Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

Right before the opening credits
Grissom with a giddy monotone:And I've got to go pee.
*the Who starts playing leaving the audiece with a complete "WTF" kind of expression
lilbug said:
Right before the opening credits
Grissom with a giddy monotone:And I've got to go pee.
*the Who starts playing leaving the audiece with a complete "WTF" kind of expression

LOL. AMAZING. I would looove to see that.
lilbug said:
Right before the opening credits
Grissom with a giddy monotone:And I've got to go pee.
*the Who starts playing leaving the audiece with a complete "WTF" kind of expression

-cracks up- That would make my life. I would die laughing. Omg hahaha. Nice one, lilbug. Major kudos.
holy c**p! thats funny LILBUG!

here, i have one...

grissom: "sara, lets make out!"
sara: "again? we JUST did three minutes ago!"
grissom: *smiles and begins to head toward sara
sara: "AAAAH!" runs away screaming "nick! niiiick!"
grissom stops and stairs at sara... "WHAT?"

sorry, i know, really lame...
Grissom:Sara I'm sorry but I'm Gay.I love Nick and Greg. *Runs toward Nick and kisses him*
Sara:Shyt I should have seen this coming.
Cathrine:it's okay *pats Sara's Back*
(I read the other's OMG I LAUGHED !! especially The Grissom needs to pee. LOLz.
ecklie: Hodges,i love you
Hodges: yeah,well i don't love you, i love Sofia.
(Sofia enters)
Sofia: (grabs hodges) shaddup and kiss me!
Hodges: *kisses her*
Ecklie: WTF?

and another one..*crossover between NY and LV*
(team meeting in one of the rooms)
Ecklie: *yells at them* GET OUT!
Mac and Grissom: *yelling* NO ECKLIE,NO! NO ECKLIE,NO! NO ECKLIE!
Ecklie: YES!
Mac and Grissom: *continuing* NO ECKLIE,NO ECKLIE,NO ECKLIE,NO!
Ecklie: *screams like a girl,then storms out*
Grissom,Cath,Mac and Stella: *laughing uncontrollably*
Grissom: Sara, you and Nick take the lead on this case and by the way, I know you two are having an affair behind my back
he he he
**runs and ducks :eek:**
Nick: *Walks out of the Lab and finds him surrounded(sp?) By Fan girls* OSHT!
Fan girls:...Oh Nicky, Your so fine, your so fine You blow my mind, Hey Nicky, Hey Nicky, Oh Nicky your so Fine, Your so fine you blow my mind, Hey Nicky, Hey Nicky!
Nick: Erm, Thanks.
Fan girl 1: OMG! He said something *Faints*
Fan girl 2: Our God as Spoken! All Hail Nicky!
Nick: Why me? Why me? WHY ME?
Fan girl 1: Heeee Said something again! OMG! did you get it on recording?
Fan girl 3: Yep.
Fan girl: Yay!
Nick: ...Well...Its nice to See your girls *Starts walking slowly away then Starts running*
Warrick: Anyone wanna go to the strip and try our luck for a while?

Grissom: I'm taking a vacation...
Sara: so am I...with him
Grissom: So what should I pack?
Sara: Nothing, it's just coming off anyway
If you've watched Superstar, do you remember the OCD guy who had to do everything five times?

(Greg kisses Nick on the cheek)
Nick: Dude, what are you, gay?
Greg: Five times gayer than you think I am. And you've got four more coming.
(Greg kisses Nick four more times)

Ohhh man. I love that movie.
Nick: Grissom's got a gun,
Grissom's got a gun,
Ecklie's on the run,
So what made Grissom snap?,
was he tired of Ecklie's crap?
Grissom's got a gun...