explain this again?

Lori: No, I just don't get it. I mean...I'm rude, I'm mean and it doesn't seem like I respect you very much.

Ryan: Lori I know you want to be happy.

Lori: *nods*

Ryan: I can make you happy.

Lori: *looks at Ryan*

He can make her happy....awwww. They're really cute together, they're like a fairytale romance where no one wants or expects them to be together but they are. Well...actually, I've never read a fairytale like that. BUT I BET THERE IS ONE.

I love this RT. Everyone getting high off cheez-its (I had 50 this morning, cheesy), crazy Katie and super-crazy Delko and :lol: Carly. OH DELKO I remember the bug in the bathroom! I remember that, that was so funny, wasn't that in Canadia? I think so. Man and the water slide and Horatio and the shopping with Speed carrying the bags and the hot dogs and Speed and Calleigh getting drunk and OH good times. I'm like so hyper right now it's not even funny.

Aww you decided on the name Jake. I have to tell my friend Jake he has a baby named after him in the RT! He won't get it but boo him. AND A SPEEDLE! I can't believe I was present at a Speedle birth! Jake Speedle. Or, Jacob Speedle. Very cute. I call babysitting! *raises hand madly*

Amazing Geni! Update soon!
Good thing,Lily! ;) cause I'm sure its going to be needed. I'm so stoked that the baby is called Jake! Geni, as always, greatness.:D

Loved the father talk Ryan got from Speed even though he didn't threaten him with bodily harm as I would've loved to have seen. :lol: Goes to show that Tim really does love his little girl and wants to see her happy.

I knew it.. Katie couldn't resist the Queen of the Spider People proclaimation... And overdosing on Cheezits... what a way to go...

Those guys are insane, Carly and Eric talking about their stomaches calling their names... Hilairous! I sure do miss the RT..but nothing beats chillin with the fam.

Awesome as always, Geni! I haven't said this in a while, but ...update soon! ;)
Awww Anni finally had the kid and stupid Ryan didn't call speed to get his asws back to be with poor Anni. Ahwell he got back anyway and that was the good thing. I totally remeber the one part of eric and the bug in the hotel that kept saying his name that was hilarious. Geni I think I split a rib laughing so much and my brother is giving me interesting looks cause I am laughing every five seconds at this wonderful fic!!!! Sigh. Got to love when the crazies aren't crazy.... poor Katie stuck in the straight jacket.
Wonderfully rib splitting and I can't wait for more and I am so glad that speed had finally learned to let his little gurl go and do what she wants.
*wipes away tears from laughing too much.... gets ribs bandaged up* can't *gasp8 wait *gasp* for *gasp* more.
*falls off chair*
Hey, why is everyone mad at Ryan for not calling Speed? Could be me, but I didn't see Lilly reach for a phone either! It's all Lilly's fault! *grabs Ryan and runs* :lol: Although...yank it out? Uh...good thing he's not a doctor.

Jake. Of all names on the planet you had to pick Jake. Well I sure hope he doesn't act like his name-sake then :p (Jake Berkely, you know, in case you didn't get that...not that he's in this fic but...yeah.)

*out of denial for tree seconds* Aww Ryan. *goes back into denial* Lori who?

Update soon Gen ;)
Aw well I was...uh...busy. Ryan the wimp should have taken care of that. Nikki I love Ryan don't worry. *hugs Ryan* He's just a real idiot in RT. It was Speed's fault for not having...Anni-sense. :lol: Update soon Geni!
Thanks for the lovely reviews. :D


Layout room, next day

Ryan: *walks in* These the bomb frags?

Lilly: No I was thinking of fixing my car but I was going to bring in one piece at a time.

Ryan: *places on latex gloves* Find any unique tool marks?

Lilly: As a matter of fact I did. *holds up wire* These were cut with a knife, believe it or not.

Ryan: I'll believe it when I see the knife.

Lilly: *hands over paper* It's a hook knife.

Ryan: A hook knife for wires?

Lilly: Well it made a distinct marking, that's for sure.

Ryan: Anyting else distinctive?

Lilly: Our guy is left handed.

Ryan: How do you know?

Lilly: I get paid to do this, Ryan.

Ryan: So anything else?

Lilly: Well it's a pretty simple design, really.

Ryan: So he's not a pro.

Lilly: He managed to blow up a gate, he doesn't have to be a pro. An explosion is an explosion.

Ryan: So he's not showing off.

Lilly: No. He did it for the damage, not the recognition.

Ryan: Okay well it's a start anyway.

Speed: *walks in* Tripp said you have a lead.

Ryan: No we don't.

Lilly: OH! I forgot to mention it, sorry. *hands over paper*

Ryan: *looks at paper* Armando Sanchez.

Lilly: There was a print on the handle of the briefcase.

Ryan: Why didn't you tell me?

Lilly: I forgot.

Ryan: I'm the primary on the case. You're supposed to let me know about these things. I thought we had nothing. You don't think a print is important, especially when we can get a warrant for the guy now?

Lilly: Well sorry I'm not as experienced as you.

Ryan: That's why you shouldn't be working here!

Lilly: At least I was working, period! All you did was stand around!

Ryan: Yeah because the wicked witch of the south was ordering me around!

Lilly: Yeah and you went out on a date instead of helping me. I had to stay overtime because of you.

Ryan: If the job requires it, then you do. Ever heard a of a sh-

Speed: Enough. Both of you. Wolfe, go get Tripp and find the suspect.

Ryan: Fine. *leaves*

Lilly: *staring at table* I am...So sorry sir. I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to get angry with him, I really didn't. I understand if you want to take me off the case.

Speed: No one expects you to be perfect.

Lilly: I know sir but I totally forgot about the print, I guess I was just too busy thinking about the bomb components and I wanted to make a good impression on Ryan because he's been here longer and I'm sorry.

Speed: What do you have?

Lilly: Tool marks on the wires.

Speed: Anything tying it to a specific brand?

Lilly: DiamondFlex hook knife.

Speed: *nods*

Lilly: And it was a pretty simple bomb.

Speed: Good.

Lilly: Um...Sir?

Speed: *looks at Lilly*

Lilly: ...I don't think people like me very much. They all look at me like I'm a little kid. But I worked so hard to get where I am.

Speed: I'm sure you did.

Lilly: Well...When you first started out, did people talk about you and make fun of you?

Speed: Sure. I mean, I was just a lab geek. I barely left the lab, my hair was plastered to my forehead, I wore these oversized lab coats, I was one step away from wearing giant black glasses with a white piece of tape in the middle.

Lilly: *laughs*

Speed: The point is, it doesn't matter how young you are or how you look, it's if you can do the job to the best of your potential and put some bad guys away.

Lilly: *nods*

Speed: And don't call me 'sir'. Leave that for Horatio.

Lilly: Sure.

Speed: I'll see you later. *leaves*

Warehouse, Miami industrial area

Ryan: You sure this is the place?

Tripp: Yeah.

Ryan: *knocks on garage* Sir, Miami Dade PD! ...*knocks on garage* Sir!

Tripp: *places hands on hips*

Ryan: *knocks on garage* Sir, open up!

Tripp: *bangs on garage* Open up this cracker box or I'll open it!

Garage opens

Armando: Yeah?

Tripp: *lifts badge* Nice of you to answer the door.

Armando: I was working.

Tripp: With your ears plugged?

Armando: What do you want?

Tripp: Your print was found on a briefcase at Miami International Airport.

Armando: So?

Ryan: So it blew up and killed two people.

Armando: Shame.

Ryan: You mind if we come inside?

Armando: I do.

Ryan: *looks inside* What are you working on?

Armando: I make wood figures.

Ryan: Figures of what.

Armando: Whatever the customer wants.

Ryan: Do you use a hook knife?

Armando: Sometimes. Why?

Ryan: Because I'm going to need to come inside and take a look at them.

Armando: Don't you need a warrant?

Ryan: *hands over blue paper* When I asked before, it was more of a courtesy.

Armando: *opens warrant* This is for my knives.

Ryan: Yeah, all of them.

Armando: But...I make my living off of these. You can't just take them. I'll be out of business.

Ryan: Then go to the food bank for a few days. All of your tools are evidence now.

Armando: I got bills to pay. I could go to jail for that.

Ryan: Or you can go right now, it's up to you.

Armando: *sigh* Fine. Miami Dade PD is once again ruining my livelyhood.

Ryan: What do you mean?

Armando: I was thrown in jail for a crime I didn't commit. I was trying to save a woman from her attacker and I got thrown in jail. Can you believe that?

Tripp: No.

Armando: *frowns* I was innocent. I spent five years in jail.

Tripp: It doesn't matter what story you feed us, we're still going to have to search the interior of the warehouse.

Armando: *sigh*

Tripp: *walks inside*

Ryan: *walks in*

Inside warehouse

Tripp: *looks around*

Ryan: *shines flashlight* Do you work with anyone Mister Sanchez?

Armando: My business partner, Willy. He went out to get more supplies.

Ryan: You have a number we can reach him at?

Armando: Sure. *grabs paper and pen*

Ryan: *watches*

Tripp: You make all of these?

Armando: Yeah. *laughs* As a matter of fact, that mermaid figure is for my daughter. It's her birthday tomorrow. She's going to be six.

Tripp: How long have you rented this warehouse?

Armando: I own it actually. I bought it off the city. Willy and I split the cost.

Ryan: Does Willy have a last name?

Armando: Yeah I wrote it on the paper. *hands over paper*

Ryan: Thanks.

Armando: *walks over to large figure* This one here. This is my pride. I built her out of two tree stumps.

Ryan: It's beautiful.

Armando: Some people like them to be painted but uh...I think she's wonderful just the way she is.

Ryan: *nods* Well I'm still going to need all of your tools.

Armando: Okay. *grabs large box* This is all of them.

Ryan: ...This is...All of your tools.

Armando: I tend to lose things easily so I put them all in this box.

Ryan: What about Willy, does he have a large box too?

Armando: His tools are in his truck. He doesn't like it when I use his new equipment so he keeps it locked up at all times. It goes with him everywhere.

Ryan: Right.

Armando: When can I get my tools back?

Tripp: We'll call you.

Armando: Okay.

Tripp: *grabs box, walks out*

Ryan: Uh...Who was the girl that was attacked?

Armando: Excuse me?

Ryan: When you were arrested. What was her name?

Armando: I didn't attack her.

Ryan: I'd still like her name.

Armando: Jill Wiess.

Ryan: Thanks. *leaves*

Miami, AV Lab

Cooper: *walks in* Switching professions?

Ryan: What?

Cooper: You're in my chair.

Ryan: I was just looking something up.

Cooper: Old police reports?

Ryan: Yeah. *typing*

Cooper: Part of your bomb case?

Ryan: Not exactly.

Cooper: *sits* So what are we looking at?

Ryan: Armando Sanchez' criminal record. His print was found on a briefcase at the bomb scene.

Cooper: So why are you looking at past reports?

Ryan: I think he was framed for a crime five years ago.

Cooper: ...So? That doesn't mean he didn't do this one.

Ryan: He's right-handed.

Cooper: *lifts brow* ....I'm pretty sure right-handed people are capable of murder too.

Ryan: Nevermind, Coop. Can you print this file for me?

Cooper: Sure.

Ryan: Thanks man. *stands, leaves*

One hour later, interrogation room

Ryan: *sits down* Thanks for coming downtown.

Jill: *shrugs* Why not.

Ryan: *places folder on table* You recognize him?

Jill: *shakes head* No, why?

Ryan: He claims he attempted to save you during an attack that took place five years ago.

Jill: I didn't see who attacked me and I certainly didn't see another guy there.

Ryan: Why didn't you testify in the case?

Jill: My lawyer said I didn't have to. I wanted to move on with my life. And since I didn't see the guy, it wouldn't make sense.

Ryan: *reading folder* It says here that you said you bit the guy.

Jill: Yeah and kicked the crap out of him. What did you expect me to do?

Ryan: You remember how hard yout bit him?

Jill: I just wanted to get the hell out of there, I wasn't thinking about leaving anything behind.

Ryan: *reading* Okay, well, it says that Armando was found by police at the scene so I'm confused. At which point did you glue your eyes shut?

Jill: *stares at Ryan*

Ryan: I mean, the guy was still there when the cops came so...You must have seen him, spoke to him at least.

Jill: All I remember is crying, okay? I wasn't looking at anyone.

Ryan: *leans back on chair* Do you have any enemies?

Jill: Little late to be asking me this.

Ryan: Answer the question.

Jill: Not that I know of.

Ryan: Where do you work?

Jill: Botanical spa.

Ryan: Do you decorate the spa?

Jill: What does it matter?

Ryan: I'm just trying to make sure everything's in order.

Jill: Yes, we decorate the spa. Happy?

Ryan: Maybe. What do you decorate it with?

Jill: Paint.

Ryan: Do you have any objects as decoration?

Jill: Yeah. So?

Ryan: I'm going to need a list of everything you purchased for the spa.

Jill: How is that tying up loose ends?

Ryan: I'll let you know. *closes folder, leaves*

PD, hall

Tripp: *walks over* Where the hell were you?

Ryan: I was questioning a witness.

Tripp: Is she part of this case?

Ryan: Not directly.

Tripp: I've been lookin' for you everywhere and you're wastin' your time jumping around the bush.

Ryan: Look, I don't think Armando attacked that woman.

Tripp: What woman?

Ryan: The one in interrogation.

Tripp: What does she have to do with this case?

Ryan: Nothing. I just think that we should look into it.

Tripp: We aren't doing anything. Our case is this bomber, not a crime that happened five years ago. What is the matter with you?

Ryan: I-

Tripp: You do not take sidetrips on this case, do you understand me?

Ryan: Yeah, I got it.

Tripp: *shakes head* Why don't you go finish your job and stop wasting the county's money. *walks away*

Ryan: *frowns*


I knew that line was gonna pop up sometime! :lol:

Delko: One time I had a bug in the bathroom in a hotel and it was saying "Eeeeeric" and I SO thought it was talking to me but then I realized I didn't spell my name with that many Es.
OH! I remember that part! Thread 7 right? I seriously laughed my ass off at that Geni! Fell off chair and everything! I'm gonna go try and find that part now, since i got nothing to do. :D Thanks for the updates Geni! *hugs*


It was 7 E's Eric. I found the part. ;) Thread 7, page 2. :D


Katie: We're kind of busy here Eric.

Delko: But the cockroach is making hissing sounds. I could swear it said 'Eeeeeeeric.'.

For some odd reason, i found that extremely hilarious. :lol:


Pretty much everytime i post you've posted another update. :lol: Good though.

Lilly! Got into a fight with Ryan! Nice one, i have a feeling Lori is gonna get involved some how. *cough*catfight*cough*

Speed: Sure. I mean, I was just a lab geek. I barely left the lab, my hair was plastered to my forehead,

YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN. Did you see yourself in Cross Jurisdictions!? *trys to find picture* Ok i don't reamember the site where we all usually get out screencaps. Damn. Anyone remember?
Aww Ryan. Horatio would do that and no one would say anything, I swear. You all know how he gets sidetracked...but he's Horatio, he's SUPER-H. He can do anything.

:lol: Tripp. He is seriously the new funny one. 'Open this cracker box or I'll open it!' :lol: He's cool. But he still shouldn't be picking on Ryan, he's probably right in the end anyway. And aw Ryan got mad at me. I'm sorry Ryan. Speaking of which, Speed doesn't hate me! Maybe because Ryan and I don't get along. :lol: But anyway, that's good, I love Speed! He stuck up for me! Sort of. But he was great anyway. Thanks Speed! [/ramble]

More soon Geni! And Lora, Miami Style is good for screencaps.
Hmm I wonder why Jill is so inteesting to Ryan. And why does Armando seem so familiar to me. And hehe I remember that whole 'Eeeerrrriiicccc' thinger. lol. But Anni Lori is Speed's baby he can't let her go. Heck yes I am the queen of the spider people. Man I haven't gotten to say that in forever! Teehee. But seriously people its not nice to keep someone locked up in a straight jacket when they don't need to be in one. Soooo did Armando really do it? Did he did he did he? Sorry to much Nyquil lol. Update soon.
:lol: Lora.

And Lilly! Speedy boy stuck up for you, woohoo. :)

Katie, we know you don't deserve to be in straight jacket. :lol: And wow you sure ask a lot of questions. Maybe it would be best to lay off the Nyquil. :p *takes it away*


Layout room

Ryan: *walks in* You got the tools?

Lilly: Mhm.

Ryan: How's it looking for Sanchez?

Lilly: Well nothing matches so far. But I've only gone through half of them.

Ryan: Okay, that's good.

Lilly: It is?

Ryan: He didn't make the bomb.

Lilly: And...How would you know?

Ryan: You said whoever cut the wires was left-handed right?

Lilly: Yeah.

Ryan: I saw him write on a piece of paper with his right-hand.

Lilly: Maybe he can switch. It's not so hard.

Ryan: I'm going to check out his business partner and see if he has any information.

Lilly: Whoa, wait. The guy's print was found on the handle. And you're saying he had nothing to do with the bomb?

Ryan: It's easy to forge a print.

Lilly: Yeah but the guy has a record.

Ryan: He was framed.

Lilly: *laughs* Okay, Ryan, what's with the sudden declaration of his innocence?

Ryan: If he didn't do the last crime, why would he commit a real one?

Lilly: Maybe he did commit the first crime.

Ryan: I'm going to find out either way.

Lilly: I thought you were going to talk to the business partner.

Ryan: I am....After I do something else. *leaves*

Lilly: *shakes head*

Botanical spa

Ryan: Is this your entire purchase orders for the last five years?

Woman: Yeah. You want to tell me why you need purchase orders from that long ago?

Ryan: *flips page* Just checking into some things. *points to page* What is this?

Woman: It's a mock figure head. We have it hanging on the wall.

Ryan: *reading* Says here you ordered it from a warehouse downtown.

Woman: I guess.

Ryan: ....Willy Thomas.

Woman: Who's that?

Ryan: A guy I have to talk to. *lifts head* Who signs for deliveries?

Woman: Jill does that.

Ryan: Thanks.

Woman: *walks away*

Ryan: *grabs cellphone, dials* ....Yeah, I need to track down a man named Willy Thomas....Thanks.

Two hours later, neighborhood

Ryan: *closes Hummer door* Willy Thomas!

Willy: *looks over*

Ryan: *walks over* Miami Dade Crime Lab.

Willy: *opens truck door* Yeah? What do you want with me?

Ryan: I need to talk to you.

Willy: So talk.

Ryan: You work with with Armando Sanchez, right?

Willy: Yeah, we're business partners.

Ryan: How long have you been partners?

Willy: Close to ten years.

Ryan: Do you know a girl named Jill Wiess?

Willy: You mean...My wife?

Ryan: ...Excuse me?

Willy: Jill's my wife.

Ryan: *stares at Willy* ...Sir are you aware that she was attacked five years ago?

Willy: Yeah, Armando went to jail for that. It's a shame too, he was always such a great guy.

Ryan: He must have been, for you guys to continue working after he got out.

Willy: I felt sorry for him. He kept saying he was innocent and that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ryan: You believed him?

Willy: Well yeah. He's one of my best friends.

Ryan: It's funny...You guys have been friends so long but Jill didn't recognize Armando.

Willy: That's because Jill's never met Armando.

Ryan: And you don't find it weird that he's there the same night your wife was attacked.

Willy: Like he said, wrong place, wrong time.

Ryan: *nods*

Little girl runs out of house


Willy: Hey Elsie! *picks up Elsie* How was school?

Elsie: Good. We learned about the planets today.

Willy: *gasp* Did you!

Elsie: Yup and mom said she's waiting for you so we can have supper.

Willy: Okay, well I'll be inside in just a minute, okay?

Elsie: Okay daddy.

Willy: *puts Elsie on ground*

Elsie runs into house

Ryan: She looks, what, around five? Six?

Willy: She'll be six tomorrow.

Ryan: *nods slowly* Pretty girl.

Willy: She's my life.

Ryan: Well, that's all the questions I have. Thanks for your time.

Willy: No problem. *walks away*

Ryan: *grabs phone, dials* ....Lilly can you meet me at *looks at sign* 239, Coconut Grove Place? Thanks.

Half hour later, near Hummer

Lilly: *walks over* You called?

Ryan: Yeah something's not right about this.

Lilly: ...About what.

Ryan: That's Willy's house.

Lilly: The business partner?

Ryan: Yeah.

Lilly: ...And?

Ryan: He has a six year old girl.

Lilly: Call the Coast Guard.

Ryan: *rolls eyes* Armando has a six year old girl.

Lilly: Call Homeland Security.

Ryan: Will you cut it out?

Lilly: What do you want me to say? So they have kids, big deal.

Ryan: That have the same birthday?

Lilly: Oh. Call the Ghostbusters.

Ryan: *stares at Lilly*

Lilly: Fine, I'm serious.

Ryan: I think it's the same kid.

Lilly: You think Armando's kid is living in that house.

Ryan: Could be.

Lilly: So shouldn't you be asking him and not dragging me all the way out here? It took me forever to find this damn road.

Ryan: Come on, let's go pick him up.

Interrogation room

Armando: Did you find a match to my tools or something?

Ryan: No. We brought you here for a different reason.

Lilly: Hee!

Armando: *looks at Lilly*

Lilly: My first interrogation, this is so exciting!

Ryan: Sir, does your daughter live at home?

Armando: *looks down at table*

Ryan: ...She doesn't, does she?

Armando: ...My wife...Died of brain cancer after she was born. Shortly after that I was accused of attacking that woman and sent to prison. Willy said he'd take Elsie in and take care of her.

Ryan: Are you aware that the woman who was attacked was Willy's wife?

Armando: What?

Ryan: Yeah.

Armando: ....I didn't know.

Ryan: So that figure you were making, I'm assuming Willy's going to give that to her.

Armando: He won't give Elsie back to me.

Ryan: Why?

Armando: They legally adopted her while I was in prison. Do you realize she's the only thing I have left from my wife? She's my only family and he has her.

Ryan: Does that make you angry?

Armando: Of course it makes me angry! She doesn't even know who I am!

Ryan: ...Did you put a bomb in the airport?

Armando: No.

Lilly: *places folder on table* Have you seen this briefcase before?

Armando: ...Yeah that's the one I use for business trips. That was the one in the explosion?

Lilly: Well, pieces of it anyway.

Armando: I've been looking for that thing for weeks.

Ryan: Do you know who could have stolen it?

Armando: Well I know of one person who has access to it.

Interview room, one hour later

Speed: *throws folder onto table*

Willy: What's that?

Speed: We got a warrant for your truck. That hook knife matches tool impressions from a wire in a bomb.

Willy: Armando uses my tools all the time.

Ryan: No, he said you lock yours up so he can't use them. That means you're the only one who could have used those tools. You also had access to his briefcase so you could have wiped down your prints and planted the bomb.

Willy: This is insane. You're going to accuse me of murder when the convicted felon is in the next room.

Ryan: I thought you said he was innocent.

Willy: Well obviously he isn't.

Ryan: You have his daughter too.

Speed: *looks at Willy*

Willy: He asked me to take care of her.

Ryan: Yeah but then you and your wife legally adopted her while he was in prison. You didn't have to.

Willy: She didn't even know him. Who's to say that she'd even want to go back with him?

Ryan: His wife died of brain cancer, she's all he had left.

Willy: That's not my problem. She has a better life with us anyway.

Ryan: Take off your shirt.

Willy: Why?

Ryan: Becuse I said so.

Willy: I didn't know it was that kind of department.

Ryan: Take it off, or I'll remove it for you.

Willy: *frowns*

Ryan: *frowning*

Willy: *takes off shirt*

Speed: *tilts head* Nasty wound.

Willy: I cut myself a lot at work.

Ryan: On your shoulder? That's a scar from teeth.

Willy: So what, my wife and I are rough.

Ryan: You attacked her.

Willy: That's insane.

Speed: *opens second folder* Says here your wife was tested at a hospital up in Orlando. She can't have kids. *closes folder*

Willy: So?

Speed: So now you have a kid. Too bad she isn't yours.

Willy: Wha...Are you saying I framed my best friend into getting him locked up and stole his daughter?

Ryan: Did you?

Willy: NO!

Speed: Well you made the bomb that killed two people and wounded four others so you're already guilty for that. What did you think, you could get him out of the way a second time and he wouldn't harass you for his only child?

Willy: *shakes head*

Speed: Maybe take over his share of the business and buy a shiney new car?

Willy: That guy is a criminal.

Ryan: He hasn't done anything wrong.

Willy: Yeah well he deserves to be locked up. He's a lunatic.

Speed: Why? For wanting his child back?

Willy: He doesn't leave me alone about it. He's always asking if he can visit or send little things or call her, or...You know what? I had enough. We have a life and he shouldn't be part of it.

Speed: Get the hell up.

Willy: Why?

Ryan: Do it.

Patrol cop walks in, grabs Willy, walks away

Ryan: What a piece of work. And you know, Tripp told me not to investigate this.

Speed: You shouldn't have.

Ryan: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Good work. *leaves*

Ryan: *lifts brow*

Aw okay. So number one, I got to go into an interrogation! Of course I'm going to be excited, gosh Ryan. :rolleyes: But that was awesome! And I got to go to the scene! Wow, this is so cool. *calls Ghostbusters* :lol: THAT was a funny scene.

Well, Speed is happy with Ryan. It's a miracle! I'm real happy about it too because...well, they're cute together. I'd love to see them investigating and Speed keeps rolling his eyes and correcting Ryan...:lol: But anyway it's great that they're semi-friends now. Awesomeness, this update.

And the RT! I can't wait to see what they've done now. Poor Horatio in that car full of lunatics. :lol: Wel, I'm sure he's dealing. *hugs Horatio-sir* Kick-ass update Geni, *beats crap out of Willy* update soon! :D
I love Lily!!! :lol: she is kick ass in her own right, standing toe to toe with Ryan. That whole spill at Willy's house had me in stitches.

And Frank...hastens me to think of Frank in the first season when he read Horatio the riot act about showing him up on a knock and talk. Gotta love the texan!

Awww...a kodak moment, Speed actually gave Ryan a compliment... Better savor that...:D

Awesome, Geni! Can't wait for more!!!
But but but *grabs Nyquil* I like Nyquil, it makes Katie feel better. lol

Ohhhh it was the Business partner, Willy. And ohhhhh Elsie is Armando's! Awwwwwwww. I'm not sure why i'm saying awwww but...ok maybe you should take the Nyquil back. lol. At first I didn't really understand why Ryan was pushing this case but I'm glad he did now whatever his reasoning was. Anyways, great update.

And ohhh Lilly Ghostbusters? God love it.
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