~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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(Eric walks in to find Horatio laying on the floor wheezing and Ryan laughing (sp?)histaricly)
eric:ryan,what's wrong with h and why are you laughing?
ryan:we're laughing because(weeze)horatio and i(giggle)found a forum that people write quotes(laugh)that you won't here on the show!

*Horatio's shades fall off as he's running*
*Eric steps on them* *crack, smash*
*H collapses* Ahhh! My power!! All gone!! So weak!! Can't...go..on... *dies*

Derrick...Eric's evil twin? lol

H: I am not actually Lt. Caine...That is only my secret identity.
Eric: Then who are you?
H: I am Super H... Everyone and everything obeys my every word. Evil is helpless against my powers. Observe my SuperShadesOfJustice and the SuperHMobile. They are my secret weapons.
(Going Going Gone's rerun inspired that one)

*Ryan and Delko are at a club watching a female impersonator*
Eric: Oh no, it can't be...
Ryan: Ohoboy...but you gotta admit he's hot that way *whistles* Hey boss, nice legs!
H: Now you must die!!! *chases them*
Stetler: Sometimes doing the right ain't doing the right thing.
Horatio: What the hell is that supposed to mean??

Horatio: I LOVE driving!
Ryan: Really? I hate it.
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, that is now way to start off you first day...
Ryan: Nah, it's just that i always get into accidents.
Horatio: One, don't say 'nah'. Two, get out. You come near my hummer, you die.
Speed: You women need to stop shopping.
Calleigh: *sarcastic* Yeah and H should stop wearing his shades. It's not gonna happen.
Horatio: im sick of saving the world maybe i should go back to csi
Calleigh(sidekick): ok... heres your lab coat(hands him lab coat)
Horatio: ummm.... right.... he someones in trouble over there(flys away)
Calleigh: where?

ok sorry im no good at these lmao
You just need a little practice and a good idea. ;)

*Calleigh: *falls from ladder in CSI garage*
*Spider Man swoops in and catches her and sets her on the ground*
SpiderMan: Have a good day madam. *jumps outta there*
[5 minutes later]
Calleigh: *running* Horatio! You won't believe this! I fell from the ladder and Spider Man saved me!
Horatio: *slaps forehead* Gah! I was supposed to meet him for drinks last night!
^ :lol: :lol: Of course! If Horatio's Super-H, then he has to know all the other superheroes around!

*An unidentified person sits on a chair completely covered head to toe with duck tape. Calleigh stands before the person. Ryan walks into the room.*
Ryan: ... Who the heck...? What did you do?
Calleigh: I duck taped Eric.
Ryan: ... Why?
Calleigh: I'm making a list: 1001 Things You Can Do With Duck Tape Around the Lab.
Ryan: If Stetler finds out, you're going to be in trouble.
Calleigh: That won't be a problem, seeing as how I've already discovered that duck tape can easily hold someone to the ceiling.
*falls off chair laighing*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMFG Lora! That was kickass! Good one. Oh boy I still haven't recovered! ROTFL
Calleigh: That won't be a problem, seeing as how I've already discovered that duck tape can easily hold someone to the ceiling.

Or the wall. :D

Thanks Lil. :D

Horatio: I don't know BatMan, i just feel something's missing.
BatMan: Hmm...*gasp* I know!
Horatio: What?
BatMan: A utility belt!
u know how people say robin is gay? heres one no offense to anyone

Robin: good bye batman im leaving u
Batman: ha! and where can u possibly go?
Robin: i heard super H is hiering (horatio hiding)
Batman: if i dei my hair red will u stay?
Robin: nah it wouldnt be the same

ok.... that was totally lame but i was just bored lol it probably doesnt even make sense lol
^^There's this guy at my school who's obsessed with duct tape. It's insane. He uses it for everything. We had to use similar trianges to figure out how tall the wall was (with perspective and physics) and he said, 'why not duct tape all these rulers together and stach them up...' and my teacher was like 'well you do that while everyone else does it the right way. Turns out his way was faster anyways. :lol:

We see The Flash, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Cyborg gathered in Horatio's office. Them and H are deep in discussion.
Calleigh (watching): What's going on?
Ryan (also watching): H said he was having a 'top secret meeting'. Something about possible new CSIs.

:D Not great, sorry.
:lol: Not bad. (I have a song by The Queen called 'Flash!' based on the superhero)

Are you sure that guy isn't Red Green? (If you've heard of the show. There's this guy who uses duct tape for EVERYTHING)

Continueing from above. ^^

Horatio: Well, i believe your all qualified. Except, Cyborg, i don't think you'll connect with the children so well. So work on that. And a final note-
*Calleigh walks in*
Horatio: Calleigh, this is a superhero meeting.
Calleigh: *points down* But i have my super heroine booties on!
Wonder Woman: OH MY GOD where did you get those??
Horatio: *nods* Your in.
^ :lol: My gosh.


Aquaman: So we need to set up a buddy system for the next mission.
Horatio: I call Wonder Woman.
Flash: *edges closer to Calleigh* How bout it sweetie?

Ah, sucky. But it's late. And I'm tired. :lol:
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