~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Ok y'all...I need to say a little something here. I know this is a fun thread and we're happy that y'all are enjoying it, but the posts are almost getting a little spammy. Please put some thought into your quotes and try to make some good quality contributions, just posting something and then saying something like "That sucked" or "That's the best I could do...I'm tired!" isn't going to cut it.

Also the 'continuations' from the quote above is veering into fan fic forum territory. Continuing someone's quote every once in awhile is ok, but it doesn't need to go on and on for serval posts.

Also using things your read in fan fics and the like in your quotes could be confusing for some members who don't read said fan fics, so please bear that in mind when thinking up a quote.

csi_pinoy...I'm not sure if you've read our All About Chatting and Spam thread, but I would like to point something out that is posted in that thread:

Examples of what does constitute spamming: Posting things like, “LOL!!”, “I agree!”, “That’s so funny!” could all be considered spamming as could posting a reply that is essentially nothing but emoticons. These tend to happen most often in threads like the “You Might Watch Too Much Miami When” or the “Quotes You Won’t Hear” threads. So, please try to add more content in your replies in the threads I just mentioned and those like them. If we feel the spamming is getting out of control in those threads, we will lock them.

I've noticed that you've posted several replies like the ones mentioned above. Please add a bit more content to your replies.

Thank you.
ok i'm new to this, but when i thought this up it sounded funny so....
*loud music can be heard from the break room* *Eric hears it and goes to investigate* *He sees Ryan in there dancing along with the music* *he starts to laugh and Calleigh comes over*
Calleigh: What's so funny?
*all Eric can do is point and laugh* *Calleigh joins in the laughter* *They both walk in* Eric: Play that funky music, white boy!! Play that funky music, right!!! *Ryan stops, turns, sees them standing there, blushes, turns off music and runs out*


Calleigh: *pulls out gun* DOn't flirt with me.
Flash: Aquaman made me do it!!
*Calleigh points the gun at Aquaman*
Aquaman: *hands up* Don't shoot me!! I'm sucesstible to a freaking peice of curved wire!!

I'm terrible right now. :lol:
ryan: what are you doin later?
caleigh: nothing
ryan: yeah, well i got two passes to a shooting range.you wanna come?
calliegh: no way man!i might break a nail or something
ryan: (shocked silence)
(eric walks in)
eric: hey what's up? wolfe? what's wrong
ryan: it's just... i never thought...wow
eric: what?
ryan: calliegh's a...well,she's a girl
eric: okaaaaay....(walks quickly away)
H: Hey, gang, I want you to see something. *takes them outside* See? *we see the Hummer with giant shades on the windshield* I am cool, therefor my ride must also be cool. It's the Hmobile!
*Eric and Ryan laugh* H: Do not insult the Hmobile! You will pay for that! *chases them*

Eric: Dances around with bubble wand and bottle of stuff "I'm forever blowing bubbles...pretty bubbles in the air..."

Eric: *is wearing medieval helmet* I have discovered how to never hurt my head again. I will never take this helmet off and my brain will always remain safe.
*Ryan smacks it with stick* *gong sound* Eric: Ow...*cries* my head is not safe! What can I do?
;) Yup. I'ts a fantastic movie isn't it? :D How they'yre shooting the cards with snipers. :lol: Oh! Have you seen the Gag Reel? :lol:

Eric: *picks up box* Why do all the drug addicts have porn?
Ryan: *looks in box* Wow...
Eric: *rolls eyes* :rolleyes: Nice tent.

OMG i'm naughty. :lol:
H: Frank, do you think I'm standing here because I'm pretty?
Frank: *dancing & singing* "H. feels pretty, oh, so pretty..."
H: Thank you, Maria
Eric: Dude, where's my scuba gear?
Speed: Dude, i do not know!
Eric: Dude, seriously.
Speed: Hey. Dude, do you know wheres that evidence H gave us?
Eric: Dude, you think i know?
Speed: *shrugs* I dunno dude.
[Horatio runs in]
Horatio: The whole lab can smell what your doing with the evidence!!
Hunter said:
Eric: Dude, where's my scuba gear?
Speed: Dude, i do not know!
Eric: Dude, seriously.
Speed: Hey. Dude, do you know wheres that evidence H gave us?
Eric: Dude, you think i know?
Speed: *shrugs* I dunno dude.
[Horatio runs in]
Horatio: The whole lab can smell what your doing with the evidence!!

Oh my gosh! LMAO, Dude! :lol:
*H loses control and the Hummer goes into a swamp*

H: Noooo! my beautiful Hummer! My poor baby! help!
Calleigh: Uh, Horatio...could you forget about the car for a minute and help me out?
Horatio: But I love this car!
Calleigh: *snatches shades and tosses them in* that's my answer
H: nooooooo! I will make you suffer for that!

*H runs in crying* Call 911, call 911!
Calleigh: What's wrong?
H *cries* They're broke! *holds out shades*
*the whole team does an eye role*
*later on, H comes back*
H: They have rebuilt them, better, stronger...they are now bionic shades! *puts them on* Ooh Calleigh, nice thong!
Callacrap said:
Calleigh: Hey Eric, I need to talk to you
Eric: Sure, what about?
Calleigh: I think I'm in love!
Eric: O...K... With who?
Calleigh: Alexx!
Eric: Calleigh, are you drunk?
Calleigh: *stumbles* Noooooo! Well, maybe... YEAH!!!
LMAO! I adore this one! :lol:
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