~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Ryan: Hey look at this game I found...it's all about us! We're a video game!
Eric: Let's play so I can whip your butt
Ryan: Yeah right...hey I don't look like that! What did they do to me?
Eric: I think they captured me very well...
*H walks in* What are you two doing?
*In unison* Beating his butt at the video game they made of us
*H looks* They captured me in all of my glorious coolness. I am pleased.
They all need to have a scene where they are pushing eachother in the water.

Eric: *tags Ryan* You're it!
*runs, trips, and falls face first in the water*
Ryan: *points and laughs*
Calleigh shoves him and he falls face first in the water right next to Eric.
Natalia: You go girl! *high-fives Calleigh*
Eric and Ryan: *annoyed*
Calleigh: Run! *Calleigh and Natalia try to run
Natalia: Wait! What does Horatio have?
Everyone: *stare at shore*
Ryan: It looks like a squirt gun.
Horatio: Muahahahahaha

I'm sorry I couldn't resist that last part! :lol:
Horatio: Quick, Eric! Block the doors! He's coming!
Eric: Uh, who?
Horatio: He Who Must Not Be Named.
Eric: ... Voldemort?
Horatio: No, Voldemort I can handle.
Eric: Then who is it?
Horatio: Stetler.
^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG i laughed out loud and fell off the chair at that one!!

Horatio: Eric, if you're hair is a more vibrant color than your oppents eyes, you can beat them. That's why Voldemort is so easy.
Eric: Then why are you worried about Stetler?
Horatio: *slits eyes* He wears contacts.
bird_of_flame said:
Horatio: Quick, Eric! Block the doors! He's coming!
Eric: Uh, who?
Horatio: He Who Must Not Be Named.
Eric: ... Voldemort?
Horatio: No, Voldemort I can handle.
Eric: Then who is it?
Horatio: Stetler.

OMG!!!! that was hilarious :lol: :lol:...i'm a huge Harry Potter fan so .....it almost made me fall off my chair from laughing so hard.......!!!!!

oh i got one......

*Speed is in the break room..Calleigh comes in*
Calleigh:Speed put on the news....
Speed:eek:k....*He turns on the tv.....Barney appears on the screen*
Speed:WTF?!? *He changes the channel and Barney is on every station*
*H walks in* H:Cal...Speed...what's going on....???
Speed: He finally did it!!!
H: who did what??
Speed:Barney has finally taken over the world with his corruptive songs of EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
H:Cal....got get your sniper and head to the TV studio.....he must be destroyed......... :devil:....before people forget who i am!!!!!!
H:Cal....got get your sniper and head to the TV studio.....he must be destroyed......... ....before people forget who i am!!!!!!

lmao thats helarious
ha ha thanks....i got the idea from my little 4 year old sister who was watching Barney and i was sitting there thinking OMG what the hell is it with Barney and his stupisd songs....then i though he was corrupting todays youth and he must be destroyed!!!!!!!
ha ha i can picture everyone doing that if some one really did take H's sunnies......anyways.......

*everyone is in the break room*
H: ok we are now gonna vote on who we think is the best CSI...as if we need to vote....because I AM THE COOLEST!!!
*Calleigh read the list*
Who do you think deserves recongnition the most?

1: Horatio
2: Horatio
3: Horatio
4: Horatio
5: Horatio

Eric: uhhhhhh...H why is your name the only one on here????
H: because i told you before....I AM THE COOLEST..and besides no one can top my awesome shades.....they are what make me cool.....
*Ryan grabs H's shades and smashes them on the ground...*
*everyone laughs as H sits there sobbing and then chases them away*
Eric:(Jokingly) ahhhh everyone run....H is gonna hurt us cause we broke is precious shades....*H punches Eric*
Eric:(SCARED) Ok...seriously everyone RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao... in the other thread they said that H gets like 250 of dem shades every season so i bet he has like another oe in like every drawer i thei studio lmao
yeah...but i bet Horatio doesn't have that many...you know if it was real life and not a show.....but yeah i did hear that about the 250 pairs of shades...and i heard he tries to use the same pair for the whole season...and i heard the other cast members like to take them and imitate him and stuff.......

but anyways......

*Eric is in the locker room staring at himself.....he had secretly taken H's sunnies...* *He goes to put them on...but a hand grabs them*
*Eric jolts out with H close at his heels....H tackles Eric to the ground and holds a gun to his head...*
H: he messed with my sunnies of justice!!!!!! he almost put them on and that would take away from my coolness!!!!! So not cool......
Ryan:o_O oh please....
H: what was that Ryan?????
Ryan:uuuuuhhhhh..nothing i said nothing...
H: that's what i thought....*he smacks Eric on the head and walks away...*
hi all
this will make more sense if you've seen the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' which is a fun, weird moive.

Ryan: Help, we're under attack!
H: Calm down! Who's attacking us?
Ryan: Blue Meanies!! And Steler is thier leader!
H: It's okay, just go find the rest of your band and fight them with the power of music.
Ryan: Why didn't I think of that?

that made little sense unless you see the movie, which I highly recamend, because it's the silliest thing I've ever seen.
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