Rick Stetler/David Lee Smith--Some Bad Boys ARE Cute Up Close!

Which Rick Stetler do you like? Nice or Nasty?

  • Mean and nasty!

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • The IAB Agent with a Heart

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • If Rick Stetler's on, I'll watch!

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well... I think it's Man from the Moon. I know the words "Man" and "Moon" are in it. But it's definitely not Man in the Moon. That is a good movie by the way. I cried.

He was in A Walk to Remember though. He played that dude's dad. I remember a few months ago I was watching the movie and reading the opening credits and I jumped up when it said David Lee Smith. I was like, "OMGGG!!!" And I paused it and checked IMDB to see if it was the same one. :) He did really well in that movie too. I also cried in that movie. A lot.

Just checked IMDB. It's called The Man From Earth....HAHAHA I was a little off, but oh well.
Well... I think it's Man from the Moon. I know the words "Man" and "Moon" are in it. But it's definitely not Man in the Moon. That is a good movie by the way. I cried.

He was in A Walk to Remember though. He played that dude's dad. I remember a few months ago I was watching the movie and reading the opening credits and I jumped up when it said David Lee Smith. I was like, "OMGGG!!!" And I paused it and checked IMDB to see if it was the same one. :) He did really well in that movie too. I also cried in that movie. A lot.

Just checked IMDB. It's called The Man From Earth....HAHAHA I was a little off, but oh well.

LOL. Yeah, I love that one because he gets so much face time in it. It's a movie that you have to watch twice to really start to get it. Or maybe I was ogling him so much the first time, I needed a second viewing before I paid attention to all the details of what was being said. :lol:

I've seen him in A Walk to Remember, too, and Zodiac. Both of those are good. But there's a lot of things that he's been in that I haven't seen yet, and want to see, like the two episodes of JAG he did.
Actually, DLS was in two JAG epis that I remember. He was at his absolute best in "Angels30". He plays a fighter pilot who is shot down over Iraqi territory, claiming God told him not to fire on the MiG that shot his fighter down. He got a lot more screen time than he normally does, and he was just sooooooo talented. Not to mention that he shows off those guns in Navy shirtsleeves. :drool::thumbsup: He might be a tall, skinny thing, but it's pretty evident that he works out. Even if you're not a JAG fan, I hope you can check out Angels30 when it comes back around. Worth the wait if you're a DLS fan.
I too loved him in "A Walk to Remember", but I didn't think he got that much screen time. I haven't yet seen "The Man from Earth", but I just feel like he could do so much more than TPTB give him. He seems to do really well with lead roles as well as character roles.
I think he's caught some guff because he keeps using his Southern drawl (He's from Alabama). But I think he can get away with it in Angels30 because, as any veteran knows, people are from everywhere in the military. DLS's Southern drawl really came out in that one, especially the times when he was angry or firing tough questions about life at Commander Rabb.
I LOVE "Rick Rug!"

I think somebody on the fanfic websites came up with that one.

BTW, HnSfan, thanks for the screencaps. Got one of DLS in the tight shirt from "Hell Night", and it looks like that Rick Rug is trying to climb out of there! :lol: Not sure DLS shaved far down enough! :guffaw: Trying to make a banner out of that one, but I think I'll wait until I can afford Photoshop. Hubby's between jobs right now, so when he's working again (and I'm healed from my surgery), I'll see what I can do. GIMP is kind of limited for me.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but: YAY Rick's back on Monday! Not that I really hate him or anything, but I just don't want him to break up EC. I wonder if he's nice on Mon, I hope so. I think his mean days are over.
Actually, DLS was in two JAG epis that I remember. He was at his absolute best in "Angels30". He plays a fighter pilot who is shot down over Iraqi territory, claiming God told him not to fire on the MiG that shot his fighter down. He got a lot more screen time than he normally does, and he was just sooooooo talented. Not to mention that he shows off those guns in Navy shirtsleeves. :drool::thumbsup: He might be a tall, skinny thing, but it's pretty evident that he works out. Even if you're not a JAG fan, I hope you can check out Angels30 when it comes back around. Worth the wait if you're a DLS fan.
I too loved him in "A Walk to Remember", but I didn't think he got that much screen time. I haven't yet seen "The Man from Earth", but I just feel like he could do so much more than TPTB give him. He seems to do really well with lead roles as well as character roles.
I think he's caught some guff because he keeps using his Southern drawl (He's from Alabama). But I think he can get away with it in Angels30 because, as any veteran knows, people are from everywhere in the military. DLS's Southern drawl really came out in that one, especially the times when he was angry or firing tough questions about life at Commander Rabb.

Oh, I LOVE DLS's drawl! He has a nice voice, and it's really sexy! I don't understand why they give actors from the South guff. :( I've really been wanting to see him in Angels30, and his other ep in JAG. Let me know if you see that it's going to be on.

Alamance, you absolutely have to see him in The Man From Earth. There's no part of the movie he isn't in. And he's dressed very appealingly in casual clothing. :drool: The movie is a sort of thinking person's Science Fiction movie. Cerebral science fiction, I think they call it. It might take two viewings to absorb all the dialog. And the movie is all dialog. It takes place in a cabin.

I LOVE "Rick Rug!"

I think somebody on the fanfic websites came up with that one.

BTW, HnSfan, thanks for the screencaps. Got one of DLS in the tight shirt from "Hell Night", and it looks like that Rick Rug is trying to climb out of there! :lol: Not sure DLS shaved far down enough! :guffaw: Trying to make a banner out of that one, but I think I'll wait until I can afford Photoshop. Hubby's between jobs right now, so when he's working again (and I'm healed from my surgery), I'll see what I can do. GIMP is kind of limited for me.

Oh, I don't think our guy tries to shave off any of his "fur" :lol: and I wouldn't want him to! Like that site says, he's a hairy beast, and I think it's HOTT. I'd post the URL for that site with the screencaps here, but I have to go reread the rules to see what links we can post and what we can't.

Good luck on your surgery. You'll do fine. :thumbsup:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but: YAY Rick's back on Monday! Not that I really hate him or anything, but I just don't want him to break up EC. I wonder if he's nice on Mon, I hope so. I think his mean days are over.

I don't want him to break up E/C either! If anyone has to break them up, don't let it be him. :scream: I don't want all the E/C shippers hating him. :(

I think in Monday's episode, he's going to...
be the one who first tells Horatio that Ron Saris is now a criminal informant for the MDPD.
Wow. Thanks HnSFan. If THAT isn't a twist!

I hope this is going to be a trend. As long as an accent is in character, I say let actors use their native accents. Naturally, if DLS is playing a Canadian actor, he should know not to sound like he's from Alabama. But I think for the longest time there was this thing about making characters sound as generic as possible. Obviously, Rex Linn has that Texas accent, though Frank Tripp said he'd lived in Florida all his life ("Pirated"). It's not uncommon for native Floridians over 40 (I think) to have southern accents, before Miami became as international as it is today.

A good one in which DLS lets his accent poke through is "Going Under". Boy, does that drawl come out! :drool: Let me know if you want a link to the video clip.
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Wow. Thanks HnSFan. If THAT isn't a twist!

I hope this is going to be a trend. As long as an accent is in character, I say let actors use their native accents. Naturally, if DLS is playing a Canadian actor, he should know not to sound like he's from Alabama. But I think for the longest time there was this thing about making characters sound as generic as possible. Obviously, Rex Linn has that Texas accent, though Frank Tripp said he'd lived in Florida all his life ("Pirated"). It's not uncommon for native Floridians over 40 (I think) to have southern accents, before Miami became as international as it is today.

A good one in which DLS lets his accent poke through is "Driven". Boy, does that drawl come out! :drool: Let me know if you want a link to the video clip.

Please send me a link to that video clip! :drool:

I agree with what you said above. If an actor like DLS with a drawl were playing someone from Canada or say, England, then they'd have to talk the way someone from those countries talk. But the way DLS talks is an *American* accent, so if he's in a state in America, then why shouldn't he talk in his drawl since he's from a state in America where people talk like that??? So if he's working in a Southern state like Florida, why in the world would it be wrong for him to talk in his usual way--a *Southern* drawl???
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I think he's caught some guff because he keeps using his Southern drawl (He's from Alabama).

I've lived in Alabama right where he's from but I haven't heard David's accent. At least on CSI:Miami. Well, probably because I wasn't looking for it. And I lived most my life in the North, so it's not like I can pick up on that kind of thing quickly. I'll listen for it Monday night though.
I think he's caught some guff because he keeps using his Southern drawl (He's from Alabama).

I've lived in Alabama right where he's from but I haven't heard David's accent. At least on CSI:Miami. Well, probably because I wasn't looking for it. And I lived most my life in the North, so it's not like I can pick up on that kind of thing quickly. I'll listen for it Monday night though.

I'm going to be listening for it Monday night, too. I think I already heard it in the Canadian promo. :)
I can't believe I'm saying this, but: YAY Rick's back on Monday! Not that I really hate him or anything, but I just don't want him to break up EC. I wonder if he's nice on Mon, I hope so. I think his mean days are over.

That's okay, C.H.E.A.R. I guess we'll find out about the E/C thing. Something tells me it's not going to be over that easily. I just hope the writers strike a balance that Rick be the "enforcer." I'm sorry, but I thought he came across as a wuss in "Down to the Wire".

I can't help but wonder if Rick Stetler's presence is sort of like that of Dan Cooper. Dan Cooper had that one or two bit role, but fans liked him so much that CBS kept him on much longer than planned. I understand Brendan Fehr then got something more steady with "Bones" (possibly because his wife had a baby. Gotta pay the bills, right?), so they went ahead and did their thing.

I suspect they had Rick Stetler there to sort of mess with Horatio by dating Yelina. Then when that went away, they kept him on. Seems like he seldom had more than one scene except for "Shattered" and "Stand Your Ground" and maybe a few others. In a way, if they're going to make him nice, I hope TPTB will consider transferring him out of IAB, so he won't have to be the "enforcer" anymore.

(Breaking out the fluffy red jammies and the bon bons. Gonna see my boyfriend tomorrow! :drool::adore::luvlove::hugegrin:)
(Breaking out the fluffy red jammies and the bon bons. Gonna see my boyfriend tomorrow! :drool::adore::luvlove::hugegrin:)

YOUR boyfriend, huh??? He's MINE. Even with a bad tie and a sort of doowop 50's hairstyle that they had him in last night. I was so excited to see him that there was no way I could eat anything as I watched the episode, which was a good thing anyway since this ep was way gross. :eek::lol:
Finally, DLS has been on MIAMI this season -- I've been waiting (not patiently) for a long time and it was so great to see him and to see that the tension between Rick and Horatio is still going strong -- the writers could have made so much more out of this "relationship" over the years and I wish they had -- but there's still time, though sometimes I worry that they're going to do something to Rick as a plot device. Anyway, I always call DLS's appearances on MIAMI my "Two Minutes of Bliss" because he's never on for very long -- but I'll take what I can get!
Finally saw the epi today (had to tape it last night).

Yep, DLS is like the proverbial fine wine. He just gets better with age. :drool::adore::luvlove::hugegrin:

And TWO scenes this time! Wow! I feel like I hit the jackpot! And what would our guy be without the obnoxious tie? Hey, at least they matched the colors this time. I wonder whether that tie glows in the dark! :guffaw:(HnStetlerFan, did you give him a glow-in-the-dark tie as a Christmas present??)

Anybody happen to notice whether they covered his mole this time?
Finally, DLS has been on MIAMI this season -- I've been waiting (not patiently) for a long time and it was so great to see him and to see that the tension between Rick and Horatio is still going strong -- the writers could have made so much more out of this "relationship" over the years and I wish they had -- but there's still time, though sometimes I worry that they're going to do something to Rick as a plot device. Anyway, I always call DLS's appearances on MIAMI my "Two Minutes of Bliss" because he's never on for very long -- but I'll take what I can get!

Nothing bad better ever happen to Rick!!! :scream: And yeah, it would be great to find out more about the background of H and Rick. Maybe they've known each other from the police academy or when they were rookies.

Finally saw the epi today (had to tape it last night).

Yep, DLS is like the proverbial fine wine. He just gets better with age. :drool::adore::luvlove::hugegrin:

And TWO scenes this time! Wow! I feel like I hit the jackpot! And what would our guy be without the obnoxious tie? Hey, at least they matched the colors this time. I wonder whether that tie glows in the dark! :guffaw:(HnStetlerFan, did you give him a glow-in-the-dark tie as a Christmas present??)

Anybody happen to notice whether they covered his mole this time?

The mole looked covered, but just as sexy as ever. He has *two* of these mole markings. I have to say I was getting hypnotized by this little facial binary star system of his more than usual this time. This ep had some good closeups. :drool:

I sure agree with him being like fine wine. He was looking good. I"m still madly in love. :adore: No doubt about that. I mean forget about calling what I have a crush. I'm in luuuurve with DLS. :adore:

And no, I didn't give our guy that tie. Maybe he got it from Ryan. :lol: Ryan's the one who's been wearing the strong colors of green this season. But the actual shade of green of the tie wasn't bad. Too strong, yeah, but not bad. For some reason this shade of green looked good with DLS's skintone I thought.