2012 - One of the worst movies I have ever seen. I wish I was joking, but the movie was two and a half hours of crap. Don't waste your time.
Was it as bad as The Day After Tomorrow? Cause I thought that was agonizinly long and boring. :lol:
Feeding Grounds- Boring! They don't even show you what the creature looks like... all you see is its hand/arm. Other than that, you see infected people being dragged away, but you can't see what's dragging them.
Theres a group of friends and all of them get infected except one girl. And guess why that girl doesn't get infected? Cause she's a vegan! :lol: One person asks her "how come you're not sick" (the infection causes them to become sick at their stomachs, nuff said) and her reply is, "because they know I won't eat them". Huh? And how do they know this? It's a creature/animal. How do they know if someone is a vegan? that's stupid. :lol: Made no sense whatsoever.