~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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^ :) I actually saw a few kids doing that outside the other day 'cept I'm nowhere near Miami


Ryan: I was attacked by Tinker Bell. She beat me up...
H: Mr. Wolf, that was pathetic. Go show that fairy who's boss.
Ryan: Hell no. I ain't going near that thing again.

I apoliege for the randomness. Peter Pan is on my mind. My mother wants to buy the DVD.
*Ryan sits in the break room as Eric walks past the door*
Ryan: I taw I taw a Eric.
*Eric, overhearing this, steps back and looks at Ryan strangely through the doorway*
Ryan: I did! I did taw a Eric!
Eric: … No more Looney Toons for you.
Ryan: Aww man. But I was going to do Elmer Fud next.

*Eric and Horatio at a crime scene*
Horatio: Eric I need-
Eric: Pineapples!
Horatio: Huh?
Eric: Soft and squishy!
Horatio: …?
Eric: Ohhh, a kitten!
Horatio: Eric… what’s wrong with you?
Eric: Don’t look at me H; the writers made me do it.
That 2nd one was a little....


[Eric and Speed pushing Hummer on dirt road]
Speed: I hate this. I didn't come out here to push the freaking Hummer! I came out to work, and make money so i could buy stuff for MY needs!
Eric: Well if you can't push a Hummer you shouldn't of taken the job of CSI in the first place. It's a skill we have to have.
Speed: I could if you did it for me.
[Eric storms off walking]
Speed: He's so lazy and selfish.

H and Speed driving in Hummer. Hummer breaks down.
Speed: Dammit!
H: What?
Speed: The Hummer's broken down.
H: No it hasn't.
Speed: Wha...
H: I'm Horatio Caine and MY Hummer doesn't break down! You hear, TPTB?

Ah, I'm having RT withdrawl symtoms.

Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, you can go to the scene solo today.
Ryan: *snickers* *covers mouth* *bursts out laughing* Good one H!!
Horatio: Excuse me?
Ryan: Wait....oh....you weren't kidding?

I'm terrible. :lol:
Here goes another;

Stranger: hi, I'm looking for Ryan, i'm her sister.
H: Very nice to meet you, ma'am.
Ryan: Back off! Run, sis, run for your life!
H: Wassup!!!!
Ryan: Watching the game, drinking a bud. Wassup with you.

don't ask ;)

hey, I'm a prime suspect now. :eek: Whatever it is, I didn't do it. Well... maybe I did, but I'm not going to admit it. ;)
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, what did you do with the Hummer?
Ryan: The Super-H Mobile? I didn't touch it. Why?
Horatio: It is missing. Who could have taken it?
Ryan: Probably the prime suspect is Leftyguitar. You know how those message board members are.
^^me: I didn't do it.
Ryan: I don't believe you. I want fingerprints and a DNA sample.
me: You'll have to buy me a drink first.
Ryan: Okay, how about Saturday night? :devil:
Just kidding ;)
of course I wouldn't mind hanging out with Ryan.
*Eric walks past Horatio’s office, and sees his sunglasses sitting on the desk. He scopes out the room*
Eric: … no one here.
*He creeps quietly up to the desk*
Eric: I’ve always wondered how it feels to wear the sunglasses.
*He reaches out. Suddenly, red strobe lights turn on, a siren goes off, and a glass case drops from the ceiling and lands over the glasses. Horatio’s voice booms from a loudspeaker*
*Eric runs out of the room*
CSI Miami nursery.
Litte Eric and little Speed scuffle on the couch.
L. E.: *crying* Timmy! Why did you rip offthe head of my scuba diver figure?
L. S.: You stepped on my Ducati model! I hate you!
Little Stetler: I am a police man and I will arrest you!
Little Calleigh: Stop fighting or i will shoot you with my waterpistol! *pulls out green and yellow coloured waterpistol and attacks the boys*
Little Horatio toddles into the room. "Look what got! Look what mummy gave me!" *shows the gang his new baby-shades*
"With these" *puts them on and his hands on his hips* "I'll become the coolest and toughest CSI ever known."
Little Speed: Right and we're all gonna work for you.
*all others break into laughter*
Little Horatio *stares into the distance*: Time will tell.

.... I don't know, it sounded funnier in my head. but i just like the idea of our little CSIs meeting a long time ago
*He reaches out. Suddenly, red strobe lights turn on, a siren goes off, and a glass case drops from the ceiling and lands over the glasses. Horatio’s voice booms from a loudspeaker*
*Eric runs out of the room*

:lol: That made me laugh. Good one!
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