~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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*Falls over* That is so hilarious. I love it. You're great Lilly (can I call you Lilly?)
Everyone can call me Lilly. Even strangers. :D

:lol: Lora.

The team have left, and H is left in his office with paperwork. Ryan runs back in, realizing he's forgotten his jacket. He see's H air guitaring in his office.
H: Oh he was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it ANY MORE OBVIOUS YEAH!
Ryan: o_0

At a crime scene, H makes one of his corny one-liners, The Who starts.
H: *looks around madly* Where the hell is that music coming from?!

:lol: Nice job guys.
he he lol Lilly thats HALARIOUS he he funnay

okay here let me try a new one

Eric:Laa laa laaa *singing*
Cal: Eric what are you doing
Eric: *turns red* uhh *looks at frilly pink apron*
Cal: *laughs and flicks flour from the table on Eric*
Eric: *holds out plate* uhh... Cookie *embarrased*

he he i got the idea from a fanfic :) he he
Oops mine are abit long... :$

Ryan - I feel guilty
Cal - Why?
Ryan - I took a friend of yours place
Cal - So...
Ryan - So?
Cal - Your alot better and alot cuter!
Ryan - * Grins * Yay!
oh i got one from last night ep....

Calleigh:uhhh....Eric???*she looks at him funny*
Calleigh:whay are you wearing brown leather pants?!?
Eric:because they're from fitting and the ladies love them.
Calleigh: uhhh....no they don't....who would tell you something like that?!?
Eric:but that's not what H told me!!!
*H walks in* H: Hey guys
Eric:*angry* H!!!!! why did you tell me ladies love leather pants?!?!
H:*laughing* I couldn't resist!!!! i knew you'd do anything to impress the ladies!!! *laughs hysterically* *normal H sounding* plus with regular pants you'd be dressed like me and that *puts on sunnies* would take away from awesomeness and that is so not cool....
Eric + Calleigh: :rolleyes:

he he i just couldn't resist this one!!!!! because it really did look like Eric was wearing brown leather pants!!!! :D :lol: :p
:lol: Omg! Hilarious!!! I love how you broght in the "sunnies of justice"!!! Classic! :D


Omg! Just thought I'd share...This is my 100th post!!! Yayness!!! *goes to find avatar* :D
ha ha lol we were talking about Erics pants in a different thread... they did look leather

Yay Ally avatar time

okay i got one

*we see a empty hallway in Miami Dade PD*
*Thriller music plays*
*Hortatio moonwalks down the hall, stopping to wink at the camera*
Cal Ryan Eric: :eek:
Valera: Yay thriller *does moonwalk with H*

edited to fix a misspelled word
Calleigh: He doesn't look at people when he talks does he?
Ryan: Nope
Calleigh: And the on/off sunnies while inside...
Ryan: Yup
Eric: Who you talking about
Calleigh: H
Ryan: Yup
Eric: -gives Ryan a wierd look- you got anything else to say?
Ryan: Nope

--Inspired by Dannie... lolz couldn't resist
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