Re-examine the episodes! ['Extreme']

Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

What else? Oh Speed & Delko...the best couple of friends ever. Not only they worked together, but they used to hang around together. Gosh I miss this kind of stuff.

I miss that too :(. They were great together. The joking, hanging out, and sarcastic comments between them. All of it was great to watch. I liked them as I liked Warrick and Nick.

BTW, isn't it a little bit ironic that in Eric lost a girlfriend who died for smoke inhalation & he almost lost Calleigh in the same way? :shifty:

Hmm good connection there ;).

All I remember is that Corey Miller asked Rorcy Cochrane to dance during the scene at the disco so that it looked more realistic & Khandi Alexander, David Caruso & other members of the cast & crew were all excited telling him that he had to dance. Rory, who OFC can't dance, didn't want to dance & told them that he would prefer quitting than dancing :lol:
But, honestly, that's all I remember ;)

Way funny :guffaw:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Aww, that was a mean prank! But funny.

Eric and Speedle's friendship was great. It seemed very true to life, as well. I know they are friends in real life, and it came across as very genuine.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

I loved 'Tinder Box'. :D Corey Miller certainly started out on a high note with this one!

Like everyone said, the relationship between Eric and Speed was great to see. ^ Definitely agree with solitaire; their relationship on-screen seemed so genuine because of their off-screen relationship (In fact, I believe in the last interview with Rory, he stated that he and Adam still go out to dinner frequently).

The prank Corey and David pulled on Rory was hilarious. :lol: Pretty sure if someone told me I had to dance onscreen, I'd have much the same reaction as Rory. :p No dancing for me!

That said, the episode was well-rounded and entertaining. I think this is the first episode that dealt with a fire and I think - but correct me if I'm wrong - this episode was based on true events.

It was so cool to see the CSIs being part of the victims in the teaser and it kind of reiterates that these guys aren't always in the safe zone -- not only is their job dangerous, but their life away from work can go just as horribly wrong as the victims they see on a daily basis.

I happen to think Horatio has police scanners turned on in his house 24/7 and that's how he found out about the fire. :lol:

Also, it was sad to see that the firefighter blamed himself for the fire and all the souls lost. :( Horatio's line of "We need more good men, not less and now more than ever" was a really hard-hitting statement and it was so true.

Loved the amount of forensics and character development. And the club owner was such a sleeze-ball, it was perfect. :lol: This was definitely one of Corey Miller's best episodes and I'm so glad he stayed until the end of season 7.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Sorry, I need to be more consistent with this! Anyone know where I can do polls at so we can vote on what to re-watch next? Anyways, here is the next episode up for re-examination:

Under the Influence from Season 3

Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Sorry, I need to be more consistent with this! Anyone know where I can do polls at so we can vote on what to re-watch next? Anyways, here is the next episode up for re-examination:

Under the Influence from Season 3


Under the Influence from Season 3

Finally! *dance* I write big review :devil:

it is one of my favorite episode from season 3 :) , Can't wait to read the review Orla :lol:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Hi sorry for the lateness in the episode tinder box (by the way season one so many memorable eps) there was one thing that made me always remember when Horatio and Eric were walking in the hall of the lab? and discussing Danny the security guard all signs point to him and Horatio said " youve gained his trust, now use it against him??" was it just me or was that kind of mean?? and eric seemed a little bothered by it.....conflict of interest maybe? because he was friends with the guy.

I mean we never actually seen any of Horatio "friends" except his mentor but anyways always made me remember that line from that episode not to mention eric and speed having a good time and speed too i never really was a huge speed fan but once i rewatched all the seasons i actually do have a soft spot for him.
I laughed when speed said "drop the street thing because we know your from aspen" might not seem funny but to me it is.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Under the Influence from Season 3
Whoo Whoo!!!! One of my fav. episodes ever :thumbsup:

Ok, let's see what I can do while I'll be waiting for Orla (BTW, you know that I'm expectng a fantastic review from you, don't you? :shifty::p)

Ryan's first episode & he did all he had to do. He was very precise, a little bit compulsive especially when it was time to show his guns to H. No need to say that most of us during that scene wanted to strangle:
- the little boy Ryan b/c of his attitude.
- H, who had the brilliant idea to replace our beloved Speedle with this little monster (yeah some of us, me included, thought he was a monster in that episode, probably that's b/c of the uniform & yeah the hair :lol:)
- Yelina, who gave the brilliant idea to H telling him that the boy wanted to be a CSI & he was very competentent :p

Yeah most of us wanted him dead under the bus even during his very first scene, when he was so precise & I do think lots of poeple loved Delko when he told H "Yes Lt." just to joke about Ryan :lol:

But, we all must admit, that Ryan Wolfe was very cute to see & that most of us wanted to hug him in the locker room scene when he found Speed's locker, which, OFC, had some kind of problems being Speed's one ;)

On the other hand, we had Calleigh's drama, which was Ryan's first case too.

Surely, Duke Duquesne is the best character TPTB have ever had to devolop Miss Duquesne. His alcohol problems have always been so important to build up such a strong character as Calleigh was in this season.
She was also very determined to get him out of jail (knowing that it would have been practically impossible, if he actually had killed the guy with his car), though she perfectly knew that she could pass the line & ruin her moral integrity. Still she did her best to help him once he was he came to tell her that he may had killed a person with his car &, as Horatio told her she knew she was passing the line.

Surely, she didn't want Ryan Wolfe to investigate on her father's case also b/c he was "a newbie who came from patrol & he didn't even know what DNA was" (let's not deny it, she really thought he was incompetent & I guess no one can blame her for this, quite honestly :lol:)

The more Ryan asks her to put her hands in her pockets, the more things gog akward between the two, not to mention that Ryan's statement about her being too close for a few inches cracks you up :guffaw:even if Calleigh would have loved to cut his head off :lol:.

Thank god both for Calleigh's conscience & Ryan's well being, Duke turns out to be innocent &, finally they can build up a new repport as collegues & their scene w/ the little gator & Ryan giving him his lunch is just hilarious :lol:
Loved when Calleigh kept shouting "Ryan" & he came out saying "you were looking for this?" :guffaw:

When the case is officially finished, Calleigh still is not ok & she's still upset that her father kept drinking, ignoring her requests, & he still drives. She knows that, maybe, she can't help him to stop drinking, but she's determined to make him stop driving so that she can prevent other accidents like this.
There's nothing worse for a person whose father is an alcoholic, but she finally had to face reality, which some times, doesn't have a happy ending ;). This was character's development, IMHO. OFC, the one who wrote it was, again, our Corey Miller :thumbsup:
Plus, you gotta love her last scene with H. Yeah, I'm sure lots of people miss this kind of atmosphere between H & Cal ;)

On the other hand, the day turned out to be the best for Ryan, who just got hired & had the opportuntinity to know the best team Miami had at the time ;).
Not to mention that he prooved to be a very good guy & a very determined person when it's time to investigate on a murder, no matter whether the killer is on of the team members' relative or not :thumbsup:. Thiis is being professional, something, quite frankly, I'm missing whenever I watch this show, lately.
Though, you must admit that his OCD is a little bit creepy :lol:

In the meantime, the whole case A, turned out to be the case B of the episode & yeah it was still another very interesting case for the team ;)

As for Tim Speedle, it was really frustrating to see Ryan showing his very perfect second gun, but yeah it was really time for someone to replace Rory on the show & thank god it was Jonathan Togo :thumbsup:
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Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

First of all, i should warn you all that i was already adore Ryan when i first time saw this ep. Second, i never was crazy about Speed. He was nice guy, i was really sorry that he is dead, it was sad :(

Case A: start from Evanescence song, i always like their songs it was good start.:thumbsup: Can i said that, i love that there was more then two people in one scene. I like that H staying there and Yelina come, then Alexx checking DB, then Eric come and reports what he find out, then *squeeee* Ryan in patrol uniform :drool: with his information. It was great! I miss scenes like this now :(

Back to case. This girl was creepy, but what creeps me more that this guy use it. She i crazy about him and i feel sorry for her, but he don't have any excuse, he know what exactly he doing. Again, i like scene in lab when Eric talks with H about murder weapon and Valera come with her report about blood. :thumbsup:

Case B and sorry if i would a little bit shippy here :rolleyes:. I have question, Yelina meet Ryan before? Why he ask her? It's hard imagine that he come to detective he didn't know and asking about H. Lets see, Ryan come to Yelina, saying that she is fantastic looking, asking about H, looks all innocent... makes puppy eyes... Yelina thinks "Awwwww, so sweet guy!" saying that she talks with H, Ryan happy and go away, Yelina start laughs... or maybe it's me :guffaw:

I laugh when Ryan talks with H and his confusing face when H asks about gun. Awww, he was scared that H don't give him chance because of his OCD. It's just me or H and Yelina look was like they thinking exactly the same thing about him, it was sweet. I miss this Yelina\H chemistry, it's all forgot now :(

EP i love you! She amazing act all scenes with her dad. I saw her little "ok what happen this time" look and in other second she smiles saying "dad...". It was hard choice for her, she help her father and the same time she was professional, she didn't cover him, if he was guilty he come to jail and she can't stop it. It's not like now, new Calleigh don't think, it's not hard for her breaking rules or covering someone. I know someone saying that she was like robot in earlier seasons, IMO, i don't think so. I saw her emotions in that situation, it was professional Calleigh who should choose between her father and her job. Shame that tptb forget about Duke, this storyline was great for Calleigh and showing more about her.

Back to case. I understand her frustration that H give this case to newbie. She thinking about someone more professional for Duke case. Again, it was great to see more then two people in one scene. There was Calleigh, Duke and H, we saw Ryan seating on background, we saw Frank seating from other side. Then Frank was shown like detective who take this case and newbie who made all science work. I MISS IT!!! Ryan come to locker room and showing his respect to Speed, he prefer taking broke locker then Speed's. I think it was message from writers "we remember and respect Speed". Garage scene was hilarious, i laughs so hard when Ryan said Calleigh put her hands in pockets :lol:

Ryan: Um... Your hands.
Calleigh: I'm ten feet away.
Ryan *shake head*: Eight and a half.

:guffaw: :guffaw: Ryan i love you :guffaw: If i was him i was thinking "ok, it's my last case ever" :guffaw:

Loved how H looking how Ryan working. Then first dust monkey and teddy bear scene... i mean Ryan and Frank. Ok, Ryan said that he ready be CSI, but looks on his face when he saw DB i thinking he was wrong. Science is one thing, DB is completely other. Ryan found glass on Duke's clothe, Ryan, baby, admit it, you don't even thinking check car on broken glass... Ok, ok, you don't finish... Love music when he found all glass :)

I think my review is tooo long... Sorry... I'm not finish yet :lol:

Love scene with Calleigh on construction, especially when he come for his lunch... his pose... Don't tell me she didn't look on his butt :devil: :lol: Gator scene was hilarious and Calleigh scream "Ryan" every time with different intonation, Ryan's sweet smile... I love CaRWash! :adore:

Calleigh: you're crazy. You know that.
Ryan: why? For taking a little initiative?
Calleigh: you could've been gator bait on your first day.
Ryan: I did sacrifice my lunch. Please, just remember that.

Awwww, sweet, funny and Calleigh smiles :adore:

Ok, ok, I'm finishing. Love last scene with Duke and Calleigh, and then Calleigh's talk with Horatio. I miss their interaction, they lost their chemistry now :(

"It's in his blood." - H, what a hell that means? you know something that fans don't? Or you saying that because of two minutes work that you see?

Great episode, there was personal drama, funny scenes, two cases, science... and all that in one ep! :thumbsup: See tptb you can do this *poking them* you just don't wanna! :scream:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

"It's in his blood." - H, what a hell that means? you know something that fans don't? Or you saying that because of two minutes work that you see?

I wondered that too and I just finished watching Sunblock again and at the end Horatio says the same exact thing to Ryan again. Did we miss something? :confused:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

Ryan's first episode & he did all he had to do. He was very precise, a little bit compulsive especially when it was time to show his guns to H. No need to say that most of us during that scene wanted to strangle:
- the little boy Ryan b/c of his attitude.
Really,I never wanted to strangle him. I thought he was anxious because he felt he may be judged because of his OCD.
But, we all must admit, that Ryan Wolfe was very cute to see & that most of us wanted to hug him in the locker room scene when he found Speed's locker, which, OFC, had some kind of problems being Speed's one ;)
I felt the character Ryan was very respectful of Speed,not taking his locker. If you look closely,you will see the locker that he did take didn't close properly.
I thought Ryan was confident with the knowledge he had thus far,even if he had no CSI training except class/book.You can't be shy about your ablities when working this team.
It was this episode that convinced me to return to CSI:Miami on a regular basis,I had been pretty much just catching it on a hit a miss basis, none of the characters drew me in.I had seen JT on Special Unit 2 and in Mystic River and decided to catch this episode.

The cases were great in this episode,those involved in the bus case were just crazy.
I liked the handling of Calleigh's father's case. It was a learning expereince for Ryan,Calleigh needed to learn to step back and let someone else take over.
As Orla mentioned,the team work was really good in this episode. It was nice to see the interaction between Calleigh and Ryan,and Ryan and Frank.
It's in his blood." - H, what a hell that means? you know something that fans don't? Or you saying that because of two minutes work that you see?
I read that this quote is just something that David himself made up.
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Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

But, we all must admit, that Ryan Wolfe was very cute to see & that most of us wanted to hug him in the locker room scene when he found Speed's locker, which, OFC, had some kind of problems being Speed's one ;)
I felt the character Ryan was very respectful of Speed,not taking his locker. If you look closely,you will see the locker that he did take didn't close properly.
Yep, I'm sorry. IDK why, but I always thought the locker which didn't close properly was Speedle one. So yeah it was even nicer to see Ryan in that scene :thumbsup:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Tinder Box']

But, we all must admit, that Ryan Wolfe was very cute to see & that most of us wanted to hug him in the locker room scene when he found Speed's locker, which, OFC, had some kind of problems being Speed's one ;)
I felt the character Ryan was very respectful of Speed,not taking his locker. If you look closely,you will see the locker that he did take didn't close properly.
Yep, I'm sorry. IDK why, but I always thought the locker which didn't close properly was Speedle one. So yeah it was even nicer to see Ryan in that scene :thumbsup:

Yea, I was quite happy with that even before I became a fan of Speed.