~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Little Boy: Help! Help!
Calleigh: What's wrong?
Little Boy: That guy over there! His head is on fire! *points*
*Calleigh looks at Eric and they both look in the direction of where the boy is poining*
Eric: His head isn't on fire. That's Horatio. *smiles*

I know it stinks. I can't think of anything at the moment. The rest of ya'lls are hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilarious.
vic:(stuggling to breathe)your horatio caine
horatio:how...how do you know?
vic:i watch your show,im...im your biggest fan!can i have your autogragh?
director:what?!?no!no!no!i want more feeling,i mean your meeting horatio caine for heavens sake!
eww :(
This came to me straight after watching Curse of the Coffin.

Horatio: "Miss Boa Vista, the car!"
Natalia: "Immediately, oh Super-H, savior of man-kind and destructor of anything criminal!"
Eric&Ryan&Calleigh: o__0
Natalia: *coughs* "Ahem. Sorry. Kinda got carried away there."
Horatio: "The car?"
Natalia: "Right. I'm on it. Like, right now. Yeah. *walks out*
Hmm, I haven’t posted anything here in a while…

Horatio: *falls into pool* Oh fudge!
Calleigh: *helps him out of pool* What on earth were you doing?
Horatio: I’m holy; I’m supposed to be able to walk on water.
Calleigh: Umm, ok then… fudge?
Horatio: Holy people don’t use bad words. *tries to walk on water again, falls in* Doo-doo!

Yeah, ok, that wasn’t that great.
oooh i got a good one!!!!! it's a bit long but sooooo worth it.......

*Ryan, Calleigh and Eric are in the break room and H walks in*
Ryan,Calleigh, Eric:o_O
Calleigh:your hair?!?
H:what about it?!?
Ryan:it's black!!!!!
H:what?!?*he looks in a mirror*NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!*sobbing*my....red hair...the coolness of red is gone!!!!!!!
*Eric is snickering*
H:ERIC!!...did you have something to do with this?!?
H:ERIC DELKO!!!!!!!!!
Eric ok, YES!!!!!! i put black hair dye in your shampoo*he burst out laughing*
H:Eric...you're a dead man!!!!!!
Ryan: it's not that bad!!!
H:not that...NOT THAT BAD!!!!!!! you don't get it do you!!!!
Calleigh: what?
H:*Whines* now i look like Stetler!!!*sobs*
Ryan,Eric, Calleigh:o_O
hey NEED4SPEED, great job!
How about this ...

This just came to my mind, it’s a little crossover. CSI Miami goes Lord of The Rings ….

Eric Delko to a bad guy: “One does not simply walk into Miami. It's black gates are guarded by more than just cops. There is evil there that does not sleep and the Great Eye, called Horatio Caine, is ever watchful.”

Ever wondered how Horatio got his shades?? Here’s an idea:

God of Miami: "My dear son Horatio, I have followed your work and think you are the only man who is worthy to receive them."
Horatio: "Dear God of Miami, I feel so honoured by this."
God of Miami: *pulls forward a velvet pillow with a pair of bright and gleaming shades* “Take these my dear son Horatio Caine, the man who wields the power of this shades can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walk this earth”
Horatio: *puts them on* “I do not know what strength is in my blood, but i swear i will not let Miami fall, nor our people fail.”
God of Miami: “Do not forget. The power of the shades could not be undone. Say the words to receive the power.”
Horatio: *with a reverential voice* “One shades to rule them all, one shades to find them. One shades to bring them all and in the prison bind them in the city of Miami where the sunshine lies.”
hehe... H just isn't H without his red hair.
and Lord of Rings rules :lol:
H: ... Flyaimi,Flyaimi
Eric: The girls are hot, Miami
The girls are fly, Miami
Ryan: Two girls at once, That's Flyaimi!!!
H: That should be our theme song!
Eric & Ryan: NO!!!
H: I am Super H. What I say will done! *puts on shades*
E & R: Can't...resist...sunglasses of justice.

I apologize for that. Just Rewatched Felony Flight. Anthony Zuckier wrote the song, not me.
OK, this isn't that good but I'm in school and inspiration isn't really that available.

Alexx, Calleigh and Ryan are standing over a dead body.

C: So ALexx, did you collect a Sexual Assault kit?
*Ryan starts to giggle*
A: What?
R: You said. . . SEX!!!
*Ryan runs away giggling insanely*

Bad I know.
omg LMAO.........those were hilarious.......ok here's one.....

*Eric is in the break room talking with Ryan*
Eric:i'll bet you 10 bucks that you can't get H's sunnies....
Ryan: i'll bet you 20 buck i can
Eric: ok,deal
*10 minute later Ryan comes back with H's sunnies..Eric is staring at him in shock*
Eric:how did you.......how.
Ryan: it was easy i just hit him over the head.
Eric:you what?!?!
Ryan: hey you didn't say how i had to get them..... :devil:
H:RYAN WOLFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan:eek:h crap..he knows!!!!!!!!!! *Ryan runs with H close at his heels*
*H tackles him to the ground*
H:RYAN WOLFE!!!!!!!!!! you know better!!!!! you're fired!!!!!!
lmoa - these are all amazing.
ok here goes...

H hs been accused of murdering Stetlar(spelling??)
H: Why do you think it is me?
FBI guy: Everyone knows how much you hated him.
H: but...but...but...I didnt kill him...
FBI guy: well until we can prove that you suspended from work. Hand over your badge, gun and sunglasses.
H: no you cant take my sunnies. I am nothing without them! do you hear me NOTHING!!

ok it sounded better in my head :rolleyes:
H is getting a few hours sleep after a tough day of crime fighting with his team.

H: Good night, Sunglasses *kisses them goodnight*
Sunglasses: Good night, H.

wow I'm weird :lol: :lol:
*Joins in the crazed laughing*

H:Why is my new girlfriend always wearing a red shirt?
Delko: 'Cause we know right off she's gonna die, most likely.

Horatio *to Crockett and Tubbs*: You are so not cool. Not like me. Obviously, I'm far more cool than you two. neither of you caneven wear The Shades properly. I, I am the truly cool one here. I don't see you driving a Hummer. Or blowing up terrorists with a single shot. I am Super Horatio, the true protector of Miami. You are just pale imitations of the true greatness that is me.
*the team exchange looks*
Calleigh: He's lost it
ha ha LMAO these are GREAT!!!!! oh and, Midnight17, it's Stetler.....you were only off by one letter :D

*H is staring at himself in the mirror...*
H: I'm so great, with my awesome red hair and my cool sunnies. i'll bet stetler doesn't have cool sunnies.....I'm so amazing...i could just do this all day.....
*Ryan walks in*
Ryan:H.....get a life :rolleyes:
H: what are you talking about i have a life.
Ryan: no you don't all you care about are your stupid sunnies.
H:DON"T DIS THE SUNNIES!!!!!!*H tackles him to the ground with a gun pointed at Ryan's head...Eric walks in*
Eric: H what are you doing!!!!!!
H: he dissed the sunnies!!!!!! :mad:
Eric:Ryan, i told you a thousand times.....don't dis the sunnies unless you want your head blown off!!!!!!!!
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