~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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:lol: Super H!! Or H-Man! :lol:

Calleigh: That's it. i'm transferring to S.W.A.T!
Eric: But why??
Calleigh: They have more letters in their name.

Get it? CSI, SWAT? :lol: I'm weird right now.
Horatio: Dananananana nanananananana H-Man!
Calleigh: I can't believe you wrote your own theme song.
Horatio: You're just jealous.
Horatio: I'm quitting CSI, I'm going to become... *puts hands on hips in heroic like fashion* SUPER HHHHHHH!!!
Calleigh: *Tutts*
Horatio: You can be my sidekick, if you like?
Calleigh: OK, now for a good superhero name... *hmmmm*
ill try to continue ^^^

Calleigh: ok i got my name "supercalleifragelisticespialadocious"
Horatio: right.... ok lets go save the world super..somethin somethin

sry that was horrible lol
Eric: OH DEAR GOD RUN! RUN FOR YOU LIVES! *runs through the room*
Calleigh: *eyes bug out* Umm...did he just..
Speed: Oh God...RT is spreading everywhere now...
Speed: Put some clothes on you doorknob!!

*sigh* I suck. :lol:
Calleigh: ok i got my name "supercalleifragelisticespialadocious"
Horatio: right.... ok lets go save the world super..somethin somethin

sry that was horrible lol

It wasnt horrible! I like Supercalleighfragelisticespialadocious!!
Speed: Eric, you suck. i stole his freaking computer screen.
Eric: Yeah well a stapler can actually do damage.
*Calleigh walks in*
Speed: What did you get?
Calleigh: *reading a folder, also stolen from Stetlers office* How the hell does Stetler know that i have a tattoo?
Calleigh: *sigh* Yes Calleigh has a wild side, big whoop.
*Horatio walks around corner*
Eric: What did you get H?
Horatio: *smiles, hands on hips* Stetler.
Everyone: ...
*they all look around the corner to see Stetler unconsious on the floor with duct tape over his mouth*
Horatio: Ok, pay up.
*eveyone groans and pulls out their wallets...*
Eric: OH DEAR GOD RUN! RUN FOR YOU LIVES! *runs through the room*
Calleigh: *eyes bug out* Umm...did he just..
Speed: Oh God...RT is spreading everywhere now...
Speed: Put some clothes on you doorknob!!

*sigh* I suck.
Man RT is like infecting you! Niceone. ^ And the one above? I laughed so hard. That's awesome.

The team outside on the lawn.
Horatio: TAG, you're it Eric!
Eric: Damn, you're too fast!
Calleigh: Horatio, using your superpowers in tag is CHEATING!

Sorry. School has depleted my creativity. :lol:
BTW Lora, today in art we used clay, and I made a Wubba Monster. Or as close as I could. My teacher has the picture I took, but I'll get it loaded up soon. :D
^^Have you seen the picture Geni posted in the RT thread? She decided it would be the Wubba monster, and it looks hilarious. :lol:

Horatio: *takes a deep breath* Ah. Spring in Canada. Fresh air, strange birds i've never seen before singing, and strangly soft ground.
Speed: Your stepping in mud H.
Horatio: AH!

Horatio: I called this meeting... for a special reason.
Eric: What's up, Super-H?
Horatio: I have decided... to change the name... of the lab building.
Calleigh: Horatio, what's the new name?
Horatio: This is now the Fortress of Coolitude.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:^^ *is laughing so hard on the floor that she can barely breathe*

Ok.. ok.. I'm good... :lol: :lol:

*the CSIs are in the break room after hours; the lights are all turned off, and everyone is watching a horror movie on the tv*
Someone: ... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*The lights go on. Everyone turns to Horatio, who is holding his mouth closed*
Horatio: Uhh... I meant... Ahhh... cho?
Horatio: I called this meeting... for a special reason.
Eric: What's up, Super-H?
Horatio: I have decided... to change the name... of the lab building.
Calleigh: Horatio, what's the new name?
Horatio: This is now the Fortress of Coolitude.
*wheezes* :lol: :lol: :lol: OMFG...I'm such a Superman fan I was like 'The Fortress of Soli- ok, Coolitude! Man That was awesome. Good one Dynamo. And I like your icon.
Horatio: *reading Superman comic* Hey, Eric, who's Lex Luthor?
Eric: Some villian in Superman. Why, H?
Horatio: He reminds me strangely of Stetler....

Ok, that's bad and I'm a copycat. Sorry Dynamo. It's late. :D
Horatio: I've found out Lex Luthor in Miami. Except...that's not his name.
Eric: What is it H?
Horatio: *dramticly* Derrick.

Only some of you will get it... :D
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