Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

*Sara and Nick are having a conversation in the break room and Grissom walks in*
Grissom: Oh for the love of ladybugs, Nick, just kiss Sara already!
Sara: Oh I don't care about Gil making out with Lady Heather, that's alright with me.

Sorry couldn't resist!^^[/b]

Grissom: I don't deserve Sara - Greg, you're the only one who can make her happy, so go for it!

Wait this is the wrong thread maybe - I definitely hope we will hear that!*lol*
Greg walks into the lab
WARRICK: Dude, Greg what did you do to your hair?
GREG: I got tired of it so I decided to shave it all off. What do you guys think?
GRISSOM: Greg you're fired. *All walk away*
GREG: :confused:

(i know it sucks, so shoot me.)
[All the CSIs are standing in the parking lot.]

Grissom: [Driving a vw van - shouting out the window] Beach Day!!!

[All the CSIs jump in the van - cut to theme song]

It could happen...
*follow up on Shipwrecked

Grissom is driving, Catherine sits next to him. Rest is in the back. All sing.

"Everybody go surfing.. surfing USA"
Nick Stokes: Hey, Gris?
Gil Grissom: Yes, Nick?
Nick: Ecklie just sent me a package and I'm worried and confused.
Grissom: Why is that?
Nick: It is a miniature scene of my bedroom, and it shows that the alarm clock is broken.
Grissom: Maybe you might want to be at work on time from now on.
Dynamo1 said:
Nick Stokes: Hey, Gris?
Gil Grissom: Yes, Nick?
Nick: Ecklie just sent me a package and I'm worried and confused.
Grissom: Why is that?
Nick: It is a miniature scene of my bedroom, and it shows that the alarm clock is broken.
Grissom: Maybe you might want to be at work on time from now on.

now that one is very funny....a certain contract i imagine!!!!