~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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these are soooooo great!
did you realise the most quotes are about our dear Horatio and his shades??

so here's anoter one you'll definitly NOT hear from him:

H in the break room to the team: "Team, I am sick of Mami, I got an offer from New York. And as I won't need my shades there, who wants to have them?"
Team: *faints*
^ haha good.
And thanx need4speed.

in the break room
Ryan:so wheres H today..anyone seen him?
Eric: probably away polishing his sunnies(all laugh)
H: *comes in looking upset*
Eric: whats wrong...
Ryan: erm boss...
H: *snaps* what Ryan?
Eric: ill ask him *pushes Ryan out of the way* Where are your sunnies?
H: what??? oh rite...they are soo last season! Pulls on a baseball cap. so where is the next case?
horatio was is sleepin on couch in breakroom
ryan touches his sunnies tries to steal em
horatio: wat the hell u think ure doin
ryan: umm nothin... U R DREAMING....
horatio: ya u cant touch my sunnies even in my dreams!!
ryan: dam it!

ok that was totally lame i know lol
I just watched “Losing Face” so…

*Horatio, Eric and Calleigh are in the break room*
Speed: *walks in, pours black coffee into a mug and downs it in one swing* Ah, that was good.
Horatio, Eric, and Calleigh: *GASP*
*Natalia and Valera meet in an empty hallway*
Valera: Hello, Natalia.
Natalia: Valera.
Valera: This lab isn’t big enough for two DNA specialists.
Natalia: Then let’s end this.
*Natalia and Valera begin to fight; pulling out hair, scratching, that sort of thing*
Natalia: At least I wasn’t investigated for screwing up!
Valera: At least I didn’t betray the lab!
Natalia: I’m prettier!
Valera: I’m more popular!
*Eric and Ryan run in to watch*
Eric: Who are you cheering for?
Ryan: Dude, I’m just here for the show; pass the popcorn.
^ :lol:
This is my Smallville inspiration, some of you know what I'm talking about.

Stetler walks in the lab.
Horatio snaps fingers, Natalia, Valera and Calleigh come out in skin-tight, cleavage exposing vinyl suits.
Horatio: Get 'im girls.

Had to post it, was driving me nuts. :lol:
Leftyguitar said:
H is getting a few hours sleep after a tough day of crime fighting with his team.

H: Good night, Sunglasses *kisses them goodnight*
Sunglasses: Good night, H.

wow I'm weird :lol: :lol:

your not the only one!!!! :D

(eric and h walk in the bathroom discusting a case)

eric:so anyway, the girl said....
(hears noise and stop, both peek around corner,and ryan is stading in black leather,hands on hips,and h's shades)
ryan:whos the boss now?you are oh yes you are!!

sounded better in my head :p
This thread rocks! You guys are sooooooo great....Hmmmmm let me have a go for the first time: *feels nervous*

It's a dark, dull day in Miami...Horatio & the team are outside the MDPD building.

Horatio(with sunglasses on): Heavy rain coming, let's all go inside.
Calleigh, Ryan & Eric: You know, you shouldn't have your sunnies on when it's dark like this.
Horatio: I don't wanna lose my cool! Besides, I'm used to seeing with these babies on.

Horatio then trips over the pavement & falls to the ground. His sunglasses go flying & when he picks them up, he notices a BIG crack on it's surface.

H: Didn't see that coming...Man...this was my coolest pair.

The rest of the team laugh out loud.

Really lame... :eek:
it my first time writing one of these so here it goes

(the team is in the lounge on their break)
ryan: hey delko can you pass me the cheez-it box?
eric: yea but dont eat it all or you might get cheesed.
(everyone looks at eric)
eric: what you guys havent seen the cheez-it commercial?

ehh.. i had a box of cheez-it next to me
Ryan: Giggling for no apparent reason.
Eric: What's so funny?
Ryan: I put black paint on the inside of H's shades.

*H walks by and goes straight into a wall*

Eric and Ryan: *Fall down with laughter.*
Here's a mean one... sorry Horatio!! :p This sounded better in my head...

*Radio is playing in the break-room. Horatio walks in and listens. Suddenly, the radio starts playing...*

'When my baby
When my baby smiles at me I go to Rio
De Janeiro...'

HORATIO: Oh no... the flashbacks!! AAAHHH!!

*screams and runs out of the room, past Eric, Ryan and Calleigh.*

RYAN: H? What's going on... ?

ERIC: H!! Look out for the...

*bang* *thud*

CALLEIGH: Glass door...

*Horatio lies on the ground, muttering 'Rio' over and over*

CALLEIGH: I'll get Alexx...

*Ryan and Eric try to calm Horatio down, to no avail*

RYAN: You'll be okay... hey, you know what my favourite song is??

*starts singing*

'Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twisting through a dusty land...'

*Horatio gapes in horror. Eric makes slashing motions across his throat, telling Ryan to shut up, but Ryan starts dancing!*

'And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande'



CALLEIGH: Horatio!!

ALEXX: Eric!!

RYAN: Rio!!!

The end is just stupid! :p Oh well, I tried!!
Actaully it was pretty funny.
But anyway...

Eric: H, what's up with the shades? It's raining cats and dogs out here.

H: They are magic! *in deep, heroic voice* I, Super H, demand it stop raining!

*rain stops*

Eric: I hope that was a conidence.
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