Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

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Eastern Promises.

Good movie, Viggo Mortensen was awesome as a Russian mobster, I think he's going to get an Oscar nom for it.
There were some very violent scenes, I couldn't look to the screen, but, hey, it's Cronemberg so no surprise and I'm easily impressed.
The Heartbreak Kid

What a stupid movie, not to mention the language. Nobody said this was a porno flick. There really was no storyline and found most of the "funny" stuff annoying and just being said to be said. They could have taken out all that and shortened it up and it might have just been bad and not awful in my opinion. I wasn't that big of a fan of Ben Stiller and now I really don't like him. And the use of Jerry Stiller was awful--was he supposed to be Hugh Heffner?
I've seen a few movies since I last posted here an no surprise they're all B-Movies.

1. She Demons. She Demons was great, it was about a Nazi scientist on a pacific island experimenting on natives to make his wife beautiful again. This movies was probably the worst one in these reviews. To make his wife beautiful again he takes genes from local women and gives them genes from animals so you see savage women who are part woman part animal. The three main good characters find this out because their boat crashes onto the island. I love at the end how the bombing of the island and eruption doesn't hit the other half of the island and their small rowboat is untouched by any of this.

2. Giant From the Unknown: This movie defines b-movie. This movie was about a scientist who discovers an area which has the graves of Spanish explorers from 500+years ago. Something in the soil allows them to stay alive but in a coma like state and this movie was about a giant coming back a terrorizing a small town. I loved the part where the alleged murder steals a police car while he's handcuffed.

3. They Came From Beyond Space: This movie wasn't as terrible as some others I've reviewed, this movie has a sense of seriousness from the director and attempt at being a good movie. The plot was terrible but more Sci-fi than others, however the ending was so cheesy or tacky or sappy or whatever you want to call it, it ruined the movie. Some of it was ridiculous but some of ti you could see them trying to add in some horror/sci-finess.

4. Killers From Space: At least the plan in the end of this movie some sense but still everything else was absurd. I love how one quote would be so acceptable today but was fine in '54. The line is the planes i9n the movie are referred to as 'tar-baby'. Oh I can't review this without mentioning the eyes which were made from ping-pong balls.

5. They Saved Hitler's Brain: I absolutely loved this movie, the car chase that switched between day and night was great. The fact that part of thew move was much older than the other part. I love how the characters got hand grenades from absolutely no where. Although nothing compare to seeing Hitler's head melt in a fire at the end of the movies. This movie is great comedy and it's only 90 minutes long.
An yet a few more movies, however not all of them are b-movies this time.

Ring of Terror: This b-movie was surprisingly good in idea but not in the execution. I sort of saw behind the movie and saw the sub plot of the student overcoming his demons in order to appear invulnerable in front of those he's trying to impress. However the movie did end up looking horrible and the ending that was ridiculous, how he died was the ridiculous part.

The Indestructible Man: This movie was pure b-movie with no redeeming quality, except for the laughs. I love how they first show that the man is indestructible by showing a needle bend on his skin rather than penetrating the skin. The other part which made no sense was at the marriage proposal, who would propose marriage to someone after knowing them for 3 days and only on their second date.

Finally, I saw The Heartbreak Kid. I thought that this movie was funny in parts but nothing special. I thought the ending was disappointing with him doing it over again. I think the comedy in some parts did outweigh the crap. Uncle Tito was hilarious I loved what he said when he first met Eddie about what happened to him. The father was also amazing, he was natural and added a lot to the movie.
i watched zodiac the other week and it was alright, but not great. i was expecting a suspenseful/scary movie but it was almost 3 hours of police work looking into the zodiac killer.

i realize this is a true story, and they had to work with what really happened, but the ending was so unsatisfying. the case goes on and on for 30 years and they never find out who the killer is. they probably just shouldnt have made the movie.

and last night i watched the remake of texas chainsaw massacre again. ive seen it enough times now that it doesnt scare me, i can just enjoy. the first few times though it did scare the crap out of me. its actually not as graphic as other gorey movies out there. and there is lots of funny dialogue. for the visual and scary factors this is a great scary movie. i like it better than the original, which is actually kind of cheesey.
allmaple said:
and last night i watched the remake of texas chainsaw massacre again. ive seen it enough times now that it doesnt scare me, i can just enjoy. the first few times though it did scare the crap out of me. its actually not as graphic as other gorey movies out there. and there is lots of funny dialogue. for the visual and scary factors this is a great scary movie. i like it better than the original, which is actually kind of cheesey.
Ahh I know what you mean. My mom made me watch it alone because she didn't want my friends to be scared :lol: And I was like peeing my pants. But after a while you can actually enjoy it. I thought it was going to be a lot more gory, too. But I guess that's what Saw's for. :devil:
The last movie I watched was 1408

The movie was quite predictable, but not bad. I enjoyed some of the visual effects. Several times while I watched I thought of the Eagles song Hotel California. "You can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave." He was there, he wasn't there, it was real, it was all in his head. As I said predictable, but okay to watch.
First I want to say sorry if this question is for othere thread.

Second I visit this thread time to time and most of the review are over US movies. Well I like to watch and European films too. So my question is did some of u like European movies and can pls post some names and thoughts over the last few that have see ?! Thanks in advance.

And to not be so out of topic ... the last film that I saw

Angel-A ( France 2005) - The next very good movie that Luk Besson make. One guy try to suicide, but in the last moment he meet beautiful woman that helps him to go through his problems, life etc. Very touched plot line - It teaches how to love yourself. And of course the end is great. It`s turn out that she is .....

Arthur et les Minimoys (France 2006 again witers is Luk Besso) - Great fairy-tales not only for kids. Beautiful mix between animation and real world.

Ok till I wait for answers I`m on my way to watch Taxidermia (Hungarian 2006)
The Machinist

The movie starred Christian Bale (who I absolutely love!!). It was a great movie, perfectly made. The way the story was told and put together. In the end al the pieces fall together. Bale lost a lot of weight for this role and he looked quite creepy. But his acting was amazing. This movie rocked!
The Invisible

This was better than I thought it would be. The reason that you were able to see the character Nick was different from any other movie I recall seeing. It gets points for that. The character of Annie was really out there for a high school kid. I barely recognized Alex O'Loughlin as Annie's B/F Marcus. The ending was a bit sad, but fitting. All in all I'm glad I watched it.
I just saw Hostel 2

It was really good! I thought the story was better than the first one. Also there are some even more sick twisted scenes included. Some of the torture scenes are actually taken from real cases. This movie isn't for everyone, its quite gory with realistic torture scenes. The end will will make any guy think twice about degrading women, with the um, amputation.

Its interesting the movie focuses on women kicking butt and surviving. The makers of the first movie were very surprised at the number of females seeing this movie, it seems like the second one is almost geared more to females. Or at least more to females than those types of movies usually are.
I recently saw Live! with Eva Mendes. It was the sneak preview in our cinema. I didn't expect much, but it was really good. It made a slow start, but the rest was OK. Especially towards the ending it was almost nerve wrecking. I don't think everyone would like it, but it's definitly worth watching. (Plus Jeffrey Dean Morgan is also in it. You just gotta love him :D . He just breaks your heart in this film!)
30 Days Of Night
(First of this is kinda off topic, but I went to see Saw 4, and it was sold out, so we went and seen this movie instead, yeah, we had cops outside the thether. I was really mad, so hopefylly I can see it tonoght, or imma gonna be really mad :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:)

Anyway, 30 Days Of Night. First of all, I'm glad I don't live in Alaska, I couldn't live in the dark for 30 days. This movie was good, but it more then likely I wouldn't go see it again. I was kinda confused but it. For a rating it would be a 4/10. It might have been higher if I went to see it next week like I was going too.
:D :D :D I LOVED IT!! This movie was so awesome. After what happen in the last movie, it made you wonder about this movie. New traps were awesome and the whole plot was awesome to me. SAW is one of my faveorite movies. and i just loved this movie that pretty all I can say. I would give it 10/10 and I can;t wait for it to come out on DVD>
I just watched the Devil Wears Prada

It was okay but it could have been better.

I also saw Marie Antoinette

I didn't understand it. I thought it would be different.
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