~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Hunter said:

Wolfe: Hey H, new shades?
Horatio: Yes Mr. Wolfe. Water-proof, can withstand all g-forces and have x-ray powers.
Wolfe: No! Really?
Horatio: Oh yes. *looks around lab* Oh GOD ERIC PUT ON SOME LEAD BOXERS!!
hahaha this is great!!!! i love this thread!!!!!!!!!

ok um here's one.......

*Ryan comes into work with red hair and sunnies*
Cal:uh Ryan....any particular reason you're dressed like H??
Ryan: well someone's got to go around with thier hands on thier hips and put on and take off sunnies dramatically untill H and Eric come back from Rio.....
Cal: :eek:
cainesugar said:
:lol: It is.

Ryan, Delko, Horatio at a crime scene. A woman walks up to them.
Woman: Ryan, Delko, Horatio.
Ryan: How did you...
Woman: I'm the reason you have all these horrible things happen to you. I'm the reason you can't get a date to save your life...well except Delko, but I'm the reason you get in trouble, Delko. I'm the reason that when it seems one thing will happen, another does. I'm the reason that everyone you love dies. I'm the reason that you come close to death. I'm the reason that as every week goes on, more and more people watching you are dissapointed.
Horatio: Oh god...
Woman: I am Ann Donahue.

*Falls over* That is so hilarious. I love it. You're great Lilly (can I call you Lilly?)

Horatio: Hey Eric. Can you give me a hand?
Eric: Sure. :eek: H...what are you doing?
Horatio: I'm painting the hummer Pink. What do you think?
he he lol Happy you dont mind if i call you happy right happy he he

Ghost of Speed: Oh so you're the csi that replaced me
Ryan: :eek: ummm... uh Calleigh come here for a second...
Calleigh: *comes into room and rubbs ryans sholder, not noticing the ghost* Whats wrong babe
Ghost of Speed: Oh so you steal Calleigh from me too
Ryan: uhh... what no i uh... oh crap *runs*
Speed: *chases through walls*
Calleigh: :eek: *faints*

ehh sounded better in my head :lol: :confused: oh well
-Calliegh and Ryan interrogatin suspect-
Calleigh: And then you... Ah dang it.
Ryan: What? What is it?
Calleigh: I just remembered I forgot to paint my nails last night.
Ryan: ... :confused:
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OH MY DAYZ THESE ARE SO FUNNY I LOVE THIS POST!!!!! X-ray sunnies... doood scientist should make them

Continues from my last

Ryan - Cal that puppy has to go! You can't keep bringing it to work on a regular basis! It's evil! It peed on me it almost got shot my H and ran over by his hummer. Eric will be next!!!
Cal - But Ryan, Horatio isn't causing any trouble....
* Hears chewing noise *
Ryan - So what's he eating now?
Cal - * Looks * Erics new sneakers... aww man!
* Eric walks in *
Cal - No Wait! * Chases Eric *
Ryan - Oh not again!
* H walks in *
H - Puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy...
Ryan - What's a matter?
H - Puppy, peed, on, me and my most, valuble car
Ryan - Yes....
H - * Pulls out gun and puts it to head * I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE
Ryan - H don't do it! If ya gonna shoot someone shoot me. I mean I can take a bullet. I took a nail!
* H shoots Ryan, Ryan falls to floor and Cal runs in *
Cal - H NO WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!
H - Mwhahahaha....
* Eric runs in *
Eric - H you rock
Cal - ERIC!
Eric - H you shouldn't of done that * Wink *
H - Mwhahahahaha
Ryan - * Groan *
Cal - * Cry *
Eric - * Jumps for joy *
H - Mwhahahaha
Ryan - * Dies *
H - Mwhahahaha
Ryan - Comes back to life
H - Damn this stupid gun * Shoots everyone * Mwahahahaha * Runs *
That was long but silly!
Here's something random!

H: All right everyone, time go home. We're closing for the night.
H's Sunglasses: Nooooooo!!!!! We won't let you!
*sunnies take over and Horatio becomes super H*

Super H: Miami Never CLoses!!!! *evil laugh*
About the news about DC's baby...let's pretend it's Horatio for a minute...

Upon seeing his baby,
*H pulls out pair of fisher price shades from bag*
*H puts the shades on the baby*
H: And I shall call him...Mini-Me
H: All right everyone, time go home. We're closing for the night.
H's Sunglasses: Nooooooo!!!!! We won't let you!
*sunnies take over and Horatio becomes super H*

Super H: Miami Never CLoses!!!! *evil laugh*

A nice visual.... :lol:

Horatio: *tackles Stetler*
Stetler: WTF Horatio?! Get off of me!
Horatio: Crickey this is a wild one!
*Stetler struggles*
Horatio: Stop squirming!
*Stetler stops moving*
Horatio: Ah, now for it to get killed, gutted, stuffed, and hanged on the wall in my office.
*we zoom out while we hear Rick screaming like a little girl*

Oy vey. *shakes head*
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