~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Ryan in a sing song voice: "I know who the killer is and yo--ou don't."
Eric raises an eyebrow: "Would you mind telling us who is the killer?"
Ryan: "Erm...No.. I'm going to go get a tan. Have fun working that case."

:D Sorry. Those two remind me of ten year old brothers.
Horatio: I have... solved the case. And the murderer is...... going to be revealed after these messages from our sponsers.
bird_of_flame said:
*The hallways in the lab have just been waxed. It is deserted. Suddenly, Ryan slides down the hall on his stomach*
Ryan: WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*He disappears down the hall. Seconds later, a large thud his heard*
Ryan: *voice floating down the hall* … Ow…

*Eric and Ryan are in tighty whities,white button down shirts, big black thick glasses and socks. Going in opposite directions they run down the waxed floor and dance to the same song that Tom Cruise dances to in Risky Business. *

I really want to see that...
*Horatio and Speed walking into a cubicle thats a crime scene*
Horatio: You know the precedure...
Speed: Bag it and tag it. Got it. *snaps gloves on*
Horatio: *picks up world map with a quarter of it ripped off* Whoa, whatdya think happened?
Speed: ...Someone playing Risk and getting pissed off...?
Calleigh: Hey Eric, I need to talk to you
Eric: Sure, what about?
Calleigh: I think I'm in love!
Eric: O...K... With who?
Calleigh: Alexx!
Eric: Calleigh, are you drunk?
Calleigh: *stumbles* Noooooo! Well, maybe... YEAH!!!
...Umm....RT? :lol:

Stetler: Horatio...I am YOUR FATHER.
Horatio: *snorts* Your... *laughs* kidding right? *uncontrollable laughter*
Stetler: Whats going on?
Horatio: Yeesh Ricky...he's dead....*laughs*

God that was bad...
^ Well I liked the 'Ricky' bit. Oh boy.

Stetler: Hey, Horatio, I need to talk to you.
Horatio (flirtatiously): What is it, Ricky?
Stetler:...um...are you...okay?
Horatio: *moves up to Stetler* What do you *puckers lips* mean?
Stetler: 0_o

:lol: nevermind, sorry if I offended anyone.
Yeah, you offended me...*shudders* Didn't you yourself? :lol:

Calleigh: What are you doing??
Speed: My dear lady, i can't wait to find out.

Seriously, i'm sucking it right now. :lol:
(Eric has fallen asleep on couch in the break room)
Ryan: (laughing quietly) bet this last time he messes with me. :devil:
Eric: What's so funny?
Calligh walks in.
Cal: Eric, one of your eyebrows are missing.
Ryan runs away :lol:
Eric: WTF?! :mad:
Marns, please refrain from posting only smilies as it can be seen as spam. ;) Remember to add a little more content to your posts. Thanks! :)
:lol:^^ That gives me an idea...

Ryan: Oh my god guys! It's snowing! Snowball fight!
*scoops up some snow into a ball and throws it. It hits Horatio square in the face. Horatio wipes the snow off*
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe *takes off sunglasses* Prepare to die.

Ohh, and wait, I have another...

*Horatio and Eric at a crime scene*
Horatio: Ok Eric, I need you to run the tire treads and fast; this could be our only shot at saving the hostage.
Eric: *playing gameboy* In a minute H; boss fight.
:lol: Both those are good! :lol:

Ryan: *whips snowball*
Eric: *swings bat, breaking the snowball*
Ryan: ...we should of thought this through.
Horatio: *packs a grenade into a snowball, pulls pin* Make sure you send this one far... *pitches it*
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