~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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LOL...Love that one and the hair one.

*H walks into the scene*
Delko: Oh my...
Calleigh: Your hair
H: Yeah it got in the way in this Florida heat. Don't you think bald looks good on me?

Horatio: I'm sick of this hummer! I'm trading it in for a minivan! Or maybe a station wagon...
or better yet

H: How do you like it? I call it the "flame"
Calleigh: I'm just not sure if a mohawk is really you,Horatio...
*Horatio walks into the break room.*
Horatio: Good morning Calleigh.
Calleigh: ... Horatio? What did you do to your hair?
Horatio: Oh, this? Well I decided to go for a new look: Beach Blonde!
Calleigh:... *thud*

Thanks alot, i'm gonna be having nightmares now.
H: How do you like it? I call it the "flame"
Calleigh: I'm just not sure if a mohawk is really you,Horatio...

I just got a really scary visual including a spiked collar and bondage chain pants...goth Horatio *shudder*
OK NOW, let's just let Horatio's hair go...

Calleigh: She looks like the victim took a pretty heavy beating.
[Horatio opens his mouth and reaches for his shades but credits and music come on]
Eric- Hey H!
Horatio- Hey E!
Calleigh- What?
Ryan- What, what C?
Calleigh- What the hell?
Alexx- Take a chill pill C!
Ryan- Right on A! * slaps high five*
Calleigh- o_0
Eric- We all wanted to feel special like H.
Calleigh- Riiiiight....* walks away*
Eric: Where's Tripp? He was supposed to be with me during the interiagation. (sp, i know)
Alexx: Eric honey... he got his hand stuck in the printer.
Eric: Oh God no! Where is he now?
Alexx: I.C.U.
Eric: ...I see you too Alexx....
Alexx: What?
Eric: I said, I see you too Alexx. Now where's Franky?
Alex: I.C.U like I said.
Eric: Really, Alex this is no time to play games.
Alexx: *louder* I.C.U.
Eric: ....And they let you perform autopsies.
[Alexx grabs Eric by the shirt coller]
Alex: *slowly* Intensive Care Unit, you moron.
*walks off*
Eric: ....Oooohhh....
Hunter said:
Alex: *slowly* Intensive Care Unit, you moron.
*walks off*
Eric: ....Oooohhh....
Oh ah GAWD!! XD :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Okay...let me try once again.

H: *walking around w/ shades all cool-like*
H: *trips and falls on his face*
h: *gets back up with fuzzy hair and acts like it never happened*
Team: o_O :lol:

Yeah...it's been a LOONNGG week...^_~
ilh214 said:
H: How do you like it? I call it the "flame"
Calleigh: I'm just not sure if a mohawk is really you,Horatio...

I just got a really scary visual including a spiked collar and bondage chain pants...goth Horatio *shudder*

LOLOL I hope I didn't just wake anyone up laughing...that is scary, never thought of that when I posted it for some reason.
MacsGirlMel said:
ilh214 said:
H: How do you like it? I call it the "flame"
Calleigh: I'm just not sure if a mohawk is really you,Horatio...

I just got a really scary visual including a spiked collar and bondage chain pants...goth Horatio *shudder*

LOLOL I hope I didn't just wake anyone up laughing...that is scary, never thought of that when I posted it for some reason.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

that's just not right! (even if I can see that in my head with my twisted imagination)

Ryan: Eric, you are a wonderful person and the best friend I've ever had!
Eric: What are you smoking... and can I have some?
*Eirc and Frank at a crime scene*
Frank: There's another pool of blood over here.
Eric: Let me take a look at-- OH MY GOD!!! A SPIDER!!!
*Eric hops up into Franks arms*
Frank: o_0 ... uhh...
Eric: ... ahem *climbs down* ... sorry.
Frank: That never happened.

*Ryan stands at the edge of a field looking into the distance*
Eric: *walking forward* Is that Horatio?
Ryan: Uh-huh.
Eric: What is he doing with the Hummer?
Ryan: By the looks of it... doughnuts.
H: Ok, number 1.
Wolfe: ....I'm....sorry?
H: *nods* Ok, number 2.
Wolfe: *sigh* You. Were. Right.
H: Good good. Last one Mr Wolfe.
Wolfe: Okay. Those pants...don't make you look fat.
H: Great! Those are it! The 3 things woman need to hear!
Hunter said:
H: Ok, number 1.
Wolfe: ....I'm....sorry?
H: *nods* Ok, number 2.
Wolfe: *sigh* You. Were. Right.
H: Good good. Last one Mr Wolfe.
Wolfe: Okay. Those pants...don't make you look fat.
H: Great! Those are it! The 3 things woman need to hear!

LOL :lol: That is too funny and soooo true. I love it.
Horatio: Rick, this comes to an end. Now.
Stetler: I've been waiting for this moment.
Horatio: Bring it!
*Horatio and Stetler begin to ferociously play the rock 'em sock 'em robot game, Horatio with the red on and Stetler on the blue. They mash at the controls; the head on the blue robot pops off. Horatio jumps up and raises his arms in a victory stance*
Horatio: Ha! Who da man? I’m da man!
Stetler: *groan*
The part i got was Horatio was the red robot. :lol: ;) Good one!

Calleigh: What is that awful noise??
Speed: A good way to talk about my singing!
Calleigh: No not that awful noise, the one coming from the new machine!

Speed: How do you know?
Eric: I don't know, i'm guessing.

*Calleigh trying to shoot down all the bad guys, one gets away and runs off*
Calleigh: He's lucky, i spared him.
Speed: You mean missed him.
Calleigh: *points gun at Speed* Take that back!

Wolfe: I'm your new CSI.
Horatio: Oh no...

Horatio: I thought you took Forensic Science 221!
Wolfe: I didn't say i passed.

All i got. :)
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