He hasn't shot anybody because he hasn't gotten angry enough yet. :devil:
Horatio's house, 7pm
Alena: *sitting at table, poking peas with fork*
Horatio: *sits down, places shades on table*
Alena: *sniffs peas*
Horatio: You haven't touched your food.
Alena: ...It's still frozen uncie H.
Horatio: Uh..Let me get you something else then. *grabs plate, walks into kitchen*
Alena: *grabs shades, puts them on*
Shades slide off Alena's face
Horatio: *walks over, with bread* Here you go.
Alena: ...
Horatio: Eat.
Alena: ...Eat what?
Horatio: The bread.
Alena: ...That's it?
Horatio: ...I'll...Order a pizza.
Alena: *smiles* YAY!
Doorbell rings
Horatio: You sit tight, I'll be right back. *walks to door*
Horatio opens door
Carly: Oh, good you're home.
Horatio: What are you doing here?
Carly: Josh got window cleaner in his eye, so I have to take him to the hospital. You mind watching Ethan for a while? He's too hyper to be in a hospital near machines and...Other people.
Ethan: *runs in*
Horatio: Wait a second, I've already got Alena here.
Carly: Yeah Jess said you offered to babysit.
Horatio: Yes, one child. I never agreed to two.
Carly: I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be back in a few hours. *leaves*
Horatio: *closes door*
Ethan: *punches Alena*
Alena: *screams*
Horatio: *walks over* Ethan...
Ethan: *looks at Horatio*
Horatio: Sit down please.
Ethan: *sits in chair*
Alena: *rubs arm* Uncie H, he hit me.
Horatio: Ethan, what do you have to say for yourself?
Ethan: *frowning*
Horatio: Ethan...
Ethan: *kicks table*
Ethan: *sticks tongue out*
Horatio: Ethan, keep your tongue in your mouth please.
Ethan: *crosses arms*
Alena: Beat him uncie H.
Horatio: Unfortunately, that's not in my job description this evening. Ethan, would you like anything to eat?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Anything to drink?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Do you want to watch some tv?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Okay, then sit here and stop beating up Alena. I'll go order some pizza. *walks down the hall*
Ethan: *staring at Alena*
Alena: *staring at Ethan*
Ethan: *reaches into pocket, pulls out matches*
Alena: What's that?
Ethan: *smirks*
Alena: You're weird.
Ethan: *lights match*
Alena: ...
Ethan: *staring at flame*
Alena: That's gonna burn ya.
Ethan: *blows out match*
Alena: Oh...
Ethan: *lights another match*
Alena: Stop it.
Ethan: *jumps out of chair, walks toward Alena*
Alena: Ethan, no. Ethan!
Ethan: *brings match up to Alena*
Ethan: *laughing*
Horatio: *walks over* What's going on?
Alena: *runs over to Horatio, hugs him* Ethan's being bad.
Horatio: *frowns* Ethan, what were you doing?
Ethan: *puts hands behind back* Nothin'.
Horatio: Ethan...
Ethan: *stares at Horatio*
Horatio: Let me see your hands.
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Right now, let's go.
Ethan: NO!
Alena: *tugs on Horatio's pants* Uncie H, it's matches.
Horatio: Ethan, give them to me.
Ethan: No.
Horatio: You're going to be sorry if you don't.
Ethan: NO!
Horatio: Hand them over, right now. Come on.
Ethan: *throws matches*
Horatio: Pick them up.
Ethan: *runs into bathroom*
Horatio: Ethan, come here. *follows*
Ethan: *turns around*
Horatio: Ethan, come pick up the matches.
Ethan: *smirks*
Horatio: *frowns*
Ethan: *lifts keys*
Horatio: ....How did you get those?
Ethan: Table.
Horatio: Ethan, give me my k-
Ethan: *drops keys down toilet*
Horatio: NO! N-
Ethan: *presses flusher*
Horatio: *places hands on hips*
Ethan: *waves down at toilet* Bye bye keys.
Horatio: I can't believe this.
Ethan: *runs out of bathroom*
Horatio: *turns around* Ethan, get over here.
Ethan: *opens fridge*
Horatio: Ethan, no, stay out of the f-
Ethan: *throws pickle jar onto the floor, it breaks* Ha.
Horatio: Ethan, stop!
Ethan: *pours mayonaise all over floor*
Horatio: *slips* AH! *falls over*
Alena: *runs over to table*
Ethan: *laughing*
Horatio: *stands* Go sit on the couch and wait for me.
Ethan: No.
Horatio: NOW.
Ethan: *sigh* ...Fine. *walks away*
Alena: *hands Horatio his shades* Here.
Horatio: Thank you sweetheart.
Alena: Ethan's nuts.
Horatio: I'll talk to him, you go play in the other room.
Alena: Okay. *runs away*
Horatio: *sits on couch*
Ethan: *looking at pictures of magazine*
Horatio: You want to tell me what's going on, son?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: You're about five or six, right?
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: So you understand that hurting Alena and hurting me, is very wrong.
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: Why did you bring the matches?
Ethan: *shrugs* They're fun.
Horatio: Fun....Do you think disobeying your parents is fun?
Ethan: *shrugs*
Horatio: There is a behavior expected from you.
Ethan: *ripping magazine pages*
Horatio: Do you act this way around your parents?
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: Okay.
Ethan: Are you gonna punish me?
Horatio: I might not have to, if you shape up.
Ethan: How?
Horatio: Well...For starters you can clean the mayonaise up off the floor while I call the plumber to get my keys. *whispers* Nice trick by the way, I did that to my dad when I was your age.
Ethan: *smirks*
Horatio: Okay, get to it.
Ethan: *jumps off couch*
Downtown, Aid Facility
Speed: *walks over to front counter*
Woman: *smiles* Can I help you sir?
Speed: I'm looking for a patient.
Woman: I'm sorry, patients cannot be visited until their treatment is completed.
Speed: *places badge on counter*
Woman: ...We also promise our patients that the law will not interfere with their treatment.
Speed: I need to talk to one of your patients, not arrest her.
Woman: No. We have rules here.
Speed: Then I would like some information about the patient.
Woman: I'm sorry we can't divulge that without a warrant.
Speed: Where's her doctor?
Woman: She's in the building.
Speed: I want to speak with her.
Woman: I'm sorry, you'll have to make an appointment.
Speed: Look, it's my ex-wife in there.
Woman: All the more reason why you should stay out.
Speed: Our marriage ended amicably.
Woman: I'm sure it did.
Speed: I just want to check her condition. My boss found her this place, and I drove her here.
Woman: That's very kind of you.
Speed: Can I speak with her?
Woman: No.
Speed: Could I phone her then?
Woman: No.
Speed: *frowns*
Woman: You can come back when she's released.
Speed: When will that be?
Woman: 90 days.
Speed: Can I see her admittance chart?
Woman: Not without a warrant.
Speed: If I start a case on her, I'll get arrested.
Woman: Why?
Speed: I'm the one who bought her drugs.
Woman: *disgusted face* You bought your ex-wife drugs? What kind of sicko are you?
Speed: She was already on them.
Woman: Oh.
Speed: I've been down this road before.
Woman: With her?
Speed: Me, actually.
Woman: You were an addict?
Speed: No, I wanted to kill myself.
Woman: Why?
Speed: It doesn't matter why.
Woman: Do you still want to kill yourself?
Speed: Why, are you recruiting more patients?
Woman: I'm just curious.
Speed: No, I don't.
Woman: Who helped you?
Speed: My ex-wife. I owe her my life.
Woman: *nods* What's her name?
Speed: Katie, she was checked in a few days ago.
Woman: *typing on computer*
Speed: *looks around*
Woman: Ah, here it is. She's in room 24.
Speed: Thanks. *walks away*
Room 24
Speed: *knocks on door*
Katie: *opens door* ...
Speed: Hey.
Katie: *looks down at floor*
Speed: You look a little better.
Katie: Well I have pills to make me stop puking, if that's what you mean.
Speed: Right.
Katie: *walks back into room*
Speed: *follows*
Katie: So how'd you get in here?
Speed: Doesn't matter.
Katie: *walks to bed*
Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*
Katie: *sits, nods*
Speed: So before...In the lounge-
Katie: That wasn't me. I'm sorry.
Speed: It's okay. I should have known something was wrong.
Katie: You couldn't have.
Speed: I'm a cop.
Katie: Yeah but...*holds stomach* Your guard is usually let down around me.
Speed: And how would you know that.
Katie: Because you don't look at me the same as everyone else. Don't worry, I'm not saying you love me, but we this thing and it's not going to go away. We're too close for that.
Speed: Do they stock psychology books in here or something?
Katie: I just know you.
Speed: Apparently.
Katie: So how's everyone?
Speed: They're worried about you.
Katie: *nods*
Speed: Why did you do this?
Katie: ...You ever feel like...Everything you do, isn't good enough? That it's easier to just leave everything in someone else's hands for a while? To just rid yourself of the responsibility?
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: ...People do destructive things to themselves when they feel they don't have any other options.
Speed: You'll always have options.
Katie: Yeah and I'll always have them alone.
Speed: You're not alone.
Katie: I don't have anyone. I left you, my kids are gone, my friends barely talk to me, and...I hate this feeling. I thought maybe if I did something that might make me happy even for a second, then it was worth it. But it's not, because now I feel even worse.
Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*
Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder* ...Thanks for being here.
Speed: You'd do the same for me.
Katie: I would?
Speed: Sure. Well, if we were still married.
Katie: Yeah.
Speed: Funny, no matter how many times you break up with me, you still end up in my arms.
Katie: *laughs*
Volvohome, 9pm
Delko: *looking at map* Where are we?
Jess: *driving* We're on the highway.
Delko: *looks at Jess* Yeah but which one?
Jess: The one that goes to California.
Delko: ...
Jess: What? I know where I'm going.
Delko: ...I hate this thing. It's too small and it smells funny.
Jess: It smells fine.
Delko: It smells like decomp.
Jess: It does not. It's probably the air freshener that the dealer put in.
Delko: Where did he get the air freshener? Leaves from a Body Farm?
Jess: I sure hope not.
Delko: So what are we doing first when we get there?
Jess: Well we have to stay in a camp ground tonight.
Delko: Ah man. Not in this thing.
Jess: Yes in this thing. Although I should tell you it has no heating and I forgot the jacks.
Delko: So...The Volvohome will be able to move.
Jess: Not if we don't move.
Delko: That's impossible. What if I have to pee?
Jess: It doesn't have a bathroom.
Delko: It doesn't?
Jess: Nope.
Delko: ...Then where am I supposed to do my business?
Jess: Outside like everyone else.
Delko: I'm not an animal.
Jess: Sure you are....The human kind.
Music starts to play
Jess: Whoa, sorry my knee was on the radio.
Delko: I think you're a little tall for the driver's seat.
Jess: Hey your fat butt couldn't fit either.
Delko: At least I already knew I wouldn't fit.
Jess: What's that supposed to mean?
Delko: Nothing.
Jess: That's it, you're sleeping on the shag carpet tonight, right next to the lava lamp and bell-bottom jeans.
Delko: ...Who owns those jeans?
Jess: It came with the Volvohome as a perk.
Delko: ...Gross.
Carly's house
Carly: Okay Ethan, go get ready for bed.
Ethan: *walks upstairs*
Josh: *walks in*
Carly: Horatio sure controlled him.
Josh: Yeah, he's almost a saint. He didn't even throw anything at my head on the way home.
Carly: How's your eye?
Josh: It's fine.
Carly: Good. I wouldn't want my wonderful husband to go blind.
Josh: *smirks* Why, because then no one would be able to stare at your gorgeous figure and beautiful eyes?
Carly: A lot of people still could. Just not you.
Josh: *sigh* Whew, that would be unfortunate.
Carly: *smiles* Why?
Josh: *kisses the back of Carly's hand*
Carly: *laughs*
Josh: *winks*
Carly: Ah man, we should have left all the kids with Horatio.
Josh: Too bad, huh.
Carly: *sigh*
Horatio's house, 7pm
Alena: *sitting at table, poking peas with fork*
Horatio: *sits down, places shades on table*
Alena: *sniffs peas*
Horatio: You haven't touched your food.
Alena: ...It's still frozen uncie H.
Horatio: Uh..Let me get you something else then. *grabs plate, walks into kitchen*
Alena: *grabs shades, puts them on*
Shades slide off Alena's face
Horatio: *walks over, with bread* Here you go.
Alena: ...
Horatio: Eat.
Alena: ...Eat what?
Horatio: The bread.
Alena: ...That's it?
Horatio: ...I'll...Order a pizza.
Alena: *smiles* YAY!
Doorbell rings
Horatio: You sit tight, I'll be right back. *walks to door*
Horatio opens door
Carly: Oh, good you're home.
Horatio: What are you doing here?
Carly: Josh got window cleaner in his eye, so I have to take him to the hospital. You mind watching Ethan for a while? He's too hyper to be in a hospital near machines and...Other people.
Ethan: *runs in*
Horatio: Wait a second, I've already got Alena here.
Carly: Yeah Jess said you offered to babysit.
Horatio: Yes, one child. I never agreed to two.
Carly: I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be back in a few hours. *leaves*
Horatio: *closes door*
Ethan: *punches Alena*
Alena: *screams*
Horatio: *walks over* Ethan...
Ethan: *looks at Horatio*
Horatio: Sit down please.
Ethan: *sits in chair*
Alena: *rubs arm* Uncie H, he hit me.
Horatio: Ethan, what do you have to say for yourself?
Ethan: *frowning*
Horatio: Ethan...
Ethan: *kicks table*
Ethan: *sticks tongue out*
Horatio: Ethan, keep your tongue in your mouth please.
Ethan: *crosses arms*
Alena: Beat him uncie H.
Horatio: Unfortunately, that's not in my job description this evening. Ethan, would you like anything to eat?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Anything to drink?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Do you want to watch some tv?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Okay, then sit here and stop beating up Alena. I'll go order some pizza. *walks down the hall*
Ethan: *staring at Alena*
Alena: *staring at Ethan*
Ethan: *reaches into pocket, pulls out matches*
Alena: What's that?
Ethan: *smirks*
Alena: You're weird.
Ethan: *lights match*
Alena: ...
Ethan: *staring at flame*
Alena: That's gonna burn ya.
Ethan: *blows out match*
Alena: Oh...
Ethan: *lights another match*
Alena: Stop it.
Ethan: *jumps out of chair, walks toward Alena*
Alena: Ethan, no. Ethan!
Ethan: *brings match up to Alena*
Ethan: *laughing*
Horatio: *walks over* What's going on?
Alena: *runs over to Horatio, hugs him* Ethan's being bad.
Horatio: *frowns* Ethan, what were you doing?
Ethan: *puts hands behind back* Nothin'.
Horatio: Ethan...
Ethan: *stares at Horatio*
Horatio: Let me see your hands.
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: Right now, let's go.
Ethan: NO!
Alena: *tugs on Horatio's pants* Uncie H, it's matches.
Horatio: Ethan, give them to me.
Ethan: No.
Horatio: You're going to be sorry if you don't.
Ethan: NO!
Horatio: Hand them over, right now. Come on.
Ethan: *throws matches*
Horatio: Pick them up.
Ethan: *runs into bathroom*
Horatio: Ethan, come here. *follows*
Ethan: *turns around*
Horatio: Ethan, come pick up the matches.
Ethan: *smirks*
Horatio: *frowns*
Ethan: *lifts keys*
Horatio: ....How did you get those?
Ethan: Table.
Horatio: Ethan, give me my k-
Ethan: *drops keys down toilet*
Horatio: NO! N-
Ethan: *presses flusher*
Horatio: *places hands on hips*
Ethan: *waves down at toilet* Bye bye keys.
Horatio: I can't believe this.
Ethan: *runs out of bathroom*
Horatio: *turns around* Ethan, get over here.
Ethan: *opens fridge*
Horatio: Ethan, no, stay out of the f-
Ethan: *throws pickle jar onto the floor, it breaks* Ha.
Horatio: Ethan, stop!
Ethan: *pours mayonaise all over floor*
Horatio: *slips* AH! *falls over*
Alena: *runs over to table*
Ethan: *laughing*
Horatio: *stands* Go sit on the couch and wait for me.
Ethan: No.
Horatio: NOW.
Ethan: *sigh* ...Fine. *walks away*
Alena: *hands Horatio his shades* Here.
Horatio: Thank you sweetheart.
Alena: Ethan's nuts.
Horatio: I'll talk to him, you go play in the other room.
Alena: Okay. *runs away*
Horatio: *sits on couch*
Ethan: *looking at pictures of magazine*
Horatio: You want to tell me what's going on, son?
Ethan: *shakes head*
Horatio: You're about five or six, right?
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: So you understand that hurting Alena and hurting me, is very wrong.
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: Why did you bring the matches?
Ethan: *shrugs* They're fun.
Horatio: Fun....Do you think disobeying your parents is fun?
Ethan: *shrugs*
Horatio: There is a behavior expected from you.
Ethan: *ripping magazine pages*
Horatio: Do you act this way around your parents?
Ethan: *nods*
Horatio: Okay.
Ethan: Are you gonna punish me?
Horatio: I might not have to, if you shape up.
Ethan: How?
Horatio: Well...For starters you can clean the mayonaise up off the floor while I call the plumber to get my keys. *whispers* Nice trick by the way, I did that to my dad when I was your age.
Ethan: *smirks*
Horatio: Okay, get to it.
Ethan: *jumps off couch*
Downtown, Aid Facility
Speed: *walks over to front counter*
Woman: *smiles* Can I help you sir?
Speed: I'm looking for a patient.
Woman: I'm sorry, patients cannot be visited until their treatment is completed.
Speed: *places badge on counter*
Woman: ...We also promise our patients that the law will not interfere with their treatment.
Speed: I need to talk to one of your patients, not arrest her.
Woman: No. We have rules here.
Speed: Then I would like some information about the patient.
Woman: I'm sorry we can't divulge that without a warrant.
Speed: Where's her doctor?
Woman: She's in the building.
Speed: I want to speak with her.
Woman: I'm sorry, you'll have to make an appointment.
Speed: Look, it's my ex-wife in there.
Woman: All the more reason why you should stay out.
Speed: Our marriage ended amicably.
Woman: I'm sure it did.
Speed: I just want to check her condition. My boss found her this place, and I drove her here.
Woman: That's very kind of you.
Speed: Can I speak with her?
Woman: No.
Speed: Could I phone her then?
Woman: No.
Speed: *frowns*
Woman: You can come back when she's released.
Speed: When will that be?
Woman: 90 days.
Speed: Can I see her admittance chart?
Woman: Not without a warrant.
Speed: If I start a case on her, I'll get arrested.
Woman: Why?
Speed: I'm the one who bought her drugs.
Woman: *disgusted face* You bought your ex-wife drugs? What kind of sicko are you?
Speed: She was already on them.
Woman: Oh.
Speed: I've been down this road before.
Woman: With her?
Speed: Me, actually.
Woman: You were an addict?
Speed: No, I wanted to kill myself.
Woman: Why?
Speed: It doesn't matter why.
Woman: Do you still want to kill yourself?
Speed: Why, are you recruiting more patients?
Woman: I'm just curious.
Speed: No, I don't.
Woman: Who helped you?
Speed: My ex-wife. I owe her my life.
Woman: *nods* What's her name?
Speed: Katie, she was checked in a few days ago.
Woman: *typing on computer*
Speed: *looks around*
Woman: Ah, here it is. She's in room 24.
Speed: Thanks. *walks away*
Room 24
Speed: *knocks on door*
Katie: *opens door* ...
Speed: Hey.
Katie: *looks down at floor*
Speed: You look a little better.
Katie: Well I have pills to make me stop puking, if that's what you mean.
Speed: Right.
Katie: *walks back into room*
Speed: *follows*
Katie: So how'd you get in here?
Speed: Doesn't matter.
Katie: *walks to bed*
Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*
Katie: *sits, nods*
Speed: So before...In the lounge-
Katie: That wasn't me. I'm sorry.
Speed: It's okay. I should have known something was wrong.
Katie: You couldn't have.
Speed: I'm a cop.
Katie: Yeah but...*holds stomach* Your guard is usually let down around me.
Speed: And how would you know that.
Katie: Because you don't look at me the same as everyone else. Don't worry, I'm not saying you love me, but we this thing and it's not going to go away. We're too close for that.
Speed: Do they stock psychology books in here or something?
Katie: I just know you.
Speed: Apparently.
Katie: So how's everyone?
Speed: They're worried about you.
Katie: *nods*
Speed: Why did you do this?
Katie: ...You ever feel like...Everything you do, isn't good enough? That it's easier to just leave everything in someone else's hands for a while? To just rid yourself of the responsibility?
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: ...People do destructive things to themselves when they feel they don't have any other options.
Speed: You'll always have options.
Katie: Yeah and I'll always have them alone.
Speed: You're not alone.
Katie: I don't have anyone. I left you, my kids are gone, my friends barely talk to me, and...I hate this feeling. I thought maybe if I did something that might make me happy even for a second, then it was worth it. But it's not, because now I feel even worse.
Speed: *wraps arm around Katie*
Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder* ...Thanks for being here.
Speed: You'd do the same for me.
Katie: I would?
Speed: Sure. Well, if we were still married.
Katie: Yeah.
Speed: Funny, no matter how many times you break up with me, you still end up in my arms.
Katie: *laughs*
Volvohome, 9pm
Delko: *looking at map* Where are we?
Jess: *driving* We're on the highway.
Delko: *looks at Jess* Yeah but which one?
Jess: The one that goes to California.
Delko: ...
Jess: What? I know where I'm going.
Delko: ...I hate this thing. It's too small and it smells funny.
Jess: It smells fine.
Delko: It smells like decomp.
Jess: It does not. It's probably the air freshener that the dealer put in.
Delko: Where did he get the air freshener? Leaves from a Body Farm?
Jess: I sure hope not.
Delko: So what are we doing first when we get there?
Jess: Well we have to stay in a camp ground tonight.
Delko: Ah man. Not in this thing.
Jess: Yes in this thing. Although I should tell you it has no heating and I forgot the jacks.
Delko: So...The Volvohome will be able to move.
Jess: Not if we don't move.
Delko: That's impossible. What if I have to pee?
Jess: It doesn't have a bathroom.
Delko: It doesn't?
Jess: Nope.
Delko: ...Then where am I supposed to do my business?
Jess: Outside like everyone else.
Delko: I'm not an animal.
Jess: Sure you are....The human kind.
Music starts to play
Jess: Whoa, sorry my knee was on the radio.
Delko: I think you're a little tall for the driver's seat.
Jess: Hey your fat butt couldn't fit either.
Delko: At least I already knew I wouldn't fit.
Jess: What's that supposed to mean?
Delko: Nothing.
Jess: That's it, you're sleeping on the shag carpet tonight, right next to the lava lamp and bell-bottom jeans.
Delko: ...Who owns those jeans?
Jess: It came with the Volvohome as a perk.
Delko: ...Gross.
Carly's house
Carly: Okay Ethan, go get ready for bed.
Ethan: *walks upstairs*
Josh: *walks in*
Carly: Horatio sure controlled him.
Josh: Yeah, he's almost a saint. He didn't even throw anything at my head on the way home.
Carly: How's your eye?
Josh: It's fine.
Carly: Good. I wouldn't want my wonderful husband to go blind.
Josh: *smirks* Why, because then no one would be able to stare at your gorgeous figure and beautiful eyes?
Carly: A lot of people still could. Just not you.
Josh: *sigh* Whew, that would be unfortunate.
Carly: *smiles* Why?
Josh: *kisses the back of Carly's hand*
Carly: *laughs*
Josh: *winks*
Carly: Ah man, we should have left all the kids with Horatio.
Josh: Too bad, huh.
Carly: *sigh*