~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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bird_of_flame said:
*Horatio and Stetler begin to ferociously play the rock 'em sock 'em robot game, Horatio with the red on and Stetler on the blue.
Stetler: Horatio, I've just got one question for you?
Horatio: And what... would that be, sir?
Stetler: Where did you find small sunglasses for your robot?
this is my first try. it's short and I don't think it's too funny but I think it is a quote we'll never hear him saying ....

Eric: H, where are you going?
Horatio: On vacation.
:lol: That's actually pretty good! My first tries were pathetic! Welcome to Miami lelaina!! :D

Wolfe: I feel so useless! Can i do anything useful for you H?
Horatio: *nods* Sure thing. Pass me that spoon.
Wolfe: Oh goody! *grabs spoon, passes it to Horatio*
Horatio: *stirs coffee with it*
Ryan: *runs into the room screaming* Oh my god! It’s the end of the world! Run for your lives!
Calleigh: Ryan calm down! What happened?
Ryan: Horatio’s working!
Eric: … yeah, it’s called a job.
Ryan: No, you don’t get it! He’s working… IN THE LAB.
Eric and Calleigh: …
Calleigh: Everyone run!
Eric: The world’s going to explode!
*all three run out screaming*

*Horatio’s cell phone rings. He answers it*
Horatio: Caine.
Voice: Can you hear me now?
Horatio: … uhh--
Voice: Goooood. *hangs up*
Horatio: … What the heck was that?

And that’s my brain dump for the morning.
Ryan: *runs into the room screaming* Oh my god! It’s the end of the world! Run for your lives!
Calleigh: Ryan calm down! What happened?
Ryan: Horatio’s working!
Eric: … yeah, it’s called a job.
Ryan: No, you don’t get it! He’s working… IN THE LAB.
Eric and Calleigh: …
Calleigh: Everyone run!
Eric: The world’s going to explode!
*all three run out screaming*

:lol: That go me laughing! :lol:

Horatio: *puts on labcoat* *bursts into flame*
[5 minutes later]
Horatio: Eric, you are NOT going to believe what just happened to me...

Not sure if you guys will get it, but some of you will. ;) The good ol' labcoat days. *sigh*
Oh how I miss his labcoat days. Those need to come back, like right now.

*Eric, Calleigh and Ryan sit in the breakroom*
Ryan: *finger hovering in front of Eric's face* I'm not touching you...
Eric: ...
Ryan: I'm not touching you...
Eric: ...
Ryan: I'm not-
Calleigh: *sigh* This is what happens when no one gets murdered in Miami.
*Horatio is driving the hummer while Eric and Ryan are in the back seat*
Eric and Ryan: "Are we there yet?"
H: "No."
E and R: "Are we there yet?"
H: "No."
E and R: "Are we there yet?"
H: "Don't make me turn this hummer around!"
*suspect shifting in chair as Eric and Horatio leave the interrigation room*

H: You wanna know something Eric
Eric: Yeah H?
H: I really like that guy
Oh man, these are way too funny; it can’t be legal :lol:.

*The hallways in the lab have just been waxed. It is deserted. Suddenly, Ryan slides down the hall on his stomach*
Ryan: WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*He disappears down the hall. Seconds later, a large thud his heard*
Ryan: *voice floating down the hall* … Ow…

*Ryan walks into the breakroom*
Ryan: Hey guys, guess what? I just got a Wii.
*Calleigh snorts in her drink. Eric looks up from the TV*
Calleigh: You just got a what?
Eric: What do you mean by ‘just got’?
Ryan: I just got a Wii. I’m going to play some games with it right now. Later. *Ryan leaves*
Calleigh: …he better not be talking about his--
Eric: God, I hope not!

The gamer in me had to make that joke :D.

And just because my brother and I constantly make this joke every time we watch this episode.

*During the scene in “MIA/NYC Nonstop”, when Speed is walking behind the house. “Massive Attack” by Teardrop plays in the background. All of a sudden, behind Speed, Dr. House and his entourage walk by like in the opening credits and disappear in the distance. Speed looks over his shoulder*
Speed: *eyebrow rises* What the heck?

You’ll only get that if you watch House ;).
Hunter said:
Eric: Where's Tripp? He was supposed to be with me during the interiagation. (sp, i know)
Alexx: Eric honey... he got his hand stuck in the printer.
Eric: Oh God no! Where is he now?
Alexx: I.C.U.
Eric: ...I see you too Alexx....
Alexx: What?
Eric: I said, I see you too Alexx. Now where's Franky?
Alex: I.C.U like I said.
Eric: Really, Alex this is no time to play games.
Alexx: *louder* I.C.U.
Eric: ....And they let you perform autopsies.
[Alexx grabs Eric by the shirt coller]
Alex: *slowly* Intensive Care Unit, you moron.
*walks off*
Eric: ....Oooohhh....
Oh my f***ing God that is sooooooo RT Delko! *nudges Lora* Go post that in RT, that was soooooo funny! :D

H: Speed, you should drive the Hummer more often
S: What?
H: I said, *takes off shades* you should drive the Hummer more often *puts on shades*
S: Am I being Punk'd?
(No one gets Punk'd anymore, do they?)
Ha ha ha, Punk'd :lol:.

Horatio: Eric, I need you at a crime scene.
Eric: Verily, I with swiftest grace go to thoust “crime scene”.
Horatio: …
Eric: Dost thou think me mad? Dost thou not trow thy judgement?
Horatio: …
Eric: Thou art gird me, and make me gnarl. I hest thee: begone, oh urchin!
Horatio: … *backs out of room slowly**mumbles* Calleigh was right when she said he was different.
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