Re-examine the episodes! ['Extreme']

Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Under The Influence']

This was another one of my early favorites.

I think Ryan saw that Yelina was another detective and decided to approach her about talking to Horatio. Sort of getting his foot in the door by asking Yelina to talk to the boss. He already was a 'troller; he'd just been thinking about that career change.

I really miss Calleigh's dad. Personally, I wish they'd bring him back more. I love how they used him in another episode to defend a little girl against her mother who had been pimping her to men she'd met online. He had the alcohol problem, but he was still a brilliant lawyer who loved his little girl.

Yes, I can understand Calleigh being jittery about that little newbie working her dad's case. But Ryan did beautifully, drew his line in the sand, and held himself beautifully. I personally think that's the difference between Ryan Wolfe and Dr. Tara Price. Both of them had big shoes to fill. But Ryan established his character; Dr Price didn't. And we all see what happened.

Anybody else wish they'd bring back Duke DuQuesne?
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Under The Influence']

Anybody else wish they'd bring back Duke DuQuesne?
**starts screaming**
I WANT OLD DRUNK DUKE BACK!!! Bring him back!!! :beer: .
**composes herself**
Ok, seriously, I love that man too much & I do wish they could bring him back b/c, again, I think he was the only character's development they have ever give to Cal ;)

Though, as I have alrady mentioned in some other threads, I do fear they're gonna bring him back so that they can find him a bar :rolleyes: or, even worse, so that he could die of cyrrosis of the liver right in front of his beloved Lambchop. Seriouly, I don't want it to happen, otherwise Calleigh is going to commit suicide in the middle of the lab...& I don't want it :lol:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Under The Influence']

Unfortunately I don't own season 3 and it's been quite awhile since I've seen Under the Influence. But I remember meeting Ryan and the emphasis they put on his gun being clean which was a bit weird for me since I hadn't watched before and had no idea who Speed was, lol! Now that I know I think it's sort of hurtful to the Speed fans. Not that that's Ryan's fault. I think Ryan did a great job on his first case though!
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Under The Influence']

Time for a new episode! This week's episode to re-examine is:

Hurricane Anthony from Season 2

Have fun and can't wait to see what you'll think! :)
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Hurricane Anthony']

I love "HURRICANE ANTHONY". The scene with H and dying Martin (Marty) was sad and hard to watch, but DC and the other actor were just "so good" at that moment (an Emmy moment). I loved that Calliegh and Frank worked together in this one on the "wind blown spent bullet" that cause the accidental death. I loved the Eric and Speedle interaction on solving the "hiding from the mob" surfer/accountant death. I love the Calleigh lines about Hurricanes do help solve global warming and Speed's remark to Eric that she is way to cheerful, and my most favorite moment in the episode, when H is trying to get up the guts to ask Yelina if he can come over to her house to help take down the protective boards off her windows and him smiling while looking out the window and the sun reappearing at the end. Wonderful story and excellent writing... I miss this! :-/
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Hurricane Anthony']

I love "HURRICANE ANTHONY". The scene with H and dying Martin (Marty) was sad and hard to watch, but DC and the other actor were just "so good" at that moment (an Emmy moment). I loved that Calliegh and Frank worked together in this one on the "wind blown spent bullet" that cause the accidental death. I loved the Eric and Speedle interaction on solving the "hiding from the mob" surfer/accountant death. I love the Calleigh lines about Hurricanes do help solve global warming and Speed's remark to Eric that she is way to cheerful, and my most favorite moment in the episode, when H is trying to get up the guts to ask Yelina if he can come over to her house to help take down the protective boards off her windows and him smiling while looking out the window and the sun reappearing at the end. Wonderful story and excellent writing... I miss this! :-/
You pretty summed up this episode in such a good way that I really don't know what I could add.
Probably, I can add that while Delko and Speed's case was a little bit strange since this guy was hiding from a mob and Horatio's one was really intense especially when he was holding Martin's hand, Calleigh's case was just insane :wtf:. It was really funny for me how a hurricane could kill that woman in that way. I know I know I'm crazy, but I love this stuff :lol:

The ending....probably, one of the bests ever on this show.
We didn't have the opportunity to know a lot about H, Calleigh, Delko or Speed, but we had such great scene.
Starting from our way too cheerful Calleigh and ending with Horatio...this was one of the best endings ever :thumbsup:

And what about the team spirit you could sense all over that break room scene? Gosh, I so miss it :(
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Hurricane Anthony']

^ Ah the break room scene. Probably one of my all-time favourite Miami scenes. :D

I absolutely loved this episode. The theme was interesting (hurricane & possible murder scene + case B + case C), character interaction was flawless and one of the most powerful scenes was Horatio and Marty.

I loved that pretty much everyone had an opportunity to shine -- Calleigh, Horatio, Speed, Eric, Frank and Yelina. And it also seemed like the victims were the forefront of the episode, but the cast was also balanced out...if that makes sense.

It was nice to see this one end on a light note and it really felt like "all in a day's work". :)
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Hurricane Anthony']

Sorry all! I went on vacation and forgot the thread! Yikes! So next up is:

Golden Parachute


Which is Season One. I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts about the episode! I haven't seen this one in awhile so it will be fun to watch again.
Last edited:
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

Ah yes. The very first. So funny to see such a young Horatio.

Although there are some things you won't see in Hollywood, I can only guess about the alligators, the mosquitoes, and just the STENCH (wrinkles face) in there. Horatio showed not only forensics know-how, but also caring for his team in that epi. I think he ordered that the search teams work on half-hour shifts and double-glove so they don't get overworked and they don't burn out. It's been details like that I've really missed from the early years.

I also liked Kim Delaney. Too bad her time with the team was so short-lived.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

I liked how the team worked together and were if I remember shown working together in one room.

Horatio showed not only forensics know-how, but also caring for his team in that epi. I think he ordered that the search teams work on half-hour shifts and double-glove so they don't get overworked and they don't burn out. It's been details like that I've really missed from the early years

I think if they kept the character like how he was, he wouldn't have such a negative rap.

I'll add more as I have the episode taped somewhere and return with more thoughts
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

I've decided to take notes as I watch the episodes we do now so it's easier. So here's what I have from Golden Parachute:

Calleigh-Is it as bad as it looks?
H-It's actually worse than it looks.

Finding just the arm-disturbing.

Oh no it's Megan! I'm so glad she was gone after 10 episodes! She just didn't seem to fit with the rest of the team.

Calleigh's braids!
H's hair!

H to Alexx-Ask him if he knows what brought the plane down. LOL!

I love the way Horatio says, "The question then becomes why would you shoot your pilot?"

When did we get rid of H standingn way up there looking down at the autopsy room? It just disappeared!

The survivor is Bernie from Lost!

Speed and Delko and the alligator/black boxes scene! Too funny!

The ending was good, loved seeing how each CSI sort of "dealt" with it.

And Speed on the bike=hotness!

Good episode! :thumbsup: I forgot how good it was, glad I got to watch it again!
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

Hmm I don't remember that much of the episode since I last watched it long long time ago. But, then again, I can't rewatch it, at the moment ;)

Oh Everglades. I love this area and I love it whenever TPTB decide to create a storyline around it. Ok the last one the played wasn't that good, but hey Everglads is fascinating with his gators :lol:

Eric's muscles = WOW
Calleigh's hair/braids = OMG :wtf:
H's hair :guffaw:
Timmy's scruffy face = :adore:

A: Wasn't normal for you. You didn't get up this morning thinking it would be your last, did you, honey?
Ask him if he knows what brought the plane down.

Oh god when I first watched this scene, I couldn't stop laughing. I'm glad I went on watching this show, so that I could learn much more about Alexx, one of the most interesting characters I've seen.
Gosh I miss her so much.

D: Hey, Herb Ritts, come on. You want to do this while we're young,
or what?

T: I need a minute.

D: Look, how about I take the pictures and you go out there and
backstroke through that crap?

T: Are you all right?
D: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you all right?

H: Gentlemen?
Bring back Speedle! That's all I'm saying. His moments with Delko were just absolutely amazing :lol:
NTSB TECHNICIAN: You know, I heard of you. You're the, uh, the "Bullet Girl,"right?

C: What does that make you? "Airplane boy?"
First time we meet Calleigh and we already know that she's Bullet Girl. Though I wonder what's the reason behind this nickname. Is it because she loves guns, she can shoot very well or just because she knows everything about guns? They never explained it...what a shame :shifty:

Loved also Tim's relationship with Megan. She surely was a mentor for the guy and I do think it would have been nice to see a little bit more of that.

I can't say the same thing about H and Mega, I'm sorry. They were completey the opposite to eachothers and there was no way they could have survived it. I'm pretty sure that if Megan hadn't left, sooner or later Horatio would have strangled her or viceversa.
At least that's always the impression I had while watching these two.

And what about our team reuinited to see the pilot who hung himself. I have to say that I loved that moment and I couldn't stop laughing at Calleigh sitting down with her cup of coffeee staring at the guy, same thing also for all the others :lol:. IDK, I thought it was a funny scene.

Guess that's all I remember :p
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

Ok, we are on to the next episode to re-examine. Come on everyone, join in and have fun!

Next up:


Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

Found Extreme to be fairly standard for a Season 2 episode, although an interesting story nonetheless, sometimes a little ridiculous but CSI Miami is never to be taken too seriously lol, thats why its enjoyable.

Im keener on the first few seasons, Season 2 is top class, working my way through Season 3 at the moment which starts well but weakens off a bit although Crime Wave is brilliant.
Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Golden Parachute']

Can someone please tell me where are you vote for next episodes? Or you didn't vote and FallenForFlack choose all this?