~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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^^ Thanks!!! I thought I'd post it since I dreamt it.... ANYWAY heres another

* Eric, H and Ryan are in the break room *
H - Remember * Puts sunnies on * tomorrow is easter
Ryan - H we know!
Eric - That's all you've told us today
* Cal walks in holding something fury *
Cal - Look what I found!
H - A fury hat?
Ryan - It's not a hat H
Cal - It's a puppy!!
Eric - Why have you brought that to work?
Cal - Because it's easter tomorrow and well I need to protect it...
Ryan - From what?
Cal - H....
H - Why from me?
Cal - Because it did it's business up your hummer
Cal - Yes * Runs *
H - GRRRRR * Chases *
Eric - Uh oh * Runs after to stop H *
Ryan - o_O okay... mad world....
* Cal comes running in *
Cal - * Gasp * Lost him * gasp * at DNA * gasp *
Ryan - Wheres the puppy?
Cal - Shoot!
* Hears gun shot *
Cal - Crap my puppy!
* Ryan and Cal run to where the gun shot came from *
H - Stupid, little, bas-
Eric - H you just shot a dog!
Ryan - It's okay
Cal - No it's not!
Ryan - Yes it is because he missed * Points at puppy sitting in corner wagging tail *
Cal - Yay! Here Horatio here boy!
* H walks over *
Cal - Not you the dog
Cal - Yes * Runs *
H - GRRR * Runs after *
Eric - Here we go again * Runs after to stop H *
Ryan - * Picks up puppy * Looks like it's just me and you
* Puppy wees on Ryan *
Ryan - GRRRR * Chases puppy *

Looked good in my head
I would totally love to see the expression on Ryan's face if a puppy peed on him. With his OCD? Too funny.
Lol i want a puppy named Horatio :lol:

Heres another one with Ryan and OCD :devil:... kinda

Ryan: *putting things away at locker*
Cal: *walks over to locker* Hey Ryan
Ryan: Hey Cal, i was just on my way out wanna join me
Cal: Where ya goin
Ryan: To go roll in some mud
Cal: o_O *thinks and smiles* uhh... Ya sure lets go!

sounded better in my head lol
Natalia: She so should have won an award for female actress.
Calleigh: No way!
Natalia: Then who do you think should have?
Calleigh: Emily Procter.
xTriggerx said:
Lol i want a puppy named Horatio :lol:

I have a kitten named Horatio ^_^

Eric- Ryan? Why is H avoiding you?
Cal- Yeah, I was wondering that too!
Ryan- Wellll.....he found out how I make extra money...
H- *walks in* He's a d**n good dancer ^_~ *walks out*
Cal and Eric- o_O
xTriggerx said:
He he the one that cal said Emily Procter made me laugh so hard lol :D :lol:

I didn't know what to think about it when I thought it up so I decided to post it
Eric: Are those a new pair of sunglasses?
Horatio: Yes, they are water proof.
:lol: Gives me and idea.

Wolfe: Hey H, new shades?
Horatio: Yes Mr. Wolfe. Water-proof, can withstand all g-forces and have x-ray powers.
Wolfe: No! Really?
Horatio: Oh yes. *looks around lab* Oh GOD ERIC PUT ON SOME LEAD BOXERS!!
Hunter said:
Wolfe: Hey H, new shades?
Horatio: Yes Mr. Wolfe. Water-proof, can withstand all g-forces and have x-ray powers.
Wolfe: No! Really?
Horatio: Oh yes. *looks around lab* Oh GOD ERIC PUT ON SOME LEAD BOXERS!!

He he ^^ made me laugh so hard :lol: :lol:

I want x-ray glasses if they let me do that :D he he
Hunter said:

Wolfe: Hey H, new shades?
Horatio: Yes Mr. Wolfe. Water-proof, can withstand all g-forces and have x-ray powers.
Wolfe: No! Really?
Horatio: Oh yes. *looks around lab* Oh GOD ERIC PUT ON SOME LEAD BOXERS!!

lol thats v funny Hunter
he he lol i came up with this one last night

Cal: *Reads FanFiction over Ryans shoulder* That one was good
Ryan: *blushes* you read these too
Cal:Yeah there good
Ryan: Who do you ship
Cal: *blushes* CaRWash

he he i just thouoght it was funny and ironic :lol:
:lol: It is.

Ryan, Delko, Horatio at a crime scene. A woman walks up to them.
Woman: Ryan, Delko, Horatio.
Ryan: How did you...
Woman: I'm the reason you have all these horrible things happen to you. I'm the reason you can't get a date to save your life...well except Delko, but I'm the reason you get in trouble, Delko. I'm the reason that when it seems one thing will happen, another does. I'm the reason that everyone you love dies. I'm the reason that you come close to death. I'm the reason that as every week goes on, more and more people watching you are dissapointed.
Horatio: Oh god...
Woman: I am Ann Donahue.
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