~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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*Wolfe tries to shoot a target*
Ryan: Damn.
Ryan: Damn.
Ryan: Damn!
Ryan: Dammit!
Ryan: This is seriously ticking me off.
Ryan: DAMMIT!!
Ryan: *sigh* Eighth time's the charm!

That sucked. :lol:
^ I like Ryan. Don't go dissing Ryan. :mad:
Ah, Jk. But I do like him.

Eric, Ryan and Calleigh walk into the lab, and see Horatio running a fingerprint.
Eric: What...happened?
Ryan: He's...doing...
Calleigh: ...work...

On a similar note...
Eric and Ryan walk into a dump.
Eric: What are we looking for?
Ryan: The victim's body. Suspect claimed he dumped her here.
Eric: *shifting through garbage* Oh my God. Ryan, get over here.
Ryan: *walks over* What the...
Eric: H used to do labwork. We all wondered where the labcoats were.
They stare at a huge car stuffed with Horatio's labcoats, laying under all the debris.

I'm tired. :lol:
So sorry Lilly. :)

OMG those 2 were hilarious!! :lol: Good ones Lil!

Horatio: You know what? We should become a league.
Everyone: ....What?
Horatio: *dramaticly* Introducing...the league of CSI's. We'll travel country to country, across the seas and ocean, through that galaxy solving crimes like never before! And plus, we get free dental.
Everyone: *backs off slowly*

Ok, that didn't make sense and it wasn't funny. I apoligize. :lol:


Eric: Speed, your such a doorknob.
Speed: But Calleigh called me a jerk.
Eric: ....
Speed: What am i? A doorknob or a jerk?? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE!!

I'm sucking it. :lol:
*Ryan sits in the break room as Eric walks past the door*
Ryan: I taw I taw a Eric.
*Eric, overhearing this, steps back and looks at Ryan strangely through the doorway*
Ryan: I did! I did taw a Eric!
Eric: … No more Looney Toons for you.
Ryan: Aww man. But I was going to do Elmer Fud next.

On another note.

*Ryan and Eric are walking down the halls. Ryan tiptoes.
Ryan: Sssh.... be vewy vewy quiet. We hunting Callieghs.
Eric: DUDE. What have I told you about watching Looney Tunes?
Ryan: Ssh.. Or else it'll be Eric season.
^^ :lol: Eric season...

Eric: Calleigh! Call the police i've been shot!
Calleigh: But we're the cops.
Eric: Don't you mean CSI's?
Calleigh: To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to...
:lol: Good one.

IAB men approach Crime Lab.
Horatio: *holding sniper*
Eric: *looking through binoculars* Now, H.
Horatio: *shoots*
Stetler falls, IAB men draw guns.
Horatio: DIE, ALL YEH! I hit 'em, Eric!

Ah gosh I suck. :D
^^Actually that was quite funny. :)

Calleigh: Hmmm... which gun should I use today...

On second thought. I actually can see her saying that... ;)
Actually, i can too. Finger tapping the chin, lips stuck out and looking a a massive wall jam-packed with guns...

CalleighL I spy with my little eye...something that is....blue.
Horatio: OOo is it my eyes?
Calleigh: How did you know?
Horatio: *Horatio Caine smile*
Calleigh: Oh my...HORATIO???
Eric: You look so cute...
Horatio: I'm never doing undercover work again! This *was* New York's case, now it's ours too...
Calleigh: Well you do have great legs... Oh here's the NY guy working with you...
Flack: Why did I let Mac talk me into this??? If there are any pictures from this, I want them burned so Messer can't get hold of them
(I just saw DC's drag pic in his thread and this came to mind lol...Flack was a last minute addition though)
Ryan: *stumbles around with his eyes closed* Marco?
Eric: *ducking under desk* Polo.
Ryan: *moving towards desk* Marco?
Eric: *moving towards door* Polo.
Ryan: *hears a noise and dives towards the door* MARCO!
*Eric dodges Ryan, who tackles Horatio to the ground instead. Ryan opens his eyes*
Horatio: *takes off glasses* Polo.
*Ryan runs away screaming*

*Eric and Ryan are in a crowded hallway at the lab*
Eric: *shouting* OH MAN RYAN! DID YOU JUST FART?
*Everyone truns to Ryan, and then plug their noses and disperse*
Ryan: I did not fart.
Eric: Yeah, but it cleared the hallway.

Yeah, I'm tired right now...
lol! you guys are so funny
after eric is discharged from the hospital and back to work...

hortio:eric what are you doing??
eric:i brought you some muffins!
h:muffins?!?!?eric what is wrong with you
eric:i just want you to feel appriacated(sp?) after all, you work like a man who's wife is dead and has nothing better to do in his life.muffin??
h:(to himself) alexx wasn't liying when she said he was different...hey eric toss me a muffin
that was my first try...ick
Horatio: Behold: Excalibur! *puts on his sunglasses*
Calleigh: … You gave a name to your sunglasses?
Horatio: Quiet you.

Ryan: *standing on the hood of the Hummer* I’m king of the world!
*Calleigh walks by*
Ryan: Come on up Calleigh; you can be Rose.
Calleigh: Yea-no.

Cop1: This is bad.
Cop2: Otis is back in town.
Cop1: We need to use the H signal.
*Cop2 nods and turns on a search light. It shines brightly against the night sky, and forms the shape of a pair of sunglasses*

On that note…

Horatio: To the Hummermobile!
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